范冰冰母亲年龄:China strives to cultivate prominent engineers on campus

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China strives to cultivate prominent engineers on campus

15:37, February 21, 2011      

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China is making vigorous efforts to cultivate a large number of innovative and high-quality engineering and technical personnel in universities and colleges by 2020 to adapt to the need of economic and social development, according to a paper from the Ministry of Education recently.

According to the paper, the Ministry of Education set the prominent engineer development plan for the next decade in campus to promote engineering education reform and innovation, improve the quality of engineering education and training, which is favorable for China to build up an advanced engineering education system at a higher level with Chinese characteristics.

It was reported the plan will include related majors in traditional industries and strategic emerging industries for undergraduate students, master degree candidates and doctoral candidates to bring up a variety of talented engineers, including field engineers, design and development engineers and research engineers.

The Ministry of Education will announce a candidate list for the plan annually.

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