
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:25:57


http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月26日 17:51   新浪英语


  BEIJING — A bias in favor of male offspring has left China with 32million more boys under the age of 20 than girls, creating "an imminentgeneration of excess men," a study released Friday said。

  北京– 周五发表的研究报告指出,中国对男孩的传统偏爱让20岁以下的男孩比女孩多出了3200万,创造了男性过多的下一代。

  For the next 20 years, China will have increasingly more men thanwomen of reproductive age, according to the paper, which was publishedonline by the British Medical Journal. "Nothing can be done now toprevent this," the researchers said。


  Chinese government planners have long known that the urge ofcouples to have sons was skewing the gender balance of the population.But the study, by two Chinese university professors and a Londonresearcher, provides some of the first hard data on the extent of thedisparity and the factors contributing to it。


  In 2005 , they found, births of boys in China exceeded births ofgirls by more than 1.1 million. There were 120 boys born for every 100girls。


  This disparity seems to surpass that of any other country, theysaid--a finding, they wrote, that was perhaps unsurprising in light ofChina's one-child policy。


  They attributed the imbalance almost entirely to couples' decisions to abort female fetuses。


  The trend toward more male than female children intensifiedsteadily after 1986, they said, as ultrasound tests and abortion becamemore available. "Sex-selective abortion accounts for almost all theexcess males," the paper said。


  The researchers, who analyzed data from a 2005 census, said thedisparity was widest among children ages 1 to 4, a sign that thegreatest imbalances among the adult population lie ahead. They alsofound more distortion in provinces that allow rural couples a secondchild if the first is a girl, or in cases of hardship。


  Those couples were determined to ensure they had at least one son,the researchers noted. Among children born second, there were 143 boysfor 100 girls, the data showed。


  The Chinese government is openly concerned "about the consequencesof large numbers of excess men for social stability and security," theresearchers said。


  But "although some imaginative and extreme solutions have beensuggested," they wrote, China will have too many men for a generation tocome。


  They said enforcing the ban against sex-selective abortions could normalize the sex ratio in the future。


  The study was conducted by Wei Xingzhu, a Zhejiang NormalUniversity professor; Li Lu, a ZhejiangUniversity professor; and ThereseHesketh, a University College London lecturer。

  上述研究是由浙江师范大学教授Wei Xingzhu,浙江大学教授Li Lu和伦敦大学讲师Therese Hesketh共同完成的。