:初中英语疑难例析300例 (68---84)

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初中英语疑难例析300例 (68---84)

日积月累 68remember 等动词后接不定式或动名词含义不同





   She didn't remember ____ him before





Ahaving met       Bhave met





Cto meet          Dto having met










1Do you remember ____ me at a party last year





Ameet  Bto meet  Cmeeting  Dmet





2—The light in the office is still on





—OhI forgot____





Aturning it off         Bturn it Off





Cto turn it off         Dhaving turned it off





3—You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting





—Wellnow I regret ____ that





Ato do              Bto be doing





Cto having done     Dhaving done





4—I regret ____ that I can't help you





—That's all right





Asay   Bto say    Csaying   Dsaid










I regret telling you about it yesterday










答案:1C 2C 3D 4B






69stop 等动词后接不定式或动名词含义不同





    He was very tired so he stopped ____ a rest





Ahave    Bto have   Chaving    Dto having





此题应选B。在动词 stop(停止),go on(继续)等之后,接不定式或动词的-ing 形式都可以,但含义有差别:stop 之后若接不定式,表示停止正在做的事情而去做另外一件事(即去做不定式表示的动作);若接动词的-ing 形式,则只表示停止正在做的事情(即停止-ing 动词所表示的动作);go on 之后若接不定式,表示的是做完一件事情后,接着做另外一件事(即做不定式所表示的动作);若接动词的-ing 形式,则表示继续做正在做的事(即继续做- ing 动词表示的动作)。如:





1He reached the top of the hill and stopped ____ on a big rock by the side of the path





Ato have rested              Bresting





Cto rest                      Drest





2They stopped____but there was no more sound





Alisten                  Blistening





Cto listen                Dto have listened





3When he saw ushe stopped____got up and shook hands with us





Ato read     Breading     Cread      Dto be reading





4You can't go on ____ all night without a rest





Ato work           Bworking





Cwork             Dto have worked





5Goon ____ theother exercisesafteryou have finished this one





Ato do             Bdoing





Cwith              Dto be doing





答案:1C 2C 3B 4B 5A







70mean 等动词接不定式或动名词含义不同





  He meant ____ the early busand that meant ____up before five  o'clock





Ato catchto get      Bcatchinggetting





Cto catchgetting     Dcatchingto get





此题应选C。在动词meantrycan't help 等之后接不定式或动名词,动词本身含义有变化。试比较并体会:





amean + to do sth 打算做某事        mean + doing sth 意味着





btry + to do sth 设法做某事      try + doing sth 做某事试一试(看有什么效果)





ccan't help + to do sth 不能帮助做某事    can't help + doing sth 禁不住做某事










1OhsorryI didn't mean ____ your feelings





Ahurt    Bto hurt   Churting    Dto hurting





2This illness will mean ____ to hospital





Ago   Bto go    Cgoing    Dto going





3I couldn't help ____ when I heard the joke





Alaugh    Bto laugh   Claughing    Dlaughed





4Don't take the medicineIt can't help ____ rid of your cold





Aget    Bto get    Cgetting    Dgot





5—I usually go there by train





—Why not ____ by boat for a change





Ato try going       Btrying to go





Cto try and go      Dtry going





答案:1B 2C 3C 4B 5D

71need 等动词后接不定式或动名词均可,但语态不同



  The library needs____but it'll have to wait until Sunday





Acleaning         Bbe cleaned





Cclean            Dbeing cleaned





此题应选A。表示需要的动词needwantrequire 等,其后可接动名词(用主动式表示被动含义)或不定式(用被动式表示被动含义):










aThe old man needs looking after





bThe old man needs to be looked after










aYour hair wants cutting





bYour hair wants to be cut










aThe house requires painting





bThe house requires to be painted















正:The film is worth seeing twice





误:The film is worth to be seen twice





误:The film is worth being seen twice










正:The book is difficult to understand





误:The book is difficult to be understood

72.介词but 后的动词带不带to 主要看前面 有没有do



     He did nothing but ____ a letter





Awrite              Bto write





Cwriting            Dto have written





此题应选A。一般说来,介词后接动词通常应是动名词。但是介词butexcept 也一样)却比较特殊,其后接动词时,可以接不定式,并且这个不定式可以带to 也可以不带to










She will do anything but play chess.她除了下棋外什么都愿干。





He did nothing all day except watch TV.他一整天除了看电视什么也没做。





2.当其前的谓语没有某种形式的实义动词do 时,其后的不定式通常要带to





They had no choice but to obey.他们别无选择只有服从。





He wanted nothing but to stay here










3.当其前含有实义动词do 但不是用作谓语时,其后的不定式带不带to 均可,但以不带to 为多见:





There's nothing to do buttoleave.只好离开。





There was nothing to do buttowait.除了等没有其它的办法。





4.在cannothelpbut 后习惯上接不带to 的不定式:





I cannothelpbut admire his courage.我不得不佩服他的勇气。





73“have + 宾语+动词结构详解





     It was coldHe had the fire ____ all night





Aburn               Bto Burn





Cburning            Dto Burning





此题应选C。有关have 的以下几个结构须注意:





