金山云微盘:China's top legislator urges better implement...of contract law

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China's top legislator urges better implementation of contract law

08:27, July 06, 2011      

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Top legislator Wu Bangguo on Tuesday urged enterprises to better uphold the Labor Contract Law to settle irregularities in labor-intensive small- and medium-sized and private companies.

Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), made the call in a written instruction, asking the inspection teams of the top legislature to check whether the law was being carried out.

Wu said the move aims to resolve problems in implementation of the law and impel enterprises to fully carry out the law.

Hua Jianmin, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, said at a conference in Beijing that the campaign will focus on checking the contract rate of migrant workers in labor-intensive small- and medium-sized enterprises and private ones in the sectors of construction, manufacturing, mining and catering.

The two-month campaign, starting from July and covering 16 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, will also promote the labor contract system and collective negotiation system, Hua said.

Source: Xinhua
http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2011-07/06/nw.D110000renmrb_20110706_4-01.htm Related Reading
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