铠甲勇士捕王演员表:模块9 Unit 3 语法讲练

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 11:21:04
单  元:Unit 3 The meaning of color
板  块:语法(同位语)
Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.
We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.
2.其后常用同位语从句的名词主要是抽象名词,如:belief, doubt, fact, hope, idea, news, possibility, thought, message, problem, promise, 等等。
3.同位语从句的引导词常用that, wh-, how等。
The question why he was late is not answered.
There is still doubt whether our class can win the match
Here comes the problem how Li Daiyu got to Toronto
I have no idea who the person is.
The secret when he stole the money is found out by the police.
1.有些名词后(suggestion、advice、proposal、demand、require、insist 、 request、command、order 等)同位语从句中,谓语动词应该用虚拟语气: “should+动词原形”。
Here is the professor’s suggestion that he (should) have a good rest.
His advice that we (should) walk on foot was nonsense.
The decision whether there is much homework today has not made yet.
2.定语从句是修饰前面的先行词;that在句中充当主语或宾语,有实际意义, 充当宾语时可以省略。
The suggestion that we discuss the problem all over again is a good one.(同位语从句)
The suggestion (that) he gave at the meeting was a good one.(定语从句)
二、  语法拓展训练
(一)   单项填空
1. He grabbed his suitcase and gave the impression ___he was boarding the Tokyo plane.
A.  When              B. where                   C. that                D. what
2. He can’t answer the question ____he got the money.
A. that                   B. why                      C. how                D. whether
3. She gave us the suggestion ____we _____the scientific instrument in a better way.
A. that; made         B. whether; should    C. that; make       D. why; made
4. We heard the news ____she set a new world record in swimming
A. what                    B. whether                   C. how                 D that
5. He made a promise ____he would help me.
A. what                 B. when                    C. that                D which
6. I have no idea ___Xiao Wang didn’t go to see the film.
A. where               B. when                    C. why                D that
7. Word came _______ the PLA man approached the child slowly and helped him to safety.
A. since                          B. so that             C. that                 D. when
8. She had no idea ______ Cork Street was, except _______ it was near Bond Street.
A. what, what                 B. that, that          C. where, what     D. where, that
9. You have no idea _______ I was at the news.
A. that worried               B. how worrying  C. whether worried  D. how worried
10. One of the man held the view ______ the manager in charge of the company said was right.
A. that what                    B. what that                C. that                 D. what
11. I have no idea _______ the book is ______ to your English study.
A. whether, of much value                           B. if, of great value
C. that, so valuable                                      D. how, very valuable
12. They told the policeman the fact ________ they had nothing to do with the murder.
A. that                           B. which              C. why                       D. how
13. All agreed to his suggestion ________ a bridge across the river _______.
A. as, would be built       B. which, should be built
C. that, be built               D. so that, built
14. He made a suggestion ________ we should consider the plan more carefully.
A. if                                     B. what                C. which              D. that
15.I have no idea ______ they have kept in touch with each other by writing letters.