1have +宾语+动词原形,表示叫某人做某事,是使役动词;有时用于否定句,表示不能让





多与won't 连用:





I'll have her post the letter.我要叫她去寄信。





I won't have you tell me what to do.我不能让你对我做的事指手划脚。





2have +宾语+现在分词。表示使某人或某物一直处于做某事的状态当中;有时用于否定句,





表示不允许,一般与won't can't 连用:





He had the light burning all night.他让灯亮了一整夜。





I won't have you smoking at your age.我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。





3have +宾语+过去分词。主要用法有:










We had the machine repaired.我们请人修了机器。










I had my watch stolen.我的表被人偷去了。










I've had all my mistakes corrected










4)表示拒绝或不允许发生某事(多与won't 连用):





We won't have anything said against the Party






74.你会用“make +宾语+过去分词





    My spoken English is poorI can't make myself ____





Aunderstand        Bto understant





Cunderstanding      Dunderstood





此题应选D。容易误选A,认为句中的make 是使役动词,其后的宾语补足语用动词原形。但是从句意上看myself 与动词understand 具有被动关系(动宾关系),所以用过去分词。如:





He shouted aloud so that he could make his voice heard










You must make yourself respected.你必须要让别人尊重你。





We should make our views known.我们应该要使我们的观点让别人知道。





比较以下“make +宾语+动词原形的用法:





What made you think so?是什么使你这样想的呢?





He made us stay to tea.他留我们吃茶点。





You may take a horse to the waterbut you can't make him drink





你可以把马牵到水边,但你不能让它喝水(捆绑不成夫妻)。但是,不要将以上使役用法与以下各句(make 表示制造)相混淆:





He made some candles to give light.他做了些蜡烛来照明。





He made a large box to put his books in.他做了个大箱子来装书。










  The salesman scolded the girl caught ____ and let her off





Ato have stolen         Bto be stealing





Cto steal               Dstealing





此题应选D。句中的 caught stealing 是过去分词短语用作定语,修饰其前的名词 the girl,可看作是定语从句 who was caught stealing的省略形式(注意这是一个被动语态句子),其中使用的动词结构是





catch sb doing sth(抓住某人或碰上某人在做某事)。又如:





He caught me smoking a cigarette.他抓住我抽烟。





The farmer caught the boy stealing his apples















1find sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事:





We found the girl crying under the tree










2see/hear/watch/observe sb doing sth










He heard the girl singing in the next room















I saw her enter the shop.我看见她进了商店(指全过程)。





I saw her entering the shop











     The patient was warned ____ oily food after the operation





Ato eat not          Beating not





Cnot to eat          Dnot eating





此题应选C。主要考察在非谓语动词的否定式中,否定词的位置。一般说来,非谓语动词的否定式只能在非谓词动词之前加否定词;若非谓语动词包括几个词(如是完成式、被动式等),则只能在非谓语动词的第一个词前加否定词;so as toin order to 等结构的否定式,not只能放在不定式符号to 之前。 如:





1She pretended ____ me when I passed by





Anot to see       Bnot seeing





Cto not see       Dhaving not seen





2Tom kept quiet about the accident ____ lose his job





Aso not as to       Bso as not to





Cso as to not       Dnot so as to





3Mrs Smith warned her daughter ____ after drinking





Anever to drive          Bto never drive





Cnever driving          Dnever drive





4 ____ a replyhe decided to write again





ANot receiving            BReceiving not





CNot having received      DHaving not received





答案:1A 2B 3A 4C










      ____ many timesbut the boys still couldn't under- stand it





AHaving told         BThough he had been told





CHe was told        DHaving been told










1 ____ ask the teacher if you have any questions





ADoing     BDo     CTo Do      DDone





2 ____ hard and you'll pass the college entrance examinations





AStudy    BStudying    CTo study    DStudied





3 ____ down the radio——the baby's asleep in the next room





ATurning   BTurn    CTurned    DTo turn





4On Saturday afternoonMrs Green went to the market





________ some fruit and visited  her cousin





Abought    Bbuying    Cto Buy     Dbuy





5She set out soon after dark ____ home an hour later





Aarriving             Bto arrive





Chaving arrived       Dand arrived





答案:1B 2A 3B 4A 5D






78succeed 后可接不定式或动名词吗

    He succeeded ____ the job





Ato get    Bgetting   Cin getting    Dof getting





此题应选C。表示做某事成功,succeed 后既不能接不定式也不能接动名词,而应接indoing)。如:





We succeeded in performing the task.我们成功地完成了任务。





I didn't succeed in my first lecture.我第一次演讲没有成功。





He succeeded in winningthe first prize










类似地,以下动词在通常情况下,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词。若意义上要接动词,要用介词+ 动名词





insist on 坚持 persist in 坚持,继续 dream of 梦想 concentrate on 专心于










正:He insisted on going with us





误:He insisted going with us





误:He insisted to go with us










正:He dreamed of becoming a scientist





误:He dreamed becoming a scientist





误:He dreamed to become a scientist










正:He concentrated on studying the plan





误:He concentrated studying the plan





误:He concentrated to study the plan










     ____ the roada car knocked him down





ACrossing                 BCrossed





CWhen he was crossing      DTo cross





此题应选C。其余均可能被误选。分析如下:选项B 不对,因为它是过去分词,其后不应有宾语。选项AD 不对,因为该非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致——构成悬垂分词。一般说来,作状语用的非谓语动词的逻辑主语应与句子主语保持一致,否则便是错句。比较:










