艺考美术能报什么大学:Lex专栏:突尼斯变天的启示 Tunisia’s surprise

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 04:03:24
2011年01月21日 07:15 AM

Lex专栏:突尼斯变天的启示Tunisia’s surprise

英国《金融时报》 Lex专栏
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In retrospect, the ongoing revolt in Tunisia seems almost inevitable. There were so many reasons for anti-government street action: high youth unemployment (31 per cent), a corrupt ruling family (the president’s wife was widely known as “shopper-in-chief”), and extreme political repression (the World Bank says only Syria is harsher in the region). But hindsight is different from foresight.

事后来看,突尼斯正在上演的起义似乎是不可避免的。突尼斯人有太多理由走上街头反对政府:高企的年轻人失业率(达31%),腐败的执政家族(总统夫人“购物总司令”之名可谓远近皆知),以及极端的政治压制(世界银行(World Bank)称,在该地区,只有叙利亚的政治压制力度比突尼斯大)。但是,后见之明毕竟不同于先见之明。

Equity investors did not expect anything untoward. The Tunis stock market index rose 19 per cent in 2010, its eighth straight positive year. Last April, S&P hailed the “gradual pace” of political liberalisation. A triple-B (investment grade) rating reflected a system that “has yielded political and social stability”. In September, the World Bank wrote of “remarkable progress on equitable growth, fighting poverty and achieving good social indicators”.


The general failure to predict the Tunisian political tsunami could spring from inattention. The country is very small, lacking commodity wealth, and with a gross domestic product of only $40bn (about the same as Brussels). More likely, though, the experts missed the imminent collapse in Tunis for the same reason that similar upheavals, such as in Tehran and Moscow, came as a surprise: radical political change is unpredictable. Unpopular governments can stay in power for years despite good reasons to fall. They can also change and become more popular – or suddenly fail.


Investors have responded to Tunisia’s sudden change of course by widening credit spreads throughout the region. Their concern is more plausible than the optimism of experts predicting a Middle Eastern democratic flowering. There is another lesson, applicable to rich and developing countries: governments can live for years with weaknesses that can suddenly become fatal flaws. Buyers of the sovereign debt of fiscally irresponsible countries might ponder that one.

