
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 19:32:25
*K;Burmese Kyat [Monetary Unit of Burma]; 缅甸元
*K;Laotian kip (KL) [Monetary Unit of Laos]; 老挝基普
*K;Zambian kwacha [Monetary Unit of Zambia]; 赞比亚克瓦查
*Kab; karbovantsi [Ukraine]; 卡波凡齐[乌克兰货币单位]
*KADEK;Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress ; [or: Congress for Freedom and Democracy in Kurdistan]; 库尔德斯坦自由和民主大会
*KAMP;National Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Philippines; 菲律宾土著人民全国联合会
*KARDEX; Kardex; 索引卡片柜
*KATE;Centre and Workingteam for Appropriate Technology [Germany]; 适当技术中心和工作队
*KBO; Kagera River Basin Organization; 卡盖拉河流域组织(卡河组织); Organization for the Management and Development of the Kagera;Basin; 卡盖拉河流域管理和开发组织;[成员:布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达]
*KCNA;Korean Central News Agency [North Korea]; 朝鲜中央通讯社
*KCS; Kenya Catholic Secretariat; 肯尼亚天主教教会秘书处
*Kcs; Czechoslovak koruna [Monetary Unit of Czechoslovakia]; 捷克克朗
*KD; Kuwaiti dinar [Monetary Unit of Kuwait]; 科威特第纳尔
*KDI; Korea Development Institute; 韩国发展研究所
*KENGO; Kenya Energy and Environment Organizations; 肯尼亚能源和环境组织
*KEDO;Korean Peninsula Energy Development Board; 朝鲜半岛能源发展委员会
*KFAED; Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development; 科威特阿拉伯经济发展基金会
*KFTC;Korean Fair Trade Commission; 韩国公平贸易委员会
*KFTU;Kampuchean Federation of Trade Unions [Cambodia]; 柬埔寨工会联合会
*KfW; Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau [Germany]; 复兴信贷银行
*KHD; Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG; 克勒克纳--洪堡--多伊茨公司
*KIA; Kachin Independent Army [Myanmar]; 克钦独立军
*KIA; killed in action; 阵亡;在战斗中死亡
*KIO; Kachin Independent Organization [Myanmar]; 克钦独立组织
*KIPOC; Korongoro Integrated Peoples Oriented to Conservation; 科龙戈罗致力养护群众联合组织
*KK; kabushiki kaisha [Japan]; 株式会社(公司)
*KL; Laotian kip (K) [Monetary Unit of Laos]; 老挝基普
*KLA; Kwazulu Legislative Assembly [South Africa]; 克瓦祖鲁议会
*KLCE;Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange [Malaysia]; 吉隆坡商品交易所
*K Line; Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd.; 川崎汽船公司
*KMP; Kilbsan Magbubukik Pilipinas; Philippine Farmer's Movement; 菲律宾农民运动
*KNSO; Korean National Statistical Office; 韩国国家统计局 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*KMU; Kilusang Mayo Uno [Philippines]; 五一劳工运动
*KNDO; Karen National Defence Organization [Burma]; 克伦民族自卫组织
*KNU; Karen National Union; Kayin National Union [Myanmar]; 克伦民族联盟
*KNUFNS; Kampuchean National United Front for National Salvation; [later: KUFNCD]; 柬埔寨救国民族团结阵线[越南扶植政党]
*KONAKOM; Comite National du Congres des Mouvements Democratiques ; Komite Nasyonal Kongre Mouvman Demokratik [Creole]; 民主运动大会全国委员会 [Haiti]
*KOW; constant of octanol water; 辛醇溶液常数
*Kowani; Indonesian Women's Congress [Indonesia]; 印度尼西亚妇女大会
*Kopkamtic; Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order;[Indonesia]; 恢复安全和秩序作战指挥部
*KPA; Korean People's Army [North Korea]; 朝鲜人民军
*KPML;Congress of the United Urban Poor [Philippines]; 联合城市贫民大会
*KPNLAF; Khmer People's National Liberation Armed Forces [Cambodia]; 高棉人民民族解放阵线武装力量 [宋双派]
*KPNLF; Khmer People's National Liberation Front [Cambodia]; 高棉人民民族解放阵线[宋双派]
*KPRP;Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party [Cambodia]; 柬埔寨人民革命党[柬埔寨人民共和国执政党]
*KSC; Kenana Sugar Company; 克纳纳制糖公司
*KSh; Kenyan shilling [Monetary Unit of Kenya]; 肯尼亚先令
*KTM; Malaysian Railways; 马来西亚铁路公司
*KUFNCD; Kampuchean United Front for National Construction and Defence;[formerly: KNUFNS; later: UFCDKF]; 柬埔寨建国卫国统一阵线[越南扶植政党]
