
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 05:39:22


Editor's Note:


The US "return to Asia" and its continuing military pullout from the Middle East has caused worries that a new era of conflict between the US and China is coming. Can the US tolerate the emergence of another possible superpower? Is the "China model" replacing the US one? Global Times reporter Wang Wen (Wang) talked to John Hamre (Hamre), former US deputy secretary of defense and president and CEO of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, on these issues.


Wang: Some Chinese are concerned that after Bin Laden's death, the US will shift its strategic focus to China. Is this a legitimate worry?


Hamre: I think most Americans think that a prosperous China which brings hundreds of millions of people out of poverty is a good thing. But I do think we are probably going to have more tense relations with China over the next 10 years, not because we are trying to fight the rise of China, but because China has become so much more dynamic and complex than ever before.


Relations could become more tense, but it's not something anybody wants. I do think there is a feeling in China that China had a freer political opportunity because the US was occupied in Afghanistan and Iraq. 


But I think those scholars make a mistake because they think the US is fighting China's modernization. We are not. I think many Americans are impressed by China's modernization and want to be a part of it.


Wang: Can there be only one top economy?


Hamre: I have a somewhat different view. There had been three truly international political systems in human history. The first one started around 1648. It was the rise of the European empires, which competed for power and control over the rest of the world. This first international system was based in Europe, and both the US and China were on its edge. It was about economic mercantilist power, and the mode of operation of that international system was the balance of power-shifting alliances and patterns of loyalty. The rest of the world was caught in it. That international system lasted from 1648 to 1945. 


World War II ended it because it broke the back of the European empire system. This caused power to shift away from Europe. What emerged after World War II was a new international system – sometimes called the "Cold War" era. This was a standoff between the West, the US, versus the international communist world, centered around the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union tried to keep China as a part of their camp. China broke free in the early 1960s, but this international system was very much structured between these two camps. That system ended in 1989 when the Soviet Union collapsed.


We are now in a new third international system, which emerged after 1990. This third system has one single global superpower, the US, but a series of regional superpowers. 


In South America it's Brazil. In South Asia it's India. In West Asia it's Iran. In Europe it's the European Union. In Africa, maybe it is South Africa or Nigeria. In East Asia there are two regional superpowers – Japan and China. This system is going to be with us for maybe for another 20 years. 


Wang: What do you think about the "China model?"


Hamre: There are many Americans who look at what China can do and we are envious. China is moving so quickly. But China does that because it doesn't worry about the individual rights of citizens. 


I also think it's almost inevitable China is going to have to reconsider its current approach, because you are going to start experiencing substantial disappointment. 


For example, China spent almost $300 billion on high speed rail, but is now having problems with it. When a government with very few checks and balances decides to do something, it can make some brilliant decisions and do it well. But it also can make enormous mistakes.


You have an environment where growth is so important that there hasn't been enough attention to safety of food and products. I think your population is going to naturally push for more checks and balances in the system. That's going to come. And that's going to moderate the nature of your political economy. 


I actually think China is on the edge of making a big mistake, which is to believe government bureaucrats can decide innovation. When China really started to modernize, it's when the government bureaucrats let go. It permitted individual entrepreneurs to do their own thing. That's when China grew so dramatically. 


I don't see a fundamental underlying philosophical alternative that China is proposing. You are proposing a more efficient political decision-making. I wish we had more efficient domestic political decision-making, but I also think your efficient decision-making process lets you make big mistakes more easily. But I am optimistic. I think China will find a good balance. 


Will it be an US style democracy? 


No. But I do think China will become more pluralistic, with greater transparency and a rule of law. I don't think this path is hostile or contradictory to where we are, or where we want to be. I just don't believe that. We could make some mistakes. We could read into your actual motives that cause us to make bad decisions and so could you. So we could mismanage this. But I think the underlying dynamic inside China is not hostile to our interest, and a rising and peaceful China is not at all contradictory to the US being a global superpower. 


Wang: What are your predictions on the international order in 2020? 


Hamre: Not much is going to change between now and then. 


China's GDP will be much larger. The US will be out of the recession. It will take us another four to five years. Our fundamental power will not be much different. I look at the fundamentals of a nation's power as the size of the population, vitality of its economy and health of its intellectual vibrancy. We spend more than any other country on research and development, our population has strong coherence of our national identity, our citizens widely believe our system is fair and provides opportunity. Our civil society is remarkably strong and vibrant, it is breathtaking. 


So the fundamentals of the US are still going to be very strong. I don't think US is in decline. I do think China is rising. 


In some people's mind that the rise of China is a threat, but it's not in mine, because there are enough logical changes that will take place inside China that will make China's rise compatible with the international system.


There are some concerns I have about China, I think China still over- promotes a popular image that China has been a victim throughout history, and that it's being victimized now. Certainly China was victimized 100 years ago and maybe 50 years ago. But for the last 35 years, the US has been trying to help China grow. We have encouraged our companies to invest in China, and encouraged Americans to go there. 


No doubt there was a time when China was victimized, when the Western powers chopped up China, humiliated the government, exploited the people and behaved almost criminally in forcing their way into the opium market. That's a scandalous ugly history. 


There's no question that China was a victim. But that was in the past. Yet too many people in China continue to use that kind of rhetoric as a defining narrative for today, and I think that needs to change. But on balance, I'm very optimistic about our future, China's future and our relations with each other.
