
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 05:38:23
*CONFREEDEM; Confederation for Freedom and Democracy [Philippines]; 自由和民主联合会
*CONGAC; Confederation des ONG d'Environnement et de Developpement de;l'Afrique Centrale [Cameroon]; 中部非洲环境与发展非政府组织联合会
*CONGACI;Collectif des Organisations Non-Gouvernmentales Actives en Cote;d'Ivoire; 科特迪瓦活跃非政府组织联合会
*CONGAD; Conseil des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales d'Appui au;Developpement [Senegal]; 支援发展非政府组织理事会
*CONGO; Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative;Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council; 在联合国经济及社会理事会具有咨商地位的非政府组织会议; (非政府组织会议)
*CONICIT;Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas;[Venezuela]; 全国科学技术研究委员会
*CONIVE; Consejo Nacional Indigena de Venezuela; 委内瑞拉全国土著居民理事会
*Conjack;(container jacks; Stephen Conjack: container shifting and carrying;equipment); Conjack 型集装箱起重运输机
*Conoco; Continental Oil Company [USA]; 大陆石油公司
*CONTEC; National Committee for Technology Transfer of Guatemala; 危地马拉国家技术转让委员会
*CONTRALESA; Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa; 南非传统领导人大会
*COP; conference of the parties;缔约方会议; COP 1: the first session of the conference of the parties; 缔约方会议第一届会议(第一届缔约方会议)
*COP; Conference of the Parties to the Convention;[United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change]; 公约缔约方会议[有些参与会议的单位是国际组织]
*COPA;Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the EEC; Comite des Organisations Professionnelles Agricoles de la CEE; 欧洲经济共同体农业组织委员会
*COPA;cross-organizational programme analyses (COPAs); 跨组织方案分析
*COPAC; Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Co-operatives;[FAO; New Name]; 推广和促进合作社委员会(合作社委员会); Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives [FAO; Old Name]; 促进援助合作社委员会(合作社委员会)
*COPIT; Comitato di Parlamentari per la Innovazione Tecnologica; Parliamentary Committee for Technological Innovations [Italy]; 技术革新议会委员会
*COPLAMAR General Co-ordinating Office for the National Plan for Depressed;Areas and Marginal Group [Mexico]; Coordinacion General del Plan Nacional de Zonas Deprimidas y;Grupos Marginados; 萧条地区和贫困人群国家计划总协调办公室
*COPPTEC;Co-operative Pharmaceuticals Production and Technology Centre; 药品生产和技术合作中心
*COPSSEC;Committee on Port and Ship Safety, Environment and Construction;[IAPH]; 港口与船舶安全、环境和建造委员会
*COPUOS; Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space; 和平利用外层空间委员会
*COR; Christian Outreach; 伸张基督精神协会
*cor; coram [Latin]; 在(某人)面前
*CORDIPLAN; Central Office of Co-ordination and Planning; 协调和规划中央办事处
*CORDES; Comite d'Organisation des Recherches Appliquees sur le ; Developpement Economique et Social [France]; 经济社会发展研究组织委员会
*CORE; Common Register of Development Activities; 发展活动共同登记处; CORE/1; 共同登记第一阶段
*CORE; Congress of Racial Equality; 种族平等大会
*COREPER; Permanent Representative Committee [EC]; Comite des Represantants Permanents; 常驻代表委员会
*CORINAIR; Atmospheric Emissions Inventory for 1990; 1990年大气排放物清单
*CORINE; Commission Work Programme concerning an Experimental Project for; Gathering, Co-ordinating and Ensuring the Consistency of; Information on the State of the Environment and Natural; Resources in the Community; Co-ordination of Information on the Environment in Europe; 欧洲经济共同体委员会关于共同体内环境和自然资源状况资料的; 收集、协调和确保一致问题试验项目的工作方案; 欧洲环境资料协调方案(环境资料协调方案)
*Corp; corporation; 公司
*CORPI; Regional Co-ordination for the Indigenous Peoples of Central America; Coordinadora Regional de Pueblo Indigenas de la Centroamerica; 中美洲土著民族区域协调会