*KUHAP; Code of Criminal Procedure [Indonesia]; 刑事诉讼法(印度尼西亚第8/1981号法令)
*KUNA;Asociacion Kunas Unidos por Nabguana [Panama]; 库纳人联合争取纳布瓜纳协会
*KVO; German Regulation for Domestic Road Transport; Kraftverkehrsordnung; 德国国内公路运输规则
*KWALITY;Karnataka Welfare Society [India]; 卡纳塔克福利学会
*KWH; kilowatt hour; 千瓦小时
*L;L countries (least developed countries; LDC); 最不发达国家
*L;listed ("listado" or "listado nacional" in Spanish); 被列入黑名单的人
*L;L post; 项目工作人员员额
*L;Honduran lempira [Monetary Unit of Honduras]; 洪都拉斯伦皮拉
*L;released ("libertado" in Spanish); (从监狱)被释放的人
*L;Romanian leu [Monetary Unit of Romania]; 罗马尼亚列伊
*£; British pound [Monetary Unit of United Kingdom]; 英镑
*LABORDOC Database of ILO Central Library and documentation Branch; 劳工局中央图书馆和文件处数据库(劳工文件数据库)
*LAC; Latin American and Caribbean; 拉丁美洲和加勒比(拉加;拉加地区)
*LACTLD; Latin America & Caribbean Country Code Top Level ; Domain Organization; 拉丁美洲和加勒比国家代码顶级域名组织(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*LAFB;Libyan Arab Foreign Bank; 利比亚阿拉伯对外银行
*LAFTA; Latin American Free Trade Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (ALALC); 拉丁美洲自由贸易协会(拉美自由贸协)
*LAIA;Latin American Integration Association; Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion (ALADI); 拉丁美洲一体化协会(拉美一体协)
*LAIESP; Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning [ECLAC]; Instituto Latinoamericano de Planification Economica y Social;(ILPES); 拉丁美洲经济和社会规划研究所(拉美经社规划研究所)
*LAN; local area network [Computer]; 局域网络;局域计算机网络
*LANDSAT;Land Remote Sensing Satellite System; 地面遥感卫星系统
*LARF;Latin American Reserve Fund; 拉丁美洲储备基金(拉美储备基金)
*LAS; League of Arab States; Arab League; 阿拉伯国家联盟;阿拉伯联盟(阿盟)
*LASEF; League of Arab States Emergency Fund; 阿拉伯国家联盟紧急基金
*Lasfleur LASer FLuorescence EURope; 欧洲激光荧光研究方案
*LASH;lighter abord ship [Shipping] [ref: FLASH]; 拉西型载驳货船;载驳货船
*LASL;Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; 洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验所
*LATINAH;Latin American Network of Information on Human Settlement; 拉丁美洲人类住区资料系统
*LAWASIA;Law Association for Asia and the Pacific; 亚洲及太平洋法律协会(亚太法律协会)
*LBCM;land-based cruise missile; 陆基巡航导弹
*LBO; leveraged buy-out; leverage buy-out; 融资收购;利用贷款收购(一家公司)
*L/C; letter of credit (LC); 信用证
*l c; loco citato (loc. cit.) [Latin]; 在上述引文中;见上引
*£C; Cyprus pound [Monetary Unit of Cyprus]; 塞浦路斯镑
*LCA; life cycle analysis; 生命期分析[产品对环境影响]
*LCBC;Lake Chad Basin Commission; 乍得湖盆地委员会
*LC-BH; League of Communists of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那共产主义者联盟(波黑共产主义者联盟)
*LCC; League of Communists of Croatia; 克罗地亚共产主义者联盟
*LCC-PDR;League of Communists of Croatia - Party of Democratic Reform; 克罗地亚共产主义者联盟--民主革新党[克罗地亚的一个党派]
*LCD; liquid crystal display; 液晶显示;液晶显示器; liquid crystal device; 液晶装置;液晶显示装置
*LCE; London Commodity Exchange [UK]; 伦敦商品交易所
*LCHR;Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights [USA]; 维护人权律师委员会
*LCIHR; Lawyers' Committee for International Human Rights; 维护国际人权律师委员会
*LCL; less than container load; 拼箱货[集装箱]
*LC-MY; League of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia [Serbia]; Savez Komunista - Pokret za Jugoslaviju (SK-PJ); 共产主义者联盟--南斯拉夫运动
*LD; Libya dinar [Monetary Unit of Libya]; 利比亚第纳尔
*LD; local devanning [Container]; 当地拆箱
*LDC; least developed countries (LDCs); 最不发达国家; Least Developed Countries Division [UNCTAD]; 最不发达国家司
