高速路美丽的:八年级英语素质测查(四) Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.

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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.
班级:        姓名:
1.Tomdoes well in Chinese,however Lucy does Chinese_______(good)than Tom.
2.Lilyisn`t good at maths,in the end-of-year exam she did__________(bad) of all thestudents.
3.When Iheard the_________news,how_________ I am!(disappoint)
4.Weare___________(luck) enogh to have bought the last tickets for the World Cup.
1.It`sk_______ to all that Bill Gates is a famous person all over the world.
2.MissZhao said that Jack wasn`t lazy,he was a h__________ student.
3. “L________,Ihave passed the Mid-exam.”Ford told us happily.
4.All of the____________(信息) come from the west.
5.Sheisn`t a hard-working girl,every day she always_________(照抄)myhomework.
1.Dicksaid he____________(report) some important things to us the day after tomorrow.
2.Firstof all,you must tell me what you____________(do)at nine last night.
3.My bestfriend tells me he _____________(send) some gifts to me for my birthday.
4.Listen,some beautiful birds____________(sing) in the tree.
5.________you_________(argue) with your father when I knocked at the door?
6.I wassurprised___________(find) that Ann got mad after hearing the bad news.
7.Idon`t know if Lucy___________(come) to see me in five days.
8.Theteacher told us the earth__________(travel) round the sun.
9.Idon`t think you are____________(suppose) to smoke in the classroom.
10.Hesaid he _____________(clean) his bedroom at this time yesterday.
1.Meimei said,“I can pass the end-of-year exameasily.” (同义句)
Meimeisaid_________________________pass the end-of-year exam easily.
2.I hopethat my parents are both well. (同义句)
I hope that my parents are_________________good__________________.
3. “Don`t shout at the old people”,mother said to her son. (同义句)
Mother _______________ herson____________________ shout at the old people.
4. I likedspring better than summer.  (同义句)
I __________________ spring _________________summer.
5.This little girl is very clever.(变感叹句)
_____________________________ the little girl is!
(  )1. --- The earth goes round the sun.
--- What did he say? I couldn’t hear him.
--- ____.
A. He says theearth goes round the sun.
B. He said theearth goes round the sun.
C: He said theearth went round the sun.
D. He says theearth went round the sun.
(  )2.The box is        to       .
A. big enough, put my shoes           B. enough big, put my shoes in
C.big enough,put my shoes in          D .big, put shoes in
(  )3.She told us she liked       piano.
A.to play    B.playing the     C. to playa     D. playing a
(  )4.The doctor       afterhe      the patient.
A looked worrying , looked over       B. seemed like worried;looked after
C. looked worryed , looked after       D. seemed worried;looked over
(   )5.He thinks his sister can do very well inthe exams,    ?
A.does he     B.doesn`t he       C.can`t she        D.can she
(  )6.The       are buyingsome       in the supermarket.
A.woman teachers, tomatoes         B.woman teachers, tomatos
C.women teachers, tomatos          D. women teachers, tomatoes
(  )7. Tom says he_____ wash hands before a meal.
A. must to        B. will has to         C. has to          D. have to
(  )8.They_____ to visit our school the day after tomorrow.
A. come         B. coming         C. are coming      D. shall come
(  )9. When you come here this afternoon. Please_____ your sister_____ you.
A. take, with         B. carry, with        C. bring, with        D. bring, to
(  )10. I’m afraid there_____ a heavy rain this afternoon.
A. will be going to    B. will              C. will have         D. will be
(  )11._____ there was something wrong with the machine.
A. There seems      B. It seemed that      C. He seemed        D. It seem that
(  )12. I didn’t know she_______ play_______ guitar(吉他) when she was four.
A. can, \       B. could, the       C. could,\        D. can ,the
(  )13. Mother thought_______ a clever boy.
A. he is          B. him         C. him was        D. his
(   )14.Can you______this word______English?
A.say;in          B.speak;in         C.speak;with        D.say;with
(  )15.The rich men can buy_______ lots of things.
A. himself        B. him        C. them        D. themselves
Not long ago, there was a story in Russia aboutZHOYA and SHULA. They were sister and brother. They were in  1   same class of a middle school. They studiedhard. They were   2
strict   3   themselves. Their homework was given the daybefore. SHULA was clever. He had done his homework earlier. But ZHOUYA hadn’tyet. The next afternoon she went on doing hers.
SHULA thought his sister maybe couldn’tfinish some of the exercises. So he put his exercise-book with answers on hissister’s desk before ZHOYA came in the classroom, and went out quietly to play.A few minutes later, ZHOYA came in and saw her brother’s exercise-book on herdesk. But she had never looked at it all. She sat on her seat, thinking andthinking. Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour had  4  .An hour and a half  5  , she worked out all problem at last andhanded it in on time that afternoon. How happy she was!
“Why not copy my key down in  6  ,sister?” asked SHULA with a smile. “No, I didn’t. I must use my head and try my  7  to   8   all by myself. I’m sure, I can  9   a way. I don’t like to be lazyin  10   homework,”answered ZHOYA.