*COSA; China Ocean Shipping Agency; 中国外轮代理总公司
*COSAS; Congress of South African Students [South Africa]; 南非学生大会
*COSATU; Congress of South African Trade Unions [South Africa]; 南非工会大会
*COSC;China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO); 中国远洋运输总公司
*COSCO; China Ocean Shipping Company (COSC); 中国远洋运输总公司
*COSENA; Consejo de Seguridad Nacional [Chile]; National Security Council; 国家安全委员会
*COSPAR; Committee on Space Research; 空间研究委员会(空间研委会)
*COSRA; Council of Stock Market Regulatory Authorities of the Americas; 美洲证券市场管理机构理事会(美洲证管理事会)
*COST;Committee on Science and Technology; 科学和技术委员会
*COST;European Co-operation in the Field Scientific and Technical;Research; 欧洲科学技术研究合作计划
*COSTED; Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries; 发展中国家科学技术委员会(发展中国家科技委员会)
*COTAC; Committee on Transportation and Communications [ASEAN]; 运输和通讯委员会
*COTAL; Latin American Confederation of Tourist Organizations; Confederacion de Organizaciones Turisticas de la America Latina; 拉丁美洲旅游组织联合会(旅游联合会)
*COTIF; Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (TIF);[E/1989/96, para.119; UNTS Vol.1 1396 I-23353]; 国际铁路运输公约
*COTM;Code of Organization of the Military Courts [Uruguay]; Codigo de Organizacion de los Tribunales Militares; 军事法庭组织章程
*CoV; coefficient of variation; 变差系数(变差)
*COWAC; Continent West Africa Conference [Shipping]; 欧洲大陆西非航运公会
*COWAR; Scientific Committee on Water Research; 水问题研究科学委员会(水研究科委会)
*CP; Penal Code; Codigo Penal; 刑法
*C/P; charter party (c/p); 租船合同;voyage C/P; 航次租船合同
*C/P; custom of port; 港口惯例
*CPA; Caracas Programme of Action; 加拉加斯行动纲领
*CPA; certified public accountant; 执照会计师;检定会计师
*CPA; Comprehensive Plan of Action [refugees]; 综合行动计划; Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indo-Chinese Refugees [refugees]; 印度支那难民综合行动计划(综合行动计划); Consolidated Plan of Action [UNHCR]; 综合行动计划
*CPA; Permanent Court of Arbitration; Cour Permanente d'Arbitrage; 常设仲裁法庭
*CPAF;Cambodian People's Armed Forces; 柬埔寨人民武装部队 [洪森派]
*CPAMT; Pan-American Standards Commission (PASC); Comision Panamericana de Normas Tecnicas; 泛美技术标准委员会(技术标准委员会)
*CPAS;Corporate Planning and Accountability Service [UNEP]; 公司规划和责任处
*CPB; Commidity Price Bulletin [UNCTAD Monthly]; 商品价格月报
*CPB; Communist Party of Burma; 缅甸**党
*CPC; cellular pallet-wide container; 组格式货盘宽度集装箱
*CPC; Central Product Classification; 产品集中分类法
*CPC; Christian Peace Conference; 基督教和平会议
*CPC; United Nations Committee for Programme and Co-ordination [UNDP]; 联合国方案和协调委员会(方案协调会)
*CPCC;Committee for the Protection and Care of Children [Viet Nam]; 保护和抚育儿童问题委员会
*CPCCI; Permanent Conference of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the;EEC; Conference Permanente des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie de;la CEE [now: EUROCHAMBERS]; 欧洲经济共同体工商会常设会议
*CPCM;Maghreb Permanent Consultative Committee (MPCC); Comite Permanent Consultatif du Maghreb; 马格里布常设协商委员会
*CPCr;Code of Criminal Procedure [Argentina]; Codigo de Procedimientos en lo Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*CPD; Comprehensive Programme of Disarmament; 综合裁军方案
*cpd; charterer pay dues [Shipping]; 承租人负担税捐
*CPDIA; Permanent Conference on Internally Displaced Persons [Colombia]; 国内流离失所者问题常设会议
*CPDS;Convergence for Social Democracy [a party of Equatorial Guinea]; Convergencia para la Democracia Social; 社会民主团结党
*CPE; centrally planned economies; 中央计划经济;CPE Countries; 中央计划经济国家
*CPHERI; Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute;[Nagpur, India]; 中央公共卫生工程研究所