*LDC; London Dumping Convention;(London Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by; Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972); 1972年防止倾弃废物及其他物质污染海洋的伦东载辜;伦敦倾弃公约; [国际海洋环境保护法规选编,p.82]
*LDC-ALA;least developed countries - Asian and Latin American Countries; 亚洲及拉丁美洲最不发达国家
*LDDC;least developed developing countries; 最不发达的发展中国家
*LDR; Liberal, Democratic and Reformist Group [EC]; 自由党、民主党与改革派议员团[欧洲议会]
*LDT; light displacement tons; 空载排水吨位
*LE; life expectancy; 预期寿命(期寿)
*Le; Sierra Leonean leone [Monetary Unit of Sierra Leone]; (塞拉利昂)利昂
*£E; Egyptian pound [Monetary Unit of Egypt]; 埃及镑
*LEADER; Links between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy; Liaison entre Actions de Developpement de l'Economie Rurale [EC]; 农村经济发展行动联系计划
*LEB; life expectancy at birth; 新生儿预期寿命(新生儿期寿)
*LECr;Criminal Prosecution Act (LECrim) [Spain]; Ley de Enjuciamiento Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*LEF; European Women's Lobby (EWL); Lobby Europeen des Femmes; 欧洲妇女游说团
*LEG; Office of Legal Affairs (OLA; SG/LEG) [UN Secretariat]; 法律事务厅
*LEI; local employment initiatives (LEIs) [EC]; 地方开辟就业机会计划
*LEM; Environment and Development Society of Ethiopia; 埃塞俄比亚环境与发展学会
*LEO; low earth orbits (LEOs); 低地球轨道
*LEPOR; Long-Term and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and;Research; 海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案(海洋扩大方案)
*LES; large economic space; 大经济区
*LES; Licensing Executives Society International; ; 国际许可证主管人员协会(许可证主管协会)
*L/G; letter of guarantee; 信用保证书
*LGA; Authority for the Integrated Development of the Liptako-Gourma;Region (ALGR);; Liptako-Gourma Integrated Development Authority; Autorite de Developpement Integre de la Region du Liptako-Gourma; 利普塔科--古尔马地区综合开发管理局
*LGDJ;Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence; 法学及司法判例出版社
*LHAR;London, Hull, Antwerp or Rotterdam [Chartering and Shipping]; 伦敦、赫尔、安特卫普或鹿特丹
*LHV; low heat value; 低热值
*LI; Liberal International; World Liberal Union; 自由、进步党国际;世界自由主义联盟
*LI; Liberty International; 国际自由协会(自由协会)
*LIBID; London Inter-Bank Bid Rate (Libid); 伦敦银行同业出价利率
*LIBOR; London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) (ref: HIBOR, SIBOR); 伦敦银行同业拆放利率(伦敦银行间利率)
*LICO; low income cutoff [Canada]; 低收入取决值
*LIDC;low-income developing countries (LIDCs); 低收入发展中国家
*LIDEMA; Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente [Bolivia]; 环境保护联盟
*LIDLIP; International League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples; Ligue Internationale pour les Droits et la Liberation des Peuples;[Switzerland]; 国际争取人民权利与解放联盟
*LIFE;language industry for Europe; 欧洲语文行业
*LIFFE; London International Financial Futures Exchange; 伦敦国际金融期货交易所
*Limean; Limean rate: average between LIBID and LIBOR; 伦敦银行同业(出价与发价)平均利率
*LIMS;Limb Infrared Monitoring of the Stratosphere [US Project]; 平流层临边红外监测
*LING;Languages Service [UNOG]; 语文处
*LINGUA; Programme to Promote Training in Foreign Languages in the European;Community; 欧洲共同体促进外语培训计划
*LINK;International Research Group of Economic Model Builders; 国际建立计量经济模型研究小组;LINK project; 链环项目(建立世界经济的计量模型);LINK project simulation; 根据链环项目建立的模型进行模拟;LINK system; 链环系统
*£Ir;Irish pound [Monetary Uint of Ireland]; 爱尔兰镑
*Lista 99 Movement for People's Government [Uruguay]; Moviemiento por el Gobierno del Pueblo (MGP (99)); 人民政府运动
*Lit; Italian lira [Monetary Unit of Italy]; 意大利里拉
*LJA; London Jute Association; 伦敦黄麻协会
*lkg; leakage; 漏损;lkg & bkg (leakage and breakage);漏损和破损
*LL; International Convention on Load Lines;; International Load Line Convention (LL 1966) [5 April 1966]; 国际船舶载重线公约[国际条约集 1966-68]
