
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 11:43:07
 【Weather Sept 12】
Wuhan: cloudy 21~29℃
Yichang: cloudy 22~29℃
Shiyan: rainy 20~22℃【Highlights】
>Survey on college costs
>EGY warns of harsh measures
>Cliff Robertson dies
>Nadal outguns Murray
>Female tiger kills mate
>Tips:'To burn one's fingers'
点津:'烧到手指'是何意【Cover Story】
>9/11: Americans join hands
Americans have begun marking the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania with solemn reflection, emotion and hope for the future, US media reported. Thousands of local residents linked hands with visitors from across the country and around the world as the nation began an emotionally-exhausting weekend of ceremonies and services marking the anniversary.
综合美国媒体报道,美民众日前在纽约、华盛顿和宾夕法尼亚展开"9·11"事件10周年纪念活动,参加仪式的民众神情肃穆、五味杂陈,人们纷纷开始追思过去、展望未来。据悉,数千名当地居民与来自五湖四海的游客手牵着手组成"人链",正式拉开了本周末一系列纪念仪式的帷幕。 [揭秘纪念流程]
Sunday will see ceremonies performed at all 3 sites. At Ground Zero, President Barack Obama and George W. Bush will join a host of dignitaries and relatives of the dead for the opening of the 9/11 memorial. President Obama will then travel to ceremonies in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon before ending Sunday with an address at a memorial event to be held at the Kennedy Centre in Washington.
NBC News' Twitter page was hacked Saturday. The hackers, who revealed themselves as The Script Kiddies, wrote that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center site. NBC had to release a statement saying that they are working with Twitter to correct the situation and sincerely apologize for the scare that could have been caused by such act.
美国全国广播公司(NBC)的Twitter账号10日被一个名为"The Script Kiddies"的黑客窃取,发布了一条纽约世贸中心遗址再遭飞机攻击的虚假消息。随后NBC发布官方声明称,公司正与Twitter合作修正目前的状况,并为因此带来的恐慌而道歉。 【Top News】
>Survey on college costs
The new autumn term has begun. A survey by Chutian Golden Newspaper shows that living, studying, entertaining and socializing account for the main expenses of college students. The expense of electronic goods is ever increasing. Some students spend up to RMB22,200 annually besides tuition and accommodation fees while, on the other end, some only spend RMB3,600 per year. On average, college students'monthly spending comes in at RMB980. Over 90% of the participants say that they mainly fund these expenditures through help from their parents.
时值开学季,《楚天金报》一项针对大学生消费的调查显示,当前大学生的消费构成主要集中在基本生活费、学习消费、休闲娱乐消费以及人际交往消费等4个方面。电子产品花费呈上升趋势。消费层次两极分化严重,年消费(不含学杂费和住宿费)最高的达2.22万元,最低的只有3600元。人均月支出980元。其中九成以上的大学生把家庭供给作为最主要的经济来源。 >EGY warns of harsh measures
Egypt warned Saturday of harsh measures to quell civil unrest after protesters stormed Israel's embassy, Xinhua reported. Information Minister Osama Heikal said that "deterrent actions," including the application of the provisions of the emergency law, will be adopted to deal with current situation in the country. Rioters will be referred to higher state security court in accordance with emergency law, he added. Three people died during the protests and at least 1,093 were injured, according to Egypt's deputy health minister.
Anti-Israel sentiment in Egypt has been vociferous since the killing of 5 Egyptian soldiers by Israeli forces in the aftermath of a militant attack near the border between the 2 countries last month. Interior Minister Mansur al-Eissawy declared a state of high alert, cancelling all police leave. The attack was the worst since Israel established its mission in Egypt after becoming the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with the Jewish state in 1979.
以军上月在两国边境地区的军事行动中打死了5名埃及士兵,导致埃及民众的"反以色列"情绪愈演愈烈。埃及内政部长曼苏尔·埃萨维随即宣布国家进入高度警戒状态,取消所有警察的休假。此次围攻事件是以色列驻埃及大使馆自建立以来所受到的最严重冲击。1979年,埃及成为第一个与以色列签订和平条约的阿拉伯国家。 【In Brief】
>The exterior wall of the Huaqiao Shopping Center, which is located on Xi'an's main downtown shopping street, collapsed Sunday morning, injuring 3 and burying one, Xinhua reported. The shopping mall is slated for demolition and has been closed to customers.
