
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 15:50:10
 【Weather June 2】
Wuhan: cloudy 20~29℃
Yichang: cloudy 20~30℃
Shiyan: cloudy 20~32℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 648.37 CNY
100 GBP = 1067.38 CNY
100 EUR = 934.5 CNY
100 HKD = 83.37 CNY
100 JPY = 7.9662 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2743.57 +0.10 +0.00%
HangSeng Stock
23626.43 -57.70 -0.24% 【Highlights】
>China tastes on global market
>Soc security for foreigners
>Tainted drink scandal widens
>360Buy sells rice
>Campaign to save energy
>Blonde nanny upsets Jolie
>Hookah use on the rise in US
美校园水烟袋盛行(图)【Cover Story】
>Heat win in Finals opener
LeBron James took the first step toward winning his first championship by leading the Miami Heat to a 92-84 victory over the Dallas Mavericks in the Game One of the NBA Finals Wednesday, Reuters reported. James scored 24 points, added 9 rebounds and 5 assists. Dwyane Wade added 22 for the Heat, while collecting a team-leading 10 rebounds. Chris Bosh scored 19 for Miami, giving the so-called "Big Three" 65 of the team's 92 points. Dirk Nowitzki scored 27 for the Mavericks, but tore a tendon in his left index finger and will wear a splint to protect it the rest of the series. Dallas lost to Miami in the Finals 5 years ago.
据路透社报道,6月1日,NBA总决赛第一场开打,勒布朗·詹姆斯带领迈阿密热火队以92比84击败达拉斯小牛队,向自己的首个总冠军迈进一步。詹姆斯拿下24分、9个篮板和5次助攻,德维恩·韦德22分,拿下全队最多10个篮板,克里斯·波什19分,"三巨头"共拿下65分。德克·诺维茨基为小牛夺得27分,但在比赛中受伤,左手食指肌腱撕裂,接下来的比赛中要戴着夹板出场。5年前,小牛队在总决赛中输给热火。 【Top News】
>China tastes on global market
Luxury goods manufacturers have long tailored products from cars to jeans for affluent Chinese consumers. Now, Chinese tastes are beginning to influence the design of the products the rest of the world buys, the Financial Times reported. Take the $6,400 "smart" toilet from Kohler for example. While the toilet is targeted at US and Chinese consumers, it has several features inspired primarily by China's consumers. This reflects the growing influence of Chinese tastes on the global market and a nascent movement by foreign companies in the consumer goods, pharmaceuticals and automotive fields to increase research and development in China.
据英国《金融时报》报道,奢侈品生产商为迎合中国富人,为他们订制从豪车到牛仔裤等一系列商品,这不是新鲜事。但现在,"中国品味"开始影响销往世界其它地区产品的设计。以科勒6400美元的"智能"马桶为例,虽目标消费群是中美两国消费者,但该产品的几项特色都是受到中国消费者的启发而设计。这反映出"中国品味"对全球市场越来越大的影响力,以及消费品、制药、汽车等领域的外国公司不断在中国加强研发力量的新趋势。>Soc security for foreigners
China plans to include all foreign workers in its social security system starting July, China Daily reported. "The move will ensure foreign employees in China enjoy the same social insurance benefits as Chinese nationals do," a senior social security official said. Target groups include foreign workers employed by Chinese and overseas-funded enterprises, social groups, law firms and foundations that register in China, as well as foreign workers assigned to China by overseas registered companies. "Any employer who refuses to fund that insurance for employees would incur a fine equal to 1 to 3 times the sum of workers' due insurance fees," the official said.
据《中国日报》报道,我国计划7月起,将所有外籍雇员也纳入社会保险体系。一位社会保障部高级官员表示:"此举将确保在华外籍雇员能够享受与中国籍雇员同样的社会保险福利。"缴费人群包括,受雇于中国和海外投资企业的外籍雇员、社会组织、在华注册的律所和基金会,及海外注册公司派驻中国的外籍雇员。该官员表示,任何拒不为雇员缴纳社保费用的雇主将被处以雇员应缴费用1-3倍的罚金。 >Tainted drink scandal widens
Taiwan's contaminated drink scandal has escalated into a food safety scare amid signs the industrial chemical DEHP has gotten into ingredients of almost all major food producers on the island, chinanews.com reported. More than 500 beverages and juice produced by 200 companies in Taiwan were suspected of being contaminated with DEHP, a plasticizer that makes plastic soft and can affect hormone balances in young people. The top food safety watchdog has announced it will ban all suspicious sports drinks, juice, tea beverages, jam and fruit pulp from entering the mainland.