*CPHO; clothing, personal effects, household furnishings and other personal ; property related losses; 衣物、个人用品、家庭陈设用品和其他与个人财产有关的损失; [赔偿问题]
*CPI; Commercial Proprietary Informations; 商业所有权资料; confidential proprietary informations; 涉及所有权的机密资料
*CPI; consumer price index; 消费物价指数
*CPK; Communist Party of Kampuchea; 柬埔寨**党
*CPL; consumption possibility line; 消费可能性曲线
*CPM; critical path methode [Planning]; 关键工序线路法
*CPM; Military Penal Code [Uruguay]; Codigo Penal Militar; 军法;军事刑法
*CPM; Standing Committee of Doctors of the EEC; Comite Permanent des Medecins de la CEE; 欧经共同体医生常设委员会
*CPMP;Country Programme Management Plan; 国别计划管理规划
*CPO; (Ordinary) Penal Code [Uruguay]; Codigo Penal (Ordinario); (普通)刑法
*CPP; Cambodian People's Party; 柬埔寨人民党[洪森派]
*CPP; Code of Penal Procedure; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal [Chile]; Codigo de Procedimientos Penales [Peru]; 刑事诉讼法
*CPP; Communist Party of Philippines; 菲律宾**党
*CPP; Croatian People's Party; Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (HNS); 克罗地亚人民党
*CPPDF; Code of Penal Procedure for the Federal District [Mexico]; Codigo de Procedimientos Penales para el Distrito Federal; 联邦地区刑事诉讼法
*CPPI;Consultative Panel on Public Information; 新闻事务协商小组
*CPPM;Code of Military Penal Procedure [Uruguay]; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal Militar; 军事刑事诉讼法
*CPPS;Permanent Commission for the South Pacific; Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur; 南太平洋常设委员会
*CPR; Croatian Party of Rights; Hrvatska Stranka Prava (HSP); 克罗地亚正义党
*CPS; Central American Payments System; 中美洲支付体制
*CPS; Combined Pricing System [Copper]; 联合定价制度
*CPS; country prospective study; 国别展望研究
*CPS; cycle per second; 赫兹;每秒周数;周/秒
*CPSP;JCGP Common Premises and Services Project (JCGP/CPSP); 政策问题联合协商小组共同房舍和服务项目;(政策协商组共同房舍和服务项目)
*CPU; central processing unit [Computer]; 中央处理机
*CPUSTAL;Congreso Permanente de Unidad Sindical de los Trabajadores de;Americana Latina; 拉丁美洲工人工会团结常设代表大会
*CPY; Communist Party of Yugoslavia; 南斯拉夫**党
*CR; Country Representative; (国际机构)驻国家代表;SAA/CR; Senior Agricultural Advisor/Country Representative;高级农业顾问/驻国家代表
*cr; current rate; 现行费率
*CRA; Charles River Associates, Inc.; 查尔斯•里弗顾问公司
*CRC; Cambodian Red Cross; 柬埔寨红十字会
*CRC; Contracts Review Committee; 合同审查委员会
*CRC; Convention on the Rights of the Child [A/RES/44/25]; 儿童权利公约; Committee on the Rights of the Child; 儿童权利委员会
*CRDI;International Development Research Centre (IDRC) [Canada]; Centre de Recherches pour le Developpement International; 国际发展研究中心
*CRE; Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors;of the European Universities; Conference Permanente des Recteurs, des Presidents et;Vice-Chanceliers des Universites Europeennes; 欧洲大学校长和副校长常设会议
*CRED; Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters; 灾害流行病研究中心
*CRES; Regional Centre for Solar Energy; 区域太阳能中心
*CREST; Centre d'Etude des Relations entre Technologies et Strategies [France]; 技术与战略关系研究中心
*CREST; Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology [USA]; 可再生能源和可持续技术中心
*CREST; Scientific and Technical Research Committee [EC]; Comite pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique; 科学技术研究委员会
*CRG; Croix-Rouge Guineenne; 几内亚红十字会
*CRI; Children' Rights International; 儿童权利国际运动
*CRIA;Council on Religion and International Affairs; 宗教和国际事务理事会
*CRIAA; Collective of Research and Information on Southern Africa; 南部非洲问题研究资料联合会