*LL; land-locked; 内陆(国家)
*LL; Lebanese pound [Monetary Unit of Lebanon]; 黎巴嫩镑
*LLC; landlocked countries (LLCs); 内陆国家
*LLLI;La Leche League International, Inc.; 国际母乳育婴联盟(母乳育婴联盟)
*£M; Maltese pound [Monetary Unit of Malta]; 马耳他镑
*LMB; London Metal Bulletin; 伦敦五金导报
*LMBO;leverage management buyout; leveraged management buyout (ref: LBO); 公司经理利用贷款收购该公司
*LME; London Metal Exchange [UK]; 伦敦五金交易所
*LMIS;Lloyd's Maritime Information Services Ltd.; 劳埃德海事资料服务社
*LNG; liquefied natural gas; 液化天然气
*LO; liaison office; 联络处
*loc cit; loco citato (l.c.) [Latin]; 在上述引文中;见上引
*LOICZ; Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone; 沿海区域陆地海洋相互作用研究方案
*LO/LO; lift-on/lift-off (Lo/Lo); 吊上吊下
*LORCS; League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (LSCR); 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LOS; Law of the Sea; 海洋法; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; 联合国海洋法公约
*LOS PrepCom; United Nations Preparatory Commission on the International Sed-Bed; Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; 联合国国际海底管理局和国际海洋法法庭筹备委员会
*LPB; local private-sector bank; 地方私营部门银行(地方私银)
*LPE; Language Proficiency Examination [UN]; 语文资格考试
*LPG; liquefied petroleum gas; 液化石油气
*LR; Lloyd's Register [UK]; 劳埃德船舶年鉴; Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LRS) [UK]; 劳埃德船级社;英国劳氏船级社
*LR; local repair [Shipping]; 当地修理
*LRA; Load's Resistance Army; 上帝的抵抗军
*LRCS;League of Red Cross Societies; 红十字会协会; League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS; LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (LSCR); 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LRS; Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) [UK]; 劳埃德船级社;英国劳氏船级社
*LRTNF; long-range theatre nuclear force; 远程战区核力量
*LS; locus sigilli [Latin]; 盖印处;(文书副本上标明正本上)盖印地方
*L$; Liberian dollar [Monetary Unit of Liberia]; 利比里亚元
*£S; Sudanese pound [Monetary Unit of Sudan]; 苏丹镑
*£S; Syrian pound [Monetary Unit of Syria]; 叙利亚镑
*LSCR;League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (LORCS; LRCS); Ligue des Societes de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge; 红十字会与红新月会协会
*LSHTM; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine [UK]; 伦敦卫生与热带医学学院
*LSMS;Living Standards Measurement Study [World Bank]; 生活水平衡量研究
*£ Stg; British sterling [Monetary Unit of United Kingdom]; 英镑
*LT; letter telegramme; 书信电报
*LTA; Long-Term Arrangements regarding International Trade in Cotton;Textiles; 国际棉纺织品贸易长期办法(棉织品长期办法)
*Ltd; limited (company of limited liability); 有限公司
*LTEA; local trade efficiency associations (LTEAs); 地方贸易效率协会
*LTL; less than trailer load; 拖车零担[集装箱]; less than truck load; 卡车零担[集装箱]
*LTTE; Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [Sri Lanka]; 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织
*Lu; Bulgarian lev [Monetary Unit of Bulgaria]; 保加利亚列弗
*LUF; lifting unit frame [container]; (lift trucks for handling all types of cargo containers; a system in; use with ro/ro transport of handling numerous containers at one; time and other cargo to achieve high handling rates)
*LuxF; Luxembourg franc [Monetary Unit of Luxembourg; 卢森堡法郎
*LV; local vanning [Container]; 当地装箱
*£WA; West African pound [Monetary Unit of Gambia and Sierra Leone]; 西非镑
*LWF; Lutheran World Federation; 世界路德会联合会(路德会联合会)
*LWS; Lutheran World Service; 路德会世界服务社
*M;missing [Chartering and Shipping]; 灭失