>360Buy sells rice
B2C e-commerce platform 360Buy began to sell self-grown rice on its shelf, its CEO Liu Qiangdong said on his microblog Tuesday, National Business Daily reported. The rice, called "Lailong Organic Rice" sells for RMB128/5kg. Liu revealed in February he plans to rent 5,000 mu of farmland in his hometown Suqian, Jiangsu, to grow rice. It's said he had rented 700 mu of farmland last year and the rice grown on it had been used to serve his employees.
据《每日经济新闻》报道,5月31日,京东商城首席执行官刘强东在其微博上宣布,该公司"自种"大米开始上架出售。这种大米名为"来龙有机大米",在京东商城的售价为128元一袋(5公斤)。今年2月,刘强东曾透露,计划在其江苏宿迁老家租赁5000亩土地自种大米。据了解,刘强东去年就已经在乡下租了700亩土地,而且已经种出大米,供公司员工食用。 >Campaign to save energy
Japanese Ministry of the Environment decided to allow its workers to dress casually this summer, such as in Hawaiian shirts and jeans, under its new "Super Cool Biz" summertime energy-conserving campaign, the Wall Street Journal reported. Government offices and many firms have pledged to keep the office thermostat at a steamy 28℃ due to a government decree to cut electricity usage by 15% this summer thanks to its now-crippled nuclear-power plants. But for many government officials, who collectively shudder at the thought of shedding the protective armor of their suits.
"I personally do not think it is appropriate to go out in sandals and meet people," grumbled one official. "Super Cool Biz would be difficult to implement at [the trade ministry], because we receive lots of guests from outside the ministry, including many foreigners." A bureaucrat, who declined to be named said, "It's like Silicon Valley versus Wall Street. [The environment ministry] is like Silicon Valley and other ministries are more conservative."
一位官员抱怨称:"就个人而言,我认为穿凉鞋见客户不合适。超酷夏季节能运动将很难在经济产业省执行,因为我们要接待很多来宾,包括国外的客人。"一位不愿透露姓名的官员称:"这就好比硅谷对华尔街一般。环保部就像硅谷走在前端富有创新精神,而其他部门则更趋于保守。" 【In Brief】
>China's mobile population reached 221m in 2010, and will hit 350m in 2050 if policies stay mainly unchanged, according to a newly released report, China News Service said.
>US President Barack Obama nominated businessman John Bryson to lead the Commerce Department, a White House official said Tuesday. Bryson is the former chairman and CEO of Edison International, a California-based energy company.
>A woman infected with E. coli bacteria in Germany has died in Sweden, the first death outside of Germany, Xinhua reported Wednesday.
>Home prices in large US cities have reached their lowest level since 2002, AP reported. Prices were driven down by foreclosures, a glut of unsold homes and the reluctance or inability of many to buy.
>Hewlett-Packard Co is expanding a voluntary recall of laptop computer batteries due to a risk of fire from overheating, Reuters reported Tuesday.
据路透社5月31日报道,由于存在过热起火隐患,惠普将扩大对其笔记本电脑电池的主动召回规模。 【Quotable Quote】
德国总理默克尔日前宣布计划到2022年前关停德国所有核电站,德国也将成为第一个不再使用核能的主要工业国家。然而专家表示,尽管如此,其它国家并不会效仿德国放弃发展核能。英国的核专家马尔科姆·格里姆斯顿(Malcolm Grimston)说,
Most other countries are saying, "Let's take a pause and learn lessons after Fukushima", not "Let's close down nuclear power". Germany is a special case; Merkel is in a special position.
其它多数国家都在说"暂停一下,学习福岛核危机的教训",而没有说"关闭核电站"。德国是个特例,默克尔正处在特殊时期。(译者注:默克尔是在遭遇选举失利之后宣布放弃核能计划的。有评论将其失利部分归咎于她此前支持发展核能的政治观点。) 【Newsmaker】
>Blonde nanny upsets Jolie
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie hit the roof when she found out boyfriend Brad Pitt had interviewed a new nanny behind her back, a nanny who bore more than a passing resemblance to his ex wife Jennifer Aniston, US Star magazine reported. Pitt met with the potential new staffer while Jolie was away in Cambodia and according to Star, he knew he was stepping over the line because Jolie doesn't allow blonde nannies in the house; they remind her of Pitt's exes Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow. "The first applicant Angie vetoed has a degree in child development, speaks 3 languages and knows how to box," a source revealed. "Unfortunately, she's 24 years old, shapely and adorable."