*CRIC;Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca [Colombia]; 考卡区域土著委员会
*CRID;Centre de Recherche et d'Information pour le Development; 发展研究与资料中心
*CRIEPI; Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry [Japan]; 电力工业中心研究所
*CRONOS; 宏观经济时间数列数据库[欧洲共同体]
*CRP; conference room paper; 会议室文件
*CRPF;Central Reserve Police Force [India]; 中央后备警察
*CRS; Catholic Relief Service; 天主教救济会; CRS-USCC; CRS - United States Catholic Conference; 天主教救济会—美国天主教会议
*CRS; Customer Reservation System [Airlines]; 顾客订位系统
*CRSS;Communications and Records Services Section; 通信和记录事务科
*CRT; cathode ray tube; 阴极射线管;显象管;CRT terminal;阴极射线管终端;显象管终端
*CRTD; Convention on Civil Liability for Damage Caused during Carriage of; Dangerous Goods by Road, Rail and Inland Navigation Vessels; [UN-ECE; Geneva, 20 October 1989]; 关于因公路、铁路和内河航行船舶运输危险货物造成损害的民事; 责任公约
*CRU; Commodity Research Unit; 商品研究组[铜出口国政府联合委员会下的单位]
*CS; Commonwealth Secretariat; 英联邦秘书处
*CS; Conference Services [UNOG]; 会议事务处
*C$; cordoba [Monetary Unit of Nicaragua]; 科多巴
*CSA; Caribbean Shipping Association; 加勒比航运协会
*CSA; Civil Service Association; 公务员协会
*CSATA; Centre for Scientific and Technological Applications; 科学和技术应用中心
*CSB; corn soy blend; 玉米黄豆混合物
*CSBM;confidence and security-building measures (CSBMs); 建立信任与安全措施; Negotiations on Confidence and Security Building Measures in;Europe; 欧洲建立信任与安全措施谈判
*CSC; common service costs; 共同事务费
*CSC; common staff costs; 一般人事费
*CSC; International Convention for Safe Container [formal name];; International Convention for Safe Transport of Containers;(CSC 1972) [2 Dec. 1972]; 国际集装箱安全公约(国际集装箱安全运输公约)
*CSCE;Centre Senegalais du Commerce Exterieur; 塞内加尔对外贸易中心
*CSCE;Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe; Conference Europeenne de Securite et Cooperation (CESC); 欧洲安全和合作会议(欧安会)
*CSCE;New York Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange [USA]; 纽约咖啡、糖及可可交易所
*CS/CFTC;Commonwealth Secretariat/Commonwealth Fund for Technical;Co-operation; 英联邦秘书处/英联邦技术合作基金
*CSD; United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD); 联合国可持续发展委员会
*CSD; Conference Services Division [UNOG]; 会议事务司
*CSDHA; United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian;Affairs (SDH; UNCSDHA) [DIESA; UNOV]; 联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心(社会发展和人道主义中心); [国际经济和社会事务部]
*CSERGE; Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment; 全球环境的社会与经济问题研究中心
*CSF; Community support framework [EC]; 共同体支持框架;共同体支持措施
*CSF; Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie sans Fil [France]; 无线电报总公司
*CSHRS; China Society for Human Rights Studies; 中国人权研究
*CSI; Christian Solidarity International; 基督教团结国际
*CSIR;Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India; 印度科学与工业研究理事会
*CSIRO; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization;[Australia]; 联邦科学与工业研究组织
*CSK; Co-operative Study of Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions [UNESCO]; 黑潮及邻近区域合作研究
*CSLP;Croatian Social-Liberal Party; Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka (HSLS); 克罗地亚社会自由党
*CSM; climate system monitoring; 气候系统监测
*CSOP;Commission to Study the Organization of Peace; 和平组织问题研究委员会(和平组织问题研委会)
*CSR; Congress for the Second Republic [Malawi]; 第二共和国大会
*CSRS;Civil Service Retirement System [USA]; 公务员退休制度
*CSTD; United Nations Centre for Science and Technology for Development; (UNCSTD) [UN Secretariat]; [now: Science and Technology Branch]; 联合国科学和技术促进发展中心(科技促发中心); United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for; Development; 联合国科学和技术促进发展委员会(科技促委会)