A. what                          B. how long                C. why                D. when
16. The news _______ to Mount Tai during the summer holidays delighted us.
A. we would go              B. which we would go
C. that we would go        D. would we go
17. He made a suggestion that the child ________ a second language.
A. would be taught          B. be taught                C. should teach     D. ought to be taught
18. I have no idea _______.
A. whose is this bike        B. whose bike is this
C. whose this bike is        D. who’s the bike
19. The thought ______ the thief must be hidden in the deep mountains proved to be right.
A. whether                     B. if                    C. that                 D. that why
20. The manager asked me the question_________ I would like to be his secretary.
A. if                                     B. that                 C. whether           D. how
21. We all know the truth ________ knowledge is power.
A. as                              B. which              C. if                   D. that
22. His suggestion _________ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.
A. that we go                  B. which we should go
C. that we would go        D. when we should go
23. One of the man held the view _______ the book said was right.
A. that what                    B. what that                C. that                 D. all which
24. You have no idea _________ for her safety.
A. how anxious I have been                          B. so anxious I have been
C. how I have been anxious                          D. I have been so anxious
25. The view ______ no one is able to fool all the people all the time _____ reasonable.
A. that, are                     B. which, is          C. that, is             D. which, are
26. David kept his promise _______ he would do everything he could ____ of mother’s pleasure.
A. which, to make sure    B. that, ,make sure
C. that, do to make sure  D. in which, make sure
27. They thought my suggestion practical ________ more attention to our spoken English.
A. we should pay            B. that we paid     C. we pay            D. that we pay
28. It’s no longer a question now ________ men can land on the moon.
A. whether                     B. if                    C. that                 D. /
29. They have a doubt________ the old man can make of such kind of material.
A. what                          B. if                    C. whether           D. how
30. We all know the truth _______ there is air, water and sunlight, there are living things.
A. that                           B. that wherever  C. where              D. in wherever
(二) 选词填空
When  where  why  who  what  which  how  that  whether  whatever
1. Several years later, word came            Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.
2. He must answer the question             he agrees to it or not.
3. I have asked the question           it was true just now.
4. I have no idea         he will be back.
5. It is a question          he did it in such a short period.
6. We still have the doubt _________ he acquired the knowledge of astronomy.
7. The problem is hard for us to settle, ________will be sent to attend the conference to be held next month.
8. For the time being, we only care about one thing ________ you can bring us in the next English class.
9. Everyone there holds the faith _________ they may face, they will overcome any difficulty to finish it bravely.
10. The baby asked his mother a question which is difficult to answer, _________ child did she like best among her five children.
1. Have you heard the news the Chinese athletes won 165 gold medals at the 15th Asian Games?
2. No one can deny the fact which he has made great achievement in his work.
3. We have not settled the question if it is necessary for him to study abroad.
4. Word came how he won the battle at last.
5. The national flag of the USA, the “Stars and stripes” symbolize revolution.
6. One of the men held the view that the book said was true.
7. Magellan’s men’s return from the voyage proved the truth the earth is round
8. There is no doubt whether he will come here again.
9. He was tortured by the doubt that he would accept their presents.
10. They mainly discussed the suggestion that a big dam would be built there.
4. The thought worries the mother very much. Her girl may lose her way in the streets.
5. A new idea occurred to her. She might go there alone the next day.
1. They have no idea at all _____. (MET’87)
A. where he was gone                     B. where did he go
C. which place he has gone             D. where has he gone
2. Do you have any idea ___is actually going on in the classroom?  (2005 辽宁)
A. that            B. what              C. as                         D. which
3. ___is no possibility ___Bob can win the first prize in the match. (Shanghai 2001)
A. There; that   B. It; that             C. There; whether        D. It; whether
4. Information has been put forward ____more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.  (Shanghai 2000)
A. while         B. that                C. when                    D. as
5. ―It’s thirty years since we last met
―But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _______ we got lost on a rainy night. (2006 四川)
A. which           B. that                  C. what                       D. when (B)
6. Along with the letter was his promise_______ he would visit me this coming Christmas.( 2005上海卷)
A. which           B. that                  C. what                D. whether
7. There is much chance ____ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. (2006天津卷)
A. that                     B. which               C until                  D of which
8. Danby left word with my secretary ____ he would call again in the afternoon. (2005浙江卷)
A. who             B. that                  C. as                    D. which
9. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt_______ a cure for AIDS will be found. (2005广东卷)
A. which           B. that                  C. what                D whether
10. I hate ______ when people talk with their mouths full.(1998)
A. it                 B. that                 C. these               D. then
11. There is a feeling in me _______ we will never know what a UFO is – not ever. (2002上海)
A. that             B. which              C. of which          D. what
12. We are just trying to reach a point ________ both sides will sit down together and talk.
A. where         B. that                C. when               D. which
13. A story goes ______ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.( 2004上海)
A. when           B. where              C. what                D. that
14. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea _______ the party is to be held?
A. what            B. which              C. that                 D. where
15. A warm thought suddenly came to me ________ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.(2008皖南八校模拟)
A. if                       B. when               C. that                 D. which.
(一)        单项填空
1-5 CCCDC           6-10 CCDDA  11-15 AACDB
16-20 CBCCC  21-25DAAAC  26-30 CDCAB
(二) 选词填空
1. that           2. whether     3. why          4. when               5. how
6. where       7. who          8. what                9. whatever          10. which
1. news^ that                            2. which-that         3. if-whether               4. how-that
5. symbolize-symbolizes                  6. that ^ what       7. truth ^ that
8. whether-that                        9. that-whether     10. would-should
(四) 合并句子或中译英
1. The news that we have been invited to the conference is exciting.
2. The story goes that Tomas did killed the king with a sward.
3. The news that she finished the task successfully inspired everyone.
4. The thought that her girl may lose her way in the street worries the mother very much.
5. A new that she might go there alone the next day occurred to her.
1-5 CBABB  6-10 BABBA  11-15 ABDDC