(  )1.A. a              B. an             C.the             D. /
(  )2.A. both           B.either           C.neither          D. all
(  )3.A. on             B.with           C.in              D. at
(  )4.A. past            B.pass           C.passed          D. pasted
(  )5.A. later            B.late           C.latterly          D. lately
(  )6.A. you            B.yours          C.your            D. mine
(  )7.A. good           B.better          C.best            D. well
(  )8.A. work them out   B. work out them   C. work them off    D. work off them
(  )9.A. look for        B.find            C. found          D. looked for
(  )10.A. doing         B. todo           C. done           D. do
①HOUSE TO RENT Older house to rent in city center. One bedroom and one kitchen. Near important station. Buses pass back door.    $ 475/mo. Phone 332-0178
②WELCOME TO OUR DANCE CLUB Free lessons. Every Saturday evening a different lesson every week. Bring your favourite CDs.  Call Bridget at : 520-1928
③SWIMMING LESSONS FOR STUDENTS Newquay Training Centre   July 8~10
④WORK WANTED Strong boy pleased to work in garden or do housework. 3 hours a week.  See Tom.
根据前面广告的内容及以下各题中所给提示, 选择正确答案
Look at ad① Susan is looking for a house to rent. Itdoesn’t matter how old and how expensive it is. She’s got to study for herexam, so the house must be quiet.
(  )1. Susan doesn’t want to rent the house because_____.
A. it’s too old    B. it’s too expensive   C. there is only one bedroom    D. it’s too noisy
Look at ad② Mum: lookat that ad for the dance club! The lessons are free.You can join it.
Daughter: My dear mum! You haven’tread it carefully. On Saturday, I have an English lesson in the morning, an artlesson in the afternoon and maths lesson in the evening. I want some free time.
(  )2. Why can’t the daughter join the club?
A. it’s free                B. it’s too expensive
C. she wants to do her homework     D. she wants to have a rest
Look at ad③ Mr. Klip’schildren are going to learn swimming. They’ll have a holiday from July 1 to 14.
(  )3. How long will it take the children to learn to swim in the Centre?
A. 3 days       B. 4 days            C. 1 week                 D. 2 weeks
Look at ad④ Nick has always wanted to work in a garden.He thinks it’s an exciting place. It’s hard work, but he can do it.
(  )4. What else does he need to do if he chooses to do the garden work?
A. To help with his lessons
B. To clean the kitchen and the rooms.
C. To look after the flowers and grass.
D. To do the washing for 3 hours a week.
Everyonehas his own birthday. People celebrate their birthdays in different countriesin different ways. Now here are four people from different countries. They willtell us how they celebrate their birthdays in the countries.
Sandy Morison comes from Madrid(马德里). He says happily, “My twenty-first birthdayis on Saturday, and I’m going to go out with some friends. To wish me a happybirthday, they’re going to pull on my ear 21 times, once for each year. It’s anold custom. Some people pull on the ear just once, but my friends are verytraditional(传统).”
Mr. and Mrs. Sato are from Tokyo. Mr. Sato is going to be 60 tomorrow.In Japan,the sixtieth birthday is called Kanreki—it’s the beginning of a new life. Thecolour red is for a sixtieth birthday. Mrs. Sato says, “What am I going to givemy husband? I can’t say. It’s a surprise!”
Li Xiaomei from Beijing feels very excited and tells us,“Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. It’s a special birthday, so we’re going tohave a family party. I’m probably going to get some money in lucky envelopes(信封) from my relatives. My mother is going tocook noodles— noodles are for a long life.”
Phillip Evans, from Paris, smiles to us, “I’m going to be 30 nextweek, so I’m going to invite three very good friends out to dinner. In France, whenyou have a birthday, you often invite people out. In some countries, I knowit’s the opposite—people take you out. ”
How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
根据短文内容, 判断下列陈述内容的正误, 正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。
(  )5. People in different countries celebrate their birthdays in the sameway.
(  )6. To celebrate her birthday, Sandyis going to pull on her friends’ ears.
(  )7. On his birthday, Mr Sato is going to receive something red.
(  )8. Li xiaomei is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.
(  )9. Phillip is going to take his friends out to dinner on his birthday.
(  )10. Mr. Sato is from Japanand Phillip is from France.
1.在英语方面, 阅读和听力相比较, 我更擅长阅读。
InEnglish,I`m____________________reading than listening.
Manypeople_________________________________Xie Tingfeng yesterday.
DaMao_______________________________bethe thief who stole the things.
4.我不再想吃面包了, 我已经吃得够多的了。
I_____________want to eat bread____________________because I have had enough.
There is a big______________________serious football players and so-called football players.
一、A.1.better  2.worst 3.disappointing;disappointed 4.lucky
B.1.known  2.hard-working  3.Luckily 4.messages  5.copies
二、1.would report2.were doing 3.will send 4.are singing 5.Were arguing
6.tofind  7.will come  8.travels 9.supposed  10.was cleaning
三、1.she could  2.in health 3.told not to  4.preferred to  5.How clever
四、1--5BCBDB  6--10DCCCD 11--15BBBAD
五、1--10CABCA   BCABA
六、A.1--4DDAB   B. 5--10 FFTFTT
七、1.better at  2.were mad at 3.was supposed to  4.don`t anymore   5.difference between