>Hookah use on the rise in US
More young Americans are embracing hookahs, an exotic water pipe used for smoking, the New York Times reported. More than 40% of college students had smoked a hookah at least once, a study of 8 universities in North Carolina said. Misled by the sweet and fruity quality of hookah smoke, many believe it is less dangerous than cigarette smoke because water filters all the harmful chemicals. But researchers point out the smoke inhaled in a typical hookah session, which can last up to an hour, can equal 100 cigarettes or more. (See photo)
据《纽约时报》报道,越来越多的美国年轻人开始热衷于吸食水烟。一项针对北卡罗来纳州8所大学学生的调查显示,超过40%的大学生至少吸食过一次水烟。很多人误以为较之香烟,水烟中的有害化合物经过水的过滤,对人体危害更小——何况它还混合着蜜糖和水果味。但研究人员指出,通常吸食一次水烟需耗费1小时,相当于吸了100根香烟甚至更多。(见图)  【China Daily Radio】
韩美美和李雷NOW!Q: 1520***1116上海读者:请问therefore和thereby的区别是什么?
A: 差别很巧妙,举例子吧!  For example: "I ate. Therefore, I'm no longer hungry." Or: "He ate, thereby creating a mess on the table." 我吃过了,therefore(所以),我一点儿也不饿。他吃完了,thereby(于是),留下满桌狼藉。 Q: 1502***4910内蒙古呼和浩特读者:any way和anyway有什么区别啊? 
A: Anyway 意思是"anyhow" (用来转换话题)。"any way" 意思是"无论如何都要怎样." 比如: "That was an awful work day. Anyway, are we going to get a beer now? (今天工作实在不顺心,尽管如此,我们还去喝啤酒么?)" 对比: "I'll get to that bar any way I can (我今天无论如何都得去那个酒吧)." 版面有限,我们明天继续回答大家的提问! 今天照例是地道美语时间,看看今天有哪些词汇来给大家学习?
Hot: pretty, sexy 正妹
Skank: ugly, dirty, not sexy 丑女
Mug: face 脸
Have a screw loose: act crazy 你疯了?
Total babe: Very, very pretty and very, very sexy 非常非常辣的妞
Love handles: excess fat that collects around your midsection 爱的把手,"游泳圈"
Looking prosperous: a slightly nicer way of saying fat 比较礼貌地说别人是胖子
Hit the road: go away 滚开,回家洗洗睡吧 韩美美和李雷NOW!
A: Did you see that hot girl?
B: That skank? Her face is almost as ugly as your mug.
哪个? 那个丑女? 那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。
A: You must have a screw loose. She's a total babe.
你脑子进水了? 她简直辣爆了!
B: Well, wait 'til she gets a look at your love handles.
A: That's just me looking prosperous.
B:  I'll just sit back and watch her tell you to hit the road.
我迫不及待要看好戏了,她肯定会说: 赶快回家洗洗睡吧!Hot: pretty, sexy 正妹
Skank: ugly, dirty, not sexy 丑女
Mug: face 脸
Have a screw loose: act crazy 你疯了?
Total babe: Very, very pretty and very, very sexy 非常非常辣的妞
Love handles: excess fat that collects around your midsection 爱的把手,"游泳圈"
Looking prosperous: a slightly nicer way of saying fat 比较礼貌地说别人是胖子
Hit the road: go away 滚开,回家洗洗睡吧 CD第一届朗读大赛:想锻炼口语能力? 我们给你舞台! 即日起,欢迎各位英语学习爱好者录制自己的英语朗读作品,小说诗歌新闻统统不限,只要你想展示自己的口语才华!参赛者请注意以下事项:
3、尽量找安静、没有杂音的声音环境进行录制。CD第一届微小说大赛:发音实在不是我的长项? 没关系,欢迎参加CD第一届英文微小说大赛!参赛者请注意以下事项:
1、题材不限,可以是亲身经历的真实故事,也可以是天马行空的小说科幻,甚至是爱的表白。当然,我们更欢迎自爆各种糗事! 唯一的要求是,字数控制在100个英文单词以内!
2、这个互动的目的是锻炼大家的英文写作能力,毕竟我们崇尚的是学以致用,所以最好还是打个草稿什么的,然后把你最满意的作品发送到radio(at)chinadaily.com.cn。我们会在端午节过后的周末集中展示读者原创作品!  【Word Power】
effective precipitation
The observatory said there will be still no effective precipitation in the coming 2 days in provinces and municipalities along the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and dry weather will continue to develop in spite of scattered drizzle.
气象台预报称,长江中下游沿岸省市近两天仍无有效降水,尽管有零星小雨,但仍将持续干旱。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】
Freedom Air passengers are reminded to keep their seatbelts _______ whenever the red light is on.
(A) pressed
(B) fastened
(C) combined
(D) pushed