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The son of an agricultural mechanic in the North Caucasus, Mikhail Gorbachev wasn't exactly tapped for greatness at birth. Eighty years later, though, he stands out as one of the giants of 20th-century history for his role in engineering the end of the Cold War. Elected as the youngest full member of the Politburo in 1980, he took over the Communist Party's top office in 1985 and proceeded to introduce the first steps of liberalization to the world's most powerful communist country, through his programs of glasnost and perestroika. Meanwhile, he built strong relationships with Western leaders such as U.S. President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Although his reign ended in 1991 with the demise of the Soviet Union, he has remained active in public life as a politician, commentator, and celebrity. 

Here, Gorbachev looks up on an official visit to London in 1984. 



The above photo from the early 1980s shows portraits of Gorbachev and Afghanistan's third communist leader, Babrak Karmal, posted on a wall in Kabul. The text reads "Strong be the unshakable Afghan-Soviet friendship," reiterating a 1978 friendship treaty. In 1979, Soviet troops invaded Kabul, instigating a bloody nine-year conflict with the U.S.- and British-backed mujahideen. Gorbachev pledged to withdraw troops upon taking office in 1985. But political concerns about a retreat meant that the bulk of the Soviet presence in Afghanistan stayed in place until late 1988. 


A fireside chat between Gorbachev and Reagan in Geneva on Nov. 19, 1985, resulted in an understanding that "a nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought." While the leaders couldn't resolve their positions on the Strategic Defense Initiative, Reagan's proposed space- and ground-based protection system to prevent nuclear attacks, the summit was perceived as a success, ending with a mutual agreement to reduce nuclear arms by 50 percent. Gorbachev and Reagan got along famously well, addressing each other by their first names during the 1987 negotiations that produced the first treaty that reduced the size of the countries' nuclear arsenals. Reagan reportedly even tried to convert his Soviet friend to Christianity at a summit meeting in 1988. 


A Russian woman watches Gorbachev's 1988 New Year's Eve address. In 1989, Gorbachev introduced his policy of glasnost, which sought to promote free speech, limit media censorship, and encourage discussion of political, economic, and social issues. Paired with perestroika, the restructuring of the Soviet economy, glasnost set the stage for the 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe and the final breakup of the Soviet Union. 


Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa, visit the site of the infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster for the first time on Feb. 23, 1989, almost three years after the incident. Chernobyl is considered to be the world's worst nuclear power plant accident -- reaching level 7, the highest tier on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Gorbachev and the rest of the Soviet leadership did not acknowledge the incident to the Soviet public until several weeks after it had happened. The botched coverup heightened the public scrutiny directed at Gorbachev's Communist Party while aggravating tensions between Moscow and the Soviet republics of Eastern Europe most affected by the disaster.


On his first diplomatic visit to South America in April 1989, Gorbachev met with Fidel Castro in Havana. Russia's crumbling economy could not continue to aid Cuba as it had before, and although Gorbachev reassured Cuban journalists that the Soviet-Cuban friendship was still strong, the two leaders made no real agreements. 


The iconic 1989 kiss between Gorbachev and East German President Erich Honecker on Oct. 7, 1989, symbolized more than just the 40th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic's creation in East Berlin. It would prove to be a kiss of death. Gorbachev told the longtime leader of East Germany, "Those who delay are punished by life itself." Only 11 days later, Honecker was deposed, and the Berlin Wall was torn down the following month, making the end of the GDR. 


In 1990, Lithuania declared its independence from the Soviet Union, causing an uproar in Moscow. In response, the Soviets attempted to overthrow the recently formed Lithuanian government by imposing economic blockades, and Soviet troops killed 13 Lithuanian civilians in an attack on a broadcast tower in Vilnius. On Jan. 20, 1991, 100,000 people gathered in Moscow to protest the violence and the sanctions and to demand Gorbachev's resignation. 


The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was signed by U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev on July 31, 1991, marking the finale of a decade-long disarmament debate. The treaty became the largest arms-control negotiation in history. In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed its successor, New START, to ensure further deep cuts in the countries' arsenals. 

       1991年7月31日,时任美国总统老布什和戈尔巴乔夫签署了战略武器削减条约(START),标志着长达十年之久的裁军争论正式落下帷幕。这一条约成为有史以来规模最大的军备控制协议。2010年,美国总统奥巴马和俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫签署了新一份战略武器削减条约(New START),确保双方进一步裁减军备。

On Aug. 19, 1991, Gorbachev sent out a televised message from Crimea, where communist hard-liners were holding him in an attempt to seize power and prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union. The coup's leaders, a handful of top officials in the military and the KGB, had initially attempted to gloss over the illegitimacy of their power grab by claiming that Gorbachev was in poor health. Gorbachev's message dispelled those rumors, and within three days, street protests had forced the coup's leaders to flee the country. 


Gorbachev faces the Russian parliament on Aug. 23, 1991, just days after his return from captivity in Crimea. Gorbachev received a thorough dressing-down from the parliament and Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin forced Gorbachev to read decrees that, among other things, turned all Soviet property in Russia over to the Russian state, at that time the largest republic comprising the Soviet Union. The Soviet leader could only watch as the parliament also banned all Communist Party activity in Russia. 