*M;M countries (most seriously affected countries); 受影响最严重国家
*M;move to different country/division [UNHCR]; 转调到不同国家或司
*MAB; Man and the Biosphere Programme;; Programme on Man and the Biosphere;; Man and the Biosphere Programme [UNESCO, 1970]; 人与生物圈方案
*MAC; Death to Communists [Colombian paramilitary group]; 灭共团
*MAC; meeting of aid co-ordinators; 援助协调员会议
*MAC; Military Armistice Commission [Korea]; 军事停战委员会
*MAC; multiplexed analogue component [EC]; 卫星转播系统技术标准
*MAC; United Nations Mine Action Centre (UNMAC); 联合国地雷行动中心
*MACTIS; Marine and Coastal Technology Information Service [UN/IESA]; 海洋和沿海技术资料处
*MACWUSA; Motor Assembly and Component Workers Union of South Africa; 南非汽车装配及配件工人工会
*MAD; mutual-assured destruction; 双方都有把握摧毁对方
*MAE; Maritime Advisory Exchange [TD/B/C.4/340, para.134]; 海运咨询资料交换所
*MAFF; Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [UK]; 农业、渔业和粮食部(农渔粮食部)
*MAI; multilateral agreement on investment; 投资多边协议
*MAIB; Movimiento de Autodeterminacion de la Isla de Bioko; 比奥科岛自治运动[赤道几内亚]
*MAN; metropolitan area network [Computer]; 城市区域网络
*MAP; Middle Atmosphere Programme [SCOSTEP/ICSU]; 中层大气研究方案
*MAR; monthly attendance report; 每月出勤报告
*MARC; Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre [UNEP/SCOPE]; 监测和评价研究中心(监评中心)
*MARINA; Maritime Industry Authority [Philippines]; 海运业管理局
*MARPOL; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,; 1973 (London Convention); [London; 2 Nov. 1973; A/CONF.62/L.14]; 1973年国际防止船舶污染公约(伦敦公约); MARPOL PROT 1978; Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the; Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [17 Feb. 1978]; 1973年国际防止船舶污染公约1978年议定书
*MARS; mandatory absence for the release of stress [UNHCR]; 消除紧张必休假
*MARV; manoeuverable re-entry vehicle; 机动重返大气层运载工具;机动再入工具; MARVed missile; 机动重返大气层运载工具型导弹;机动再入型导弹
*MAS; Management Advisory Service; 管理咨询服务处
*MAS; United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS); 联合国排雷行动处
*MASA;Medical Association of South Africa; 南非医学协会
*MASSA; Malaysia South-South Association; 马来西亚南南协会(马南协会)
*MASSCORP Malaysia South-South Corporation; 马来西亚南南公司(马南公司)
*MAST; measures affecting services trade (MASTs) [UNCTAD]; 影响服务贸易措施
*MAST;Specific Research and Technological Development Programme in the;Field of Marine Science and Technology [EC]; 海洋科学技术研究与技术开发特别计划
*MAWU;Metal and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 金属及相关行业工人工会
*Mb; megabar; 百万巴;兆巴[压力单位]
*mb; millibar; 毫巴[压力单位]
* MBO; Management Buyouts;
*MBO; management by objectives; 目标管理(制度);为各级经理指定目标的管理制度
*MBT; Montbrillant [UNHCR Headquarters Building]; 蒙布里昂
*MBW; Movement for a Better World; 建立一个更美好的世界运动(更美好世界运动)
*MC; marginal cost; 边际成本
*MCA; Malaysian Chinese Association [Malaysia]; 马来西亚华人公会(马华公会)
*MCA; Manufacturing Chemists' Association [USA]; 制造业化学师协会
*MCA; monetary compensatory amount [EC]; 货币补偿额[由于各有关成员国货币平价变化而产生的农产品贸易差价应予;补偿]
*MCCO;East Caribbean Common Market (ECCM); Mercado Comun del Caribe Oriental; 东加勒比共同市场
*MCDA;military and civil defense assets; 军事和民防资产
*MCH; Maternal and Child Health [WHO Programme]; 妇幼保健方案; MCH/FP; MCHF/amily Planning; 妇幼保健/计划生育方案
*MCO; miscellaneous claims obligation; 杂项索赔债务
*MCP; Malawi Congress Party; 马拉维国民大会党
*MCP; Movimiento Campesino Paraguayo; 巴拉圭农民运动
*MCP; multilateral consultation process; 多边协商程序
*MCSS;Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme [WMO]; 海洋气候摘要方案
Mcuries; megacurie; 百万居里;兆居里[放射性强度单位]
mcuries; millicurie; 毫居里[放射性强度单位]