>The Chairman of Libya's National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, arrived in Tripoli Saturday night for the first time since fighting broke out between rebels and government troops, AFP reported.
>Actor Cliff Robertson, who won an Oscar playing a mentally disabled janitor in "Charly" and worked in movies ranging from "PT 109" to "Spider-Man 3," died in New York Saturday, the day after his 88th birthday, AP reported.
据美联社报道,好莱坞老牌演员克里夫·罗伯逊于当地时间10日在纽约去世,这一天正是他88岁大寿后的第2天。罗伯逊曾凭借电影《查利》中智障看门人一角而荣获奥斯卡影帝桂冠,他还曾出演《PT109鱼雷艇》和《蜘蛛侠3》等多部佳片。 【Newsmaker】
>Nadal outguns Murray
Defending champion Rafael Nadal booked a US Open title showdown against world No 1 Novak Djokovic Sunday with a bruising 6-4, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2 win over British 4th seed Andy Murray. Nadal, the 2nd seed, will be playing in his 14th Grand Slam final Monday in what will be a repeat of last year's final where he became the youngest man to complete a career Grand Slam.
"I played my best match of this US Open today. I have played Novak 5 times this year, all in finals, and lost them all. I hope to have better luck this time and I hope New York will help me," said Nadal.
纳达尔说:"今天这场比赛是美网开赛来我发挥最好的一次。今年我和诺瓦克(德约科维奇)已经交手5次,而且都是在决赛,但每次我都输了。希望这次决赛我能交上好运,希望纽约能够眷顾我。" 【Kaleidoscope】
>Female tiger kills mate
A Malayan tiger at a zoo in Texas, US has killed her mate in what is being described as a possible love-triangle involving 3 tigers, the Los Angeles Times reported. Three-year-old Seri killed 6-year-old male Wzui. Seri may have been jealous of Wzui paying attention to a 15-year-old female. In June, a zoo news release noted friction between the 3 tigers: "The male tiger Wzui likes both females, but the 2 females don't like each other." Seri reportedly grabbed Wzui's neck in her jaws and bit down. By the time keepers were on scene, Wzui was dead.
据《洛杉矶时报》报道,美国德克萨斯州某动物园日前发生一起"三角恋"惨案:一只马来亚母老虎愤怒之下咬死"劈腿雄虎"。3岁的母虎Seri怀疑6岁的伴侣Wzui与15岁的母虎Melor暧昧不清,于是醋意大发,咬死伴侣。其实它们3位的情仇由来已久。早在今年6月,动物园方面就曾发布消息称,公虎Wzui"脚踏两只船",而2只母虎则是互看对方不顺眼。据悉,事发时,Seri一抓扼住了Wzui的脖子,等管理员赶到现场时,Wzui已气绝。【Language Tips】
'To burn one's fingers'
Gain obtained by a lie will burn one's fingers.
欺骗得来的利益会使自己受害。 【China Daily Radio】
小长假第二天,继续我们的古诗过中秋。来感受一下古人思乡是何般滋味!我们来看王维的《九月九忆山东兄弟》。Alone in a strange, distant place, one pines for home and misses ones kin all the more during a traditional festival. The feeling is shared by all those alien people who reside in a foreign land and is aptly embodied in the second line "I miss most my kin when comes the festival bright".
When one thinks of one's home and people, one tends to recall the time spent together celebrating a joyous festival. However, today, on the Double Ninth Day, everybody climbs up to the hilltop, wearing a dogwood sprig except me far away from home. Then the last line intensifies the poet' s longing for home and gnawing regret in his heart.  
Kin: 亲戚
Dogwood: 茱萸
Sprig: 带叶的小树枝
准备好了么? 音频马上开始!  Nostalgia for My Brothers on the Double Ninth Day
(Tang)Wang Wei
In an alien land, being a solitary alien guest,
I miss most my kin when comes the festival bright,
And think on the hill my brothers must feel distressed,
To find, when wearing a dogwood sprig, one not in sight.