Gorbachev went on television on Dec. 25, 1991, to announce his resignation as president of the Soviet Union, the final post he held during his seven years in power. The decision brought to a close the era of Soviet power in Russia, begun more than seven decades earlier with the Russian Revolution. 


Former world leaders Reagan and Gorbachev, donning Western hats, relaxed at Reagan's Santa Barbara ranch in May 1992 with their wives just five months after Gorbachev's resignation. Upon hearing of Reagan's death in 2004, Gorbachev praised his former negotiating partner as a "great president" and said that the news of his death "upset me very much." 


Gorbachev wipes away tears as he and fellow mourners pay their last respects to his wife Raisa in September 1999. Born in 1932 to a Siberian railway worker, Raisa stood out as a sociologist for her bold research into class differences in the supposedly class-free world of Soviet communism. A similar brashness defined her forays into public society as the first lady of the Kremlin. American first lady Nancy Reagan called her "arrogant," and many in Soviet society bristled at her high profile and taste for haute couture. But her outgoing style made her a hit in the West, and she was her husband's closest confidante on political affairs. 


Gorbachev touches the casket containing Reagan's body inside the Capitol in Washington, D.C., following the U.S. president's death in June 2004. 


Gorbachev talks to then-Russian President Vladimir Putin at Gottorf Castle in Schleswig, Germany, on Dec. 21, 2004, before a news conference with Putin and then German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Over the last decade, Gorbachev's initial support for Putin has given way to increasingly outspoken criticism. This February, a month before celebrations for his 80th birthday, he called Russian democracy a "sham." 


Gorbachev plants a tree during a ceremony in Potsdam in 2005, held to commemorate Germany's Reunification Day. Although it was Reagan who told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" in June 1987, polls a month beforehand showed that West Germans actually saw Gorbachev as more serious about peace and disarmament than Reagan.


Gorbachev stands in front of the Hofdi House in Reykjavik, Iceland, during a visit in 2006. Twenty years earlier, he had come to the same location for a summit meeting with Reagan on arms control. The talks produced little immediate results, but helped lay the groundwork for later arms reductions. 


Gorbachev hobnobs with Elton John and others at a 2007 fundraising party for the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation, held at Hampton Court Palace in London. The foundation, established in 2006 by Gorbachev and Russian billionaire Evgeny Lebedev (son of tycoon Alexander Lebedev), promotes approaches to fighting childhood cancer. Raisa herself suffered from leukemia for 10 years before her death from the disease in 1999. During the last decade of her life, she served as an advocate for children with leukemia. 


The Dalai Lama cracks a joke with Gorbachev during the 2007 World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Rome. Gorbachev earned the prize in 1990 for his efforts to bring about the close of the Cold War.


Gorbachev joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Poland's former president and labor hero Lech Walesa at a 2009 ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Gorbachev opposed the wall's removal at the time. Nonetheless, his contributions to the end of the Cold War ensured him a warm welcome at the ceremony, where onlookers serenaded him with chants of "Gorby! Gorby! Gorby!" 


Gorbachev chats with actor Leonardo DiCaprio onstage during the annual Cinema for Peace gala at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2010. DiCaprio and Gorbachev met when the former Soviet leader featured in DiCaprio's environmental documentary The 11th Hour. Gorbachev heads up the environmental NGO Green Cross International, which he founded in 1993. 


Left: Gorbachev embraces actress Milla Jovovich at the Gorby 80 gala, held in London this March to celebrate Gorbachev's 80th birthday and raise money for cancer charities. 


Right: Gorbachev poses with host Sharon Stone at the Gorby 80 gala. Gorbachev has become something of a celebrity since his ouster in 1991. In addition to his appearance in the DiCaprio documentary, he has featured in a strangely subversive Louis Vuitton ad, and his birthday bash was headlined by a performance by the London Symphony Orchestra. But celebrity has its pitfalls. After a Russian vodka producer sold bottles with his portrait on the label, he was forced to copyright his own name, along with his nickname "Gorby." 


Gorbachev poses with former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Gorby 80 gala. Gorbachev's celebrity hasn't stopped him from remaining involved in Russian politics. Since 2000, he has founded three political parties to compete with the ruling United Russia party, though the third has yet to materialize since he announced its creation in 2008. 


Gorbachev speaks onstage during the finale of the Gorby 80 Gala. In 2006, Gorbachev distanced himself further from the Kremlin when he joined oligarch Alexander Lebedev, father of Evgeny Lebedev, to purchase a 49 percent stake in renegade newspaper Novaya Gazeta. Former Gazeta employees include Kremlin critic Anna Politkovskaya, whose murder in 2006 sparked an international outcry over press freedom in Russia. 


While Gorbachev is generally well liked in the West, there is a grave disparity between Western and Russian perceptions of the leader. Many Russians hold him responsible for Russia's downfall as a superpower, as well as the economic disaster that followed such dramatic social change.



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