
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 04:12:36


http://www.sina.com.cn2009年11月16日 11:59   新浪教育


  And while parents' dating advice may seem about as welcomed byteens as the swine flu, the research suggests the opposite--that youngpeople not only value parental input, but tend to have healthierrelationships when they receive parental advice。


  Long dismissed by researchers as trivial and fleeting, teen romanceis emerging as a powerful factor in kids' development--one in whichparents have a major role to play, new studies show. The romantic tieskids form between middle school and college are important markers ofprogress toward adulthood; their choice of partners as early as middleschool actually shapes their development to a surprising degree。


  The studies serve as bedrock for parents in an era of dizzyingchanges in youthful romance. Many adults see little that is familiar intoday's teen dating relationships, which may seem to live and dieentirely on Facebook, or through texting, sexting or--to parents'dismay--casual "hookups", or brief sexual liaisons。


  "It is an area where parents aren't quite sure what to do," saysStephanie Madsen, an associate professor of psychology at Mc DanielCollege, Westminster, Md. Now, emerging research "can offer some solidinformation on what is helpful, and what's not."


  Young people whose parents make themselves available to talk withthem or give advice about dating tend to have warmer, closer, morepositive romantic relationships, with less fighting and tension, revealsa study by Dr. Madsen and others of 225 young adults ages 22 to 29. Ifparents don't offer help, however, and keep out of offsprings' lovelives altogether, that is linked in their offspring to poorer-qualityrelationships, including less affection and support and more conflict。


  Young people like it best when parents take a consulting orcoaching role, listening--and offering advice only when asked, Dr.Madsen says。


  Even when parents think a relationship is unhealthy, it is best toavoid handing down judgments or giving orders; young people may regardthat as encroaching on their independence. Rather than saying, "you haveto break up with this person," try reflecting on "what you're seeingthat seems unhealthy, or that worries you," Dr. Madsen says。


  Starting healthy new dating relationships also serves as a signalof kids' overall readiness to launch from the parental nest. Youngpeople whose romantic relationships are nurturing and close also tend tohave reached more milestones of adult development, including a strongersense of personal identity and an ability to care for other familymembers, says a study of 710 people ages 18 to 26 led by Carolyn M.Barry, an associate professor of psychology at Loyola UniversityMaryland。


  Finally, in a finding termed "striking" by researchers, romanticrelationships as early as middle school seem to have a formativeinfluence on teens' social and emotional health. In a study of 78middle-school students published last year in Child Development,researchers rated teens and their boyfriends or girlfriends ondepressive symptoms, and on peer reports of popularity, aggression,fighting and victimization via bullying or teasing; 11 months later,they rated the teens and their partners again。


  Teens who had more problems at the first rating, but who pickedhealthier boyfriends or girlfriends, became mentally and sociallyhealthier themselves by the second rating. However, low-functioningteens who picked partners who also had a lot of problems tended to staystuck. The findings, says the study by Valerie Simon, an assistantprofessor of clinical psychology at Wayne State University, Detroit, andothers, suggest 'romantic partners are unique and significant'influences in kids' lives。