*MCWCS; Ministterial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime; Transport (MINCONMAR); Conference Ministerielle des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre sur; les Transports Maritimes (CMEAOC); 西非和中非国家部长级海运会议
*MDB; multilateral development bank; 多边发展银行
*MDF; medium-density fibreboard; 中密度纤维板
*MDGD; Management Development and Governance Division [UNDP]; 管理发展和施政司
*MDI; metered-dose inhaler [Environment]; 剂量吸入器
*MDM; Medecins du Monde; 世界医师协会
*MDO; marine diesel oil; 船用柴油
*MEA; minimum equal amount [GSP]; 最低统一配额
*MEA; Mouvement Ecologique Algerien; 阿尔及利亚生态运动
*MEA; multilateral environment agreements (MEAs); 多边环境协定
*MECED; menores en circunstancias especialmente dificiles [Mexico]; 情况特殊困难儿童
*MECOFIN; Mechanism for Confirmation and Financing of Letters of Credit and; Imports [CAF]; 信用证和进口确认与融资机制
*MECON; Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Limited; 印度冶金及工程顾问有限公司
*MEDA; Council of Mediterranean Countries; 地中海国家理事会
*MEDARABTEL; Middle East and Mediterranean Basin Telecommunications Network; 中东和地中海区域电信网络(地中海阿拉伯电信网络); MEDARABTEL Project; 地中海阿拉伯电信项目
*Medcon; East Coast Coal Charter Party [Chartering and Shipping]; 东海岸煤炭租船合同
*MEDEAS; Mediterranean Development and Environment Activities Centre; 地中海发展和环境活动中心
*MEDI;Marine Environmental Data and Information Referral System; 海洋环境数据和资料检索系统(海洋环境系统)
*MEDIA; Action Programme to Promote the Development of the Audio-Visual;Industry [EC]; 促进音像工业发展措施[共同体计划]
*MEDIA; Mauritius Export Development and Investment Authority; 毛里求斯出口发展与投资管理局
*MEDIACULT; International Institute for Audio-Visual Communication and;Cultural Development; 国际视听传播与文化发展学会(视听传播与文化发展学会)
*Medicare Medical Care [United States federal programme providing financial;assistance for medical expenses of individual senior citizens]; 医疗保健计划
*Medicus Mundis Internationalis (IOCHC); International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care; 国际保健合作组织
*Medline; 医学资料库
*MEDMECON Mediterranean Middle East Conference; 地中海中东航运公会
*MED POL;Long-Term Programme for Pollution Monitoring and Research in the;Mediterranean Sea; 地中海污染监测和研究长期方案(地中海污染研究方案)
*MEDSPA; Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment;in the Mediterranean [EC]; 保护地中海环境战略和行动计划
*MEDU;Mediterranean Action Plan Unit; 地中海行动计划股(地中海股)
*MEGALINK [A Far East-based banking consortium; translator note - not an;acronym]
*MENA;Middle East and North Africa [Region]; 中东和北非
*MENRIS; Mountain Environment and Natural Resources Information System;[UNITAR]; 山区环境和自然资源资料系统
*MEP; member of the European Parliament [EC]; 欧洲议会议员
*MEPZ;Mauritius Export Processing Zone; 毛里求斯出口加工区
*MERCOSUR; Common Market of the Southern Cone; Southern Cone Common Market; Mercado Comun del Cono Sur; 南锥体共同市场(南锥共市)[南美洲南半部锥体组成的共同市场]
*MERCURIUS; Multi-Media Emergency Rapid Communication Units relating; International and Up-Country Systems
*MERM; multinational exchange rate model [Economic Model]; 多种汇率模型
*MERT; managemeng of the Emergency Response Team [UNHCR]; 应急小组的管理
*Mex$; Mexican peso [Monetary Unit of Mexico]; 墨西哥比索
*MF; Mali franc [Monetary Unit of Mali]; 马里法郎
*MFA; Arrangement regarding International Trade in Textiles;; Multi-Fibre Arrangement [Dec. 1977]; 国际纺织品贸易安排;多纤维安排(多纤安排); [国际商品协定选编,p.249]
*MFDC;Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance [Senegal]; Mouvement des Forces Democratiques de la Casamance; 卡萨芒斯民主力量运动
*Mfg; manufacturing; 制造
*MFI; multilateral financial institutions; 多边金融机构
*MFLC;most favoured licence clause; 最惠特许条款
