重庆城口双河最新动态:新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 4原创

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 11:36:53

(Go for it)新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 4(完整版)

Unit 4  How do you get to school ?

Section A

一. Learning aims:

(一) Knowledge aims: 1.New words: train forty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred minute take by far kilometer shower quick bicycle early mile

2.Target language :

(1)---How do you get to school ?

  ---I ride my bike .

(2)---How long does it take ?

  ---It takes about forty minutes.

(3)---How far is it from your home to school?

  ---It’s three miles.

(二)Ability aims.

学会以 How do you get to school ? -How long does it take ? How far….为中心的话题的相关词组和对话

(三)Emotion aims.



“How long it takes  How to get to places及其回答.

三.Learning steps.

(一)情景导入。The teacher asks several students,” How do you get to school ?”If the students can’t answer the question in English ,tell them to answer in Chinese.


Step1. Look at the picture. How do students get to school in the morning ? Make a list. Then add other ways to get to school.

Step2.1b.Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above 1a.

Step3.Pairwork .Look at the picture again. Make conversations like this.

A:How dose Bob get to school ?

B:He takes the train.

Step4.Listening.Listen 2a and repeat then finish 2b.

             Listen 2c and check then match .

Step5 Pair work. Make conversations about how you get to school : Use “How……?How long……?”


3a.Read the passage and answer the questions

3b.look at the pictures .Ask and answer the questions

(四)梳理归纳。Sum up.

What have you learned in this class ? Please write down.



1.---Kate ,do you know ____it is from here to the gym?

---About twenty-minutes’ walk.

A.   how long  B. how far  C. how soon  D. how often

【解析】B. how far对距离提问;how soon对未来的一段时间提问;how often对频度提问;how long对一段时间提问。根据题意“About twenty-minutes’ walk”可以看出上文是对距离的提问,用how far 。故选B

2.Our school is just ten ____walk from my home.

A. minute’s   B. minutes’  C. minute   D. minutes’s

【解析】B. 考查结构:数词+minutes’ walk (多长时间的)步行。故选B

3.---Peter ,how old is your father this year ?

----______.And we just had a party for his _____birthday last weekend.

A.   Fortieth; forty  B. Forty; forty C. Forty; Fiftieth  D. Fortieth; fortieth



1.(2008. 安徽)---Will you get there by ___ train?

         ---No, I will take ___taxi.

A. /; a   B. a ; the   C./; /   D. the; a

2.(2008四川省自贡.)--____is it from your home to school?

---It’s three miles.

A. How long   B. How far  C. How often

3.(2008.湖南娄底)---____will you leave for Beijing ?

       ---In a few days.

A.   How many  B. How soon  C. How often 

答案: 1A 2B 3B



It ______one hour _________my homework last night.


When it rains ,I____________________.


I__________________my bike on weekend.


__________is it from your home to school ?

答案:1 took me  to do  2.take a taxi  3.like riding  4.How far

Section B

一.Learning aims.

()Knowledge aims .

1.     new words: stop  north  party  river  depend  boat must  more than car

2.     Target language.

(1)---How do get to school?

  ---I ride my bike to the subway station .Then I take the subway .

(2)---How far do you live from school ?

  ---I live 10 miles from school.

()Ability aims.掌握where  how far  how long  how  what ……think of 等词提问的有关get to school 的话题的对话及词汇。

()Emotion aims  通过介绍总结别人的交通方式,增加学生对外界的认识和了解,丰富学生的知识,扩大了视野,让学生能够合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具。



2.most,many, some ,other a small number of 等概念的理解和运用。


() 情境导入。教师准备几张bus stop ,bus station ,train station ,以及subway station的实物照片,师生共同讨论他们不同的特色,记者就自然引出课本的简单画图,让他们判断一下分别是什么?


Step1.Match 1a.

Step2.1b.Pairwork.Tell how you get to school (Use two kinds of transportation to get to school)

Step3.Listen 2a&2b,then check them.

Step4.Pairwork.Use the information of 2b to tell how Nina get to school .


3a. Read the article . Then read the statements about the article,

  write “T” or “F”.


1.     They are different ____the Nited States.

2.     In China ,it depend ____where you are .

3.     What dose she think ____the plan ?

4.     How do students ____the word get to school?

答案:1 from  2 on  3 of  4 around


1.     the way of _____(get) to school is popular .

2.     That must be a lot more fun than ____(take) a bus .

3.     I need ____(see) my friend.

4.     Twenty miles ____(be) far away .

答案:1 getting 2taking 3 to get 4 is

(四)知识梳理。Sum up.

What have you learned in this class ?Please write down .



1. In our school library there ___ a number of books on science and the number of them ____growing larger and larger.

A. is; are  B. are; is   C. has; is  D. have; are

【解析】a number of的意思是“大量的”,用来修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于 manya lot of 等,后面的谓语动词用复数形式;the number of 意思是为“······的数量”,其后谓语动词用单数形式。答案:B

2. In my class some students love music, _____are fond of drawing and ____enjoy reading .

 A. some;  the other  B. others;  the other

 C. others;  the others  D. some;  others

【解析】D。考察代词。本题句意是“一些同学喜欢音乐,一些喜爱画画,其他的喜爱看书”,在这句话里,并没说明班上有多少同学,那么后面的其他的就不能特指,也就是说others 前不能用定冠词,故选D

3.There are  many lakes and rivers here, so children can go to school ____easily .

A. by bike  B. by boat  C. by bus  D. by car



1. (2007.)---Excuse me ,is the supermarket far from here ?

       ---No, it’s about _____.

  A. 7 minutes walk    B. 7 minute walk 

  C. 7 minutes’ walk    D. 7 minute’s walk

2. (2008.)We still need ____more chairs for the meeting room.

  Anine   B.  nineth   C. ninth  D.

3. (2008.)---What a nice model ship!

       ---Thank you .It ____me three days to make it.

A.   paid   B. spent   C. took   D. wasted

  答案: 1C 2A 3C


1.How do you get to school in the morning?


2.His home is not far from the school.



You can’t ____ _____your parents forever.


He will _____ _____Beijing to have a meeting in two hours.


_____ _____students _____the bus _____school.


3.     depend on 4. leave for 5. Not all ,take to