*CSTP;Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [OECD]; 科学与技术政策委员会
*CSU; Christlich-Soziale Union [Germany]; 基督教社会联盟
*CTA; chief, technical adviser [UNDP]; 技术总顾问
*CTB; comprehensive test ban; 全面禁试[核武器]
*CTB/L; combined transport bill of lading (COMBIBILL); 联合运输提单(联运提单)
*CTBT; Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty; 全面禁止核试验条约; Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization; 全面禁止核试验条约组织
*CTC; Confederation of Copper Workers [Chile]; Confederacion de Trabajadores del Cobre; 铜矿工人联合会
*CTC; Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC);   反恐怖主义委员会(反恐委员会);  [UN Journal 2002/193]
*CTC; crushing, tearing and curling [Tea]; (茶叶)压碾、切碎和卷曲
*CTC; United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations; (CTNC; UNCTC); 联合国跨国公司中心(跨国公司中心); CTC Reporter; 跨国公司中心通讯
*CTC; CTC Methode [Tea]; crushed, torn and curled methode; 压碾、撕碎、卷曲法
*CTD; combined transport document (COMBIDOC); 联合运输提单(联运提单)
*ctd; contained; 含量
CTE; Committee on Trade and Environment [WTO]; 贸易与环境委员会;tungsten trioxide ctd MTU; 三氧化钨公吨度含量
*CTHA;China Tourist Hotel Association; 中国旅游饭店协会
*CTI; Container Transport International; 国际集装箱运输公司
*CTK; Ceska Tiskova Kancelar [news agency]; 捷克新闻社
*CTL; constructive total loss (ctl); 推定全损
*ctlo;constructive total loss only; 仅承保推定全损
*CTNC; United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (CTC; UNCTC); 联合国跨国公司中心(跨国公司中心)
*CTO; combined transport operators (CTOs); 联运经营人[集装箱]
*CTS; China Travel Service; 中国旅行社(中旅)
*Cub $; Cuban peso [Monetary Unit of Cuba]; 古巴比索
*CUC; Computer Users' Committee; 计算机使用者委员会
*CUFTA; Canada-United States Free Trade Area; 加拿大--美国自由贸易区(加美自由贸易区)
*cur adv vult; curia advisari vult (CAV) [Latin]; 延期判决
*CUSA;Council of Unions of South Africa; 南非工人工会理事会
*CUSA;Customs Union of Southern Africa; 南部非洲关税联盟
*CUSG;Trade Unions Confederation of Guatemala; 危地马拉工会联合会
*CUT; Central Unica de Trabajadores [Chile]; Sole Federation of Workers; 工人统一工会
*CUT; Confederation of Colombian Workers; Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia; 哥伦比亚工人联合会
*CUTMA; Colombian Council of Maritime and Air Transport Users; Consejo Colombiano de Usuarios del Transporte Maritimo y Aereo; 海空运输使用者委员会
*CUTS; Consumer Unity and Trust Society [India]; 消费者团结与信任协会
*CVD; countervailing duty [GATT]; 反倾销税;反补贴税(反倾税)
*CVI; Children's Vaccine Iniative;[WHO/World Bank/UNDP/UNICEF/Rockeffer Foundation]; 儿童接种计划
*CVN; Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers; and Luggage by Inland Waterway [Geneva, 6 February 1976]; 国际内河客货运输合同公约(内河客货运公约)
*CVR; Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers; and Luggage by Road [Geneva, 1 March 1973]; 国际公路客货运输合同公约(公路客货运公约)
*CWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production,;Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their;Destruction (Chemical Weapons Convention); 关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约;(化学武器公约)
*CWOID; Council for World Organizations Interested in the Handicapped; 关心残疾人问题的世界组织协会
*CWP; Co-ordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics; 大西洋渔业统计协调工作组
*CWS; Church World Service; 教会世界服务社
*CWT; Container Warehousing ant Transportation Limited; 集装箱落栈与运输有限公司
*cwt; hundredweight; 英担(一英担等于50.8公斤)
*CXT; Common External Tariff (CET) [EC]; 共同对外关税;共同对外税则
*CY; container yard (or container yard stack); 集装箱堆场;CY to CFS; 场到站;CY to CY;场到场;CY to door; 场到门
*CYTS;China Youth Travel Service; 中国青年旅行社(青旅)