*MFN; most favoured nation (treatment) (mfn); 最惠国(待遇);最优惠国家(待遇)
*MFR; maximum financial requirements; 最高资金需要额
*MG; motor generator; 电动发电机
*MGF; multilateral guarantee facility; 多边担保设施
*MGP (99) Movement for People's Government [Uruguay]; Moviemiento por el Gobierno del Pueblo (Lista 99); 人民政府运动
*MGTB;Malta Government Tourist Board; 马耳他政府旅游局
*MHASA; Maquinas Herramientas Andinas; 安第斯机床有限公司
*MHWS;mean high water springs; 大潮平均高潮面
*MIA; Marine Insurance Act [UK]; 英国海上保险法
*MIA; Myanmar International Airways [Myanmar]; 缅甸国际航空公司
*MIC; Malaysian Indian Congress [Malaysia]; 马来西亚印度人国大党
*MICAS; Microcomputer Based Commodity Information and Analysis System; 适用于微型计算机的商品信息和分析系统(商品信息分析系统)
*MICIVIH;International Civilian Mission in Haiti; Mission Civile Internationale en Haiti; 驻海地国际文职人员特派团(海地特派团)
*MIDEPLAN Ministry of Planning and Co-operation [Chile]; Ministerio de Planificacion y Cooperacion; 计划与合作部
*MIDH;Movement for the Establishment of Democracy in Haiti; 海地建立民主运动
*MIE; Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property; 匈牙利保护工业产权协会
*MIF; Miners' International Federation; 国际矿工联合会(矿工联合会)
*MIG8;military intelligence group of region 8 [Philippines]; 第八区军事情报组
*MIGA;Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; 多边投资担保机构(担保机构);MIGA Convention; 多边投资担保机构公约
*MII; Ministry of Information Industry; ; 信息产业部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MILF;Mindanao Islamic Liberation Front [Philippines]; 棉兰伊斯兰解放阵线
*MIMS; Motor Items Management System [UNHCR]; 机动车辆管理系统
*MINCONMAR; Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on;Maritime Transport (MCWCS); Conference Ministerielle des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du;Centre sur les Transports Maritimes (CMEAOC); 西非和中非国家部长级海运会议
*MINDEV; Minerals Sector in the Development Process of Developing Countries; 发展中国家在发展过程中的矿业部门
*MINEX; 矿产品出口制度 [EEC - Lome Convention]
*MINISIS;Minicomputer Software Information System; 小型计算机软件资料系统
*MINUAR; United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR); Mission des Nations Unies d'Assistance au Rwanda; 联合国卢旺达援助团
*MINUGUA; United Nations Human Rights Verification Mission in Guatemala; 联合国危地马拉人权核查团; United Nations Mission for the Verification of Human Rights and of; Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive; Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala; 联合国危地马拉人权和关于人权全面协定承诺的遵守情况核查团; (联危核查团)
*MINURSO;United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara; Mission des Nations Unies pour le Referendum au Sahel Occidental; 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团
*MIR; Revolutionary Left Movement [Bolivia; Chile]; Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario; 左派革命运动
*MIRCEN; Microbiological Resorces Centres (MIRCENs); 微生物资源中心
*MIRV;multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicle; 多弹头分导重返大气层运载工具;多弹头分导再入工具;MIRVed ICBM; 多弹头分导再入型洲际弹道导弹;MIRVing;把弹道导弹转换为多弹头分导再入型
*MIS; Division of Management Information Services (DMIS) [UNDP]; 管理资料事务处
*MIS; Management Information System; 管理资料系统
*MIS; Management Institution Service [UNDP]; 管理体制事务
*MIS; Military Intelligence Service [South Africa]; 军事情报局
*MISC;Malaysian International Shipping Corporation; 马来西亚国际航运公司
*Misereor Bischofliches Hilfswerk Misereor [Germany]; 主教同情心援助工作组
*MISS;management and information system staff; 管理和资料系统工作人员
*MITI;Ministry of International Trade and Industry [Japan]; 通商产业省
*MK; Malawian kwacha [Monetary Unit of Malawi]; 马拉维克瓦查