误:To pass the examevery minute was spent in studying





正:To pass the examhe spent every minute in studying










误:Reading the letter a second timethe meaning became  clearer





正:Being read a second timethe letter became clearer in  meaning










误:Barking madlyI led the dog out





正:Barking madlythe dog was let out










Judging from[by]what he saidhe was a cheat






80.可说Yesofcourseyou could





   —Could I use your dictionary





—Yesof course you ____





Acan    Bcould     Cmight     Dmust





此题应选A。不要受问句could 的影响而选B。用情态动词(cancouldmaymight)表示许可,注意以下几点:















ACan[CouldMayMight]I use your phone










BYesof course you can[may].(正)





BYesof course you could[might].(误)















He said that I might[could]borrow his car










4.在过去时态中,could 可用来表示一般性的允许,但不能表示特定的允许:





When I was at homeI could watch TV whenever I wanted to










I was allowed to go there yesterday
















81.你知道was able to could 的区别吗




     The fire spread through the hotel quickly but everyone ____get out




Ahad to    Bwould    Ccould     Dwas able to




此题应选 D。容易误选 Ccould)。这里主要涉及 could was able to 的用法和区别:








He could[was able to]run very fast when he was a boy








2.表示过去特定的能力(即某人在某一具体场合做某事的能力,往往暗示经过努力才具备的能力),通常用 waswereable to,也可用managed to do sth succeeded in doing sth,但是不能用could








正:He worked very hard and was able to[managed to]pass his examination




误:He worked very hard and could pass his his examination.正因为此原因,所以上面一题的答案用 was able to get out 而不用 could get out,因为此题谈及的是一种特定场合的具体能力。但值得注意的是,以上用法只适合于肯定句,若在否定句中,则可用 couldn't 代替 wasn't[weren't]able to




He worked hard but wasn't able to[couldn't]pass the exam





82.表推测的can/could 有何区别




    —Do you believe what he says




—Yesit ____ be true




Acan    Bcould    Cneed    Dhas to




此题应选B。该题容易误选A。下面谈谈cancould 表示推测的有关用法:








He is in poor healthHe can be ill at any time








Even experts can make mistakes.即使是专家也可能会出差错。




My mother could be very unpleasant at times








2.表示现实可能性,这包含两个方面的含义:一是指将来可能性,一是指现在的可能性,在这两种用法中,通常都不用can,但可用 could(可以指现在,相当于 may/might):








正:We could[maymight]go to Japan this summer




误:We can go to Japan this summer








正:You could[maymight]be rightbut I don't think you are




误:You can be rightbut I don't think you are




有时也用can 来表示现在的可能性,但那通常只限于否定句或疑问




句中:It can't be true.那不可能是真的。




What can he possibly want?他可能会想要什么呢?



83.你会用“cancould +have +过去分词




    I can't find him anywherehe ____ home




Acan go         Bcan have gone




Ccould go       Dcould have gone




此题应选D。首先,can 一般不用于肯定的推测用法中,从而排除AB;另一方面,从句意上看,这应该是对过去发生动作的推测,所以只能用D




can[could] +have +pp 的用法要注意:




1can +have +pp 主要用于否定句或疑问句:




He can't have said so.他不可能这样说过。




Where can he have gone?他会上哪儿去了呢?




2could +have +pp 主要用于:












He could have forgotten that.他可能把那事忘了。




Where could he have gone on such a night












You could have given her some help.你本来可以给她些帮助的。








You could have come here a little earlier.你本来应该来早点的。








I could have died laughing.我差点儿笑死了。





84.你会用“maymight +have +过去分词




     You are late againYou ____ earlier




Amay come           Bmay have come




Cmight come          Dmight have come




此题应选D。首先,从句意上看,此句谈论的应该是过去的事,所以只能用情态动词 +动词完成式这样的结构,从而排除AC;另一方面,may +have +pp 通常只表示推测而不表示责备,而 might +have  +pp则既可以表推测也可以表责备,而此句的语境刚好是一种责备的语气(你又迟到了,你本来可以来早的),所以只能选D




1.对现在或将来的推测用“may +动词原形;对过去的推测则用




“may +have +pp”(主要用于肯定或否定句):




It may rain tomorrow.明天可能下雨。




He may have said so.他也许这样说过。




They may not have known it before.他们以前可能不知道此事。




2.若是推测正在进行的动作也可用 may +be +doing




He may be waiting for us.他也许在等我们。




表示推测的may 一般都可以用might 代之(以上各例中表推测的may均可换为might,只是语气不那么肯定。但是以下两种情况通常要用might,而不用may








You might have helped her.你本来可以帮她的!








Might this be true?这可能是真的吗?




Might he have been waiting long?他可能已等了很久吗?