
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:03:57


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年09月06日 17:36   中国日报网-英语点津


  For many in New York and Washington, Sept. 11, 2001, was a personalexperience, an attack on their cities. Most everywhere else in theworld, it was a television event。

  TV's commemoration as the 10th anniversary approaches on Sundayputs that day in many different contexts. There is one place, however,for people to see the Sept. 11 attacks and the week after as theyunfolded, without any filters。

  The Internet Archive, a California-based organization that collectsaudio, moving images and Web pages for historical purposes, has puttogether a television news archive of that day's coverage。

  More than 20 channels were recorded with more than 3,000 hours oftelevision. Besides major U.S. networks like ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC, theInternet Archive has posted online TV recordings from Moscow, Paris,London, Baghdad, Tokyo, Ottawa and elsewhere。

  The site is available at http://www.archive.org/details/911/day。

  The material is valuable to researchers, but the Internet Archivewanted to make it easy to use so the general public can go back and seewhat that day was like, said Brewster Kahle, the organization'sdirector。

  "It is one of the top four or five events that have happened ontelevision," Kahle said. "You can think of putting a man on the moon,the Watergate

  hearings, the Kennedy assassination. I'm hopeful that people willcome to this and make their own decisions about how they want to thinkabout it, as opposed to politicians who have been pushing and pullingthe event for years."

  The archive begins at 8 a.m. ET, or 46 minutes before AmericanAirlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World TradeCenter。

  对很多纽约人和华盛顿人来说, 9?11事件是一种亲身经历,是他们所在城市遭遇的恐怖袭击。而对世界上其它地区的大多数人来说,这只是电视上看到的一起事件。






