防爆接线盒规格型号:Travel in China:Mt.Wutai(五台山)

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Travel in China:Mt.Wutai(五台山)

Posted In Travel in China - By people_zgb On Monday, August 8th, 2011 With 0 Comments

五台山位于中国山西省东北部,距省会太原市230公里。与四川峨嵋山、安徽九华山、浙江普陀山共称“中国佛教四大名山”。是中国佛教及旅游胜地,列中国十大避暑名山之首。2009年被联合国教科文组织以文化景观列入世界遗产名录。五台山与尼泊尔蓝毗尼花园  、印度鹿野苑、菩提伽耶、拘尸那迦并称为世界五大佛教圣地,或者世界五大佛教名山 。台山是驰名中外的佛教胜地,是大智文殊师利菩萨的道场,而五台山又以建寺历史悠久和规模宏大,而居佛教四大名山之首——故有金五台之称,在日本、印度、斯里兰卡、缅甸、尼泊尔等国享有盛名。五台山寺庙始建于汉明帝时期,唐代因“文殊信仰”的繁盛,寺院多达360多座。清代,随着喇嘛教传入五台山,出现了各具特色的青、黄二庙。五台山五座台顶合围的地区,称为台内,其外围则称台外。

Mount Wǔtái is one of the Four Sacred Mountains in Chinese Buddhism. Each of the four mountains are viewed as the abode or place of practice (dàocháng; 道場) of one of the four great bodhisattvas. Wǔtái is the home of the Bodhisattva of wisdom, Manjusri or Wénshū (文殊) in Chinese.

Wǔtái was the first of the four mountains to be identified and is often referred to as “first among the four great mountains.” It was identified on the basis of a passage in the Avatamsaka Sutra (Ch: Húayán jīng; 華嚴經), which describes the abodes of many bodhisattvas. In this chapter, Manjusri is said to reside on a “clear cold mountain” in the northeast. This served as charter for the mountain’s identity and its alternate name “Clear Cool Mountain” (Ch: Qīngliáng Shān; 清涼山).

The bodhisattva is believed to frequently appear on the mountain, taking the form of ordinary pilgrims, monks, or most often unusual five-colored clouds.

Mount Wǔtái has an enduring relationship with Tibetan Buddhism.

Mount Wǔtái is home to some of the oldest existent wooden buildings in China that have survived since the era of the Tang Dynasty (618–907). This includes the main hall of Nanchan Temple and the East Hall of Foguang Temple, built in 782 and 857, respectively. They were discovered in 1937 and 1938 by a team of architectural historians including the prominent early 20th century historian Liang Sicheng. The architectural designs of these buildings have since been studied by leading sinologists and experts in traditional Chinese architecture, such as Nancy Steinhardt. Steinhardt classified these buildings according to the hall types featured in the Yingzao Fashi Chinese building manual written in the 12th century.

In 2008, there were complaints from local residents that in preparation for Mount Wutai’s bid to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site, they were forced from their homes and relocated away from their livelihoods.


Tags: Buddhist mountain, famous mountain in China, tourism