*MKO; Mujahedin Khalgh Organization [Iran]; 人民圣战者组织
*MLES; Model Law on Electronic Signiture ( UNCITRAL); 电子签字示范法(贸易法委员会) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MLM; International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortages, 1993; (MLM Convention); 1993年船舶优先权和抵押权国际公约
*MLN; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (Tupamaros) (MLN-T); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*MLN-T; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement [Uruguay]; Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional (MLN; Tupamaros); 图帕马罗斯民族解放运动
*MLR; minimum lending rate; 最低贷款利率;最低贷出利率
*MLSA;Monthly List of Selected Articles; 每月论著选目
*MLWS;mean low water springs; 大潮平均低潮面
*m/m; man-month; 人工月
*MMAP;Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Management and;Utilization of Marine Mammals; 保护、管理和利用海洋哺乳动物的全球行动计划(哺乳动物行动计划)
*MMCESAS;Maritime Ministerial Committee for Eastern and Southern African;States; 东部和南部非洲国家部长级海事委员会
*MMD; Movement for Multi-Party Democracy;;Multi-Party Movement for Democracy [Zambia]; 多党民主运动
*MME; multinational marketing enterprise (MMEs) (ref: MPE); 多国销售企业
*MMI; Medicus Mundi Internationalis; International Organization for Co-operation in Health Care (IOCHC); 国际保健合作组织(保健合作组织)
*MMSA;Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; 美国矿冶学会
*MNC; multi-national corporations (MNCs); 多国公司
*MNE; multi-national enterprises (MNEs); 多国企业
*MNP28; 28 November National Patriotic Movement [Haiti]; 十一月二十八日全国爱国运动
*MNR; Mozambique National Resistance [South Africa-backed]; Movimento Nacional de Resistancia; 莫桑比克全国抵抗运动
*MNRI;Revolutionary Nationalist Movement of the Left [Bolivia]; Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda; 左派民族主义革命运动
*MOD; miscellaneous obligation document; 杂项承付费用文件
*MOE; Ministry of Education; ; 教育部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MOF; multiple option facility (MOFF); 选择权交易融资办法
*MOFF;multiple option financing facility (MOF); 选择权交易融资办法
*MOFA;majority-owned foreign affiliates; 外国母公司拥有多数股权的子公司
*Mohd;Mohammed; 穆罕默德[阿拉伯人名]
*MOLINAKA National Liberation Movement of Cambodia; 柬埔寨民族解放运动
*MOP; Meteosat Operational Programme [ESA geostationary satellites]; 气象卫星业务方案
*MOSS;Maintenance and Operation Services Section; 维持和操作事务科
*MOU; memorandum of understanding (MoU); 谅解备忘录
*MP; marginal product; 边际产品
*MP; member of parliament; 议会议员
*MPA; mental pain and anguish; 精神创伤和痛苦[赔偿问题]
*MPC; marginal propensity to consume; 边际消费倾向
*MPC; maximum permissible concentration; 最大允许浓度
*MPCC;Maghreb Permanent Consultative Committee (CPCM); Comite Permanent Consultatif du Maghreb; 马格里布常设协商委员会
*MPE; multinational production enterprises (MPEs) (ref: MME); 多国生产企业
*MPG; Managerial Policy Group; 管理政策组
*MPJ; Pan-African Youth Movement (PYM); Mouvement Panafricain de la Jeunesse; 泛非青年运动
*MPLA;Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola; Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola; 安哥拉人民解放运动;MPLA-PT; MPLA-Partido do Travalho;安哥拉人民解放运动--劳动党
*MPNP;Multi-Party Negotiating Process [South Africa]; 多党谈判进程
*MPP; marginal physical product; 边际物质产品
*MPP; Papaye Peasant Movement [Haiti]; 帕帕耶农民运动
*MPRI; Military Professional Resources Inc. [USA]; 军事专业资源公司[提供雇佣军事服务的公司]
*MPS; System of Material Product Balances; Material Product System [UN]; 物质产品平衡制度;物质产品制;物资制;MPS Questionnaire;物资制问题单
*MPS; Ministry of Public Security; 公安部 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*MPU; manpower unit; 人力劳动单位