
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 02:49:53

 1. 打电话 接电话

1.Hello,is this 62486806?


2.I‘d like to speak to Mr.Wang.


3.I‘m sorry.Mr.Wang is out right now.


4.May I know when he‘ll be back?


5.This is his wife speaking.


6.Can I take a message for him?


7.May I have your name,please?


8.Is he available?


9.I‘ll just find out for you.


10.Hello,are you still there?


11.Who is that speaking?


12.I‘m so sorry that I made such an early phone call.


13.Who do you wish to talk to?


14.Is Sue James in?


15.Hello!Is Sue there?




Dialogue A


B:Hello.is this 62486806?I‘d like to speak to Mr.Wang,please?

A:I‘m sorry.Mr.Wang is out right now.

B:May I know when he‘ll be back?

A:I don‘t know,but he will certainly be back for lunch.This is his wife speaking.Can I take a message for him?

B:Thank you,Mrs.Wang.Please tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon.

A:Very good.I‘ll let him know as soon as he comes back.But,may I have your name,please?

B:This is Lin Ming.Thank you.Bye.


Dialogue B

A:Good morning.

B:Good morning.This is Li Gang here I‘m calling from New York in America.

A:How can I help you?

B:I‘m trying to get hold of Mr.Chen.Is he available?

A:I‘ll just find out for you,sir… Hello,are you still there? Unfortunately,Mr.Chen is not available at the moment.Would

you like me to put you through to Mr.Li?

B:Yes,please.That‘s very kind of you.

A:You‘re welcome.

Dialogue C

(A:Jane B:Mary C:Sue)


B:Hello! Good morning.Who is that speaking?

A:It‘s Jane.I‘m so sorry that I made such an early phone call.

B:It‘s nothing.Who do you wish to talk to?

A:Is Sue James in?

B:Sue!Jane wants you on the phone.

A:Hello!Is Sue there?


A:Oh,sorry,I‘m afraid I won‘t attend the meeting this morning.Last night I had a sore throat and I started getting bot.

C:Do you have a temperature?Have you taken it?

A:No,haven‘t yet.

C:Don‘t worry about the meeting.You‘d better go to see a doctor.I wish you will soon be well.

A:Thank you,Sue.Bye.


Words and Expressions

available  a.可得到的,可达到的

airport  n.机场,航空站

New York  n.纽约

unfortunately  ad.不幸地,遗憾地

welcome  a.受欢迎的

attend  vt.出席,参加

sore  a.痛的,疼痛发炎的

throat  n.咽喉,喉咙

America  n.美国

see a doctor 看医生,就诊

put through (电话用语)把……接通

电话英语 2.没找到人

17.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you?


18.We have two Zhongs.


19.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?


20.I‘m sorry,he‘s not in the office now.


21.Do you have any idea when he‘ll be back?


22.I have no idea(when he‘ll be back.)


23.Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?


24.It‘s urgent.


25.I‘m sorry but he‘s in Shanghai on business.


26.Probably sometime tomorrow.


27.Is there anyone else who can help me?


28.OK.I‘ll just put you through.


29.Just a moment,please…


30.You‘re welcome.


31.Is Mary there?


32.Mary is out right now.


33.Why don‘t you call back later this afternoon?


34.When will she be back?


35.Will it be too late if I call around 10∶00 this evening?


电话英语 3. 等候与回电

36.Yes.You have the right number.


37.Please connect me with Mr.Lee.


38.Who is calling,please?


39.Are you still on the line?


40.I‘m sorry,but he has a visitor right now.


41.Could you hold a little longer?


42.Or shall I put you through to his secretary?


43.Shall I tell him you called?


44.Well,actually,I‘d rather call back later.


45.When is a good time to call?


46.Why don‘t you try agian in an hour?


47.Good afternoon.David Brown‘s office.


48.This is Prof.Davis from the University of Washington.


49.Would you mind waiting a few minutes?


50.I‘ll just trying to find him.


51.Yes.Go ahead,please.


52.I‘m sorry,but he is in a meeting now.


53.The best time to catch him would be 5∶30.


54.Could you possibly ask him to call me back?


55.Of course.What number are you on?


56.He has my number but I‘ll give it to you just in case.


57.There is a call from Wang Ling.


58.She is on her way.


59.I‘ll hold.


60.It‘s been a while.


61.It‘s nice to hear from you.



Dialogue A


(A:Dave Kennedy B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Is this 985-6634?

B:Yes.You have the right numbr.

A:Please connect me with Mr.Lee.

B:Who is calling,please?

A:This is Dave Kennedy.

B:One moment,please.(a moment later) Hello,Mr.Kennedy?

Are you still on the line?


B:I‘m sorry,but he has a visitor right now.Could you hold a littlelonger?Or shall I put you through to his secretary?


B:Shall I tell him you called?

A:Oh,no,no.Well,actually,I‘d rather call back later.When is agood time to call?

B:Why don‘t you try again in an hour?He will be free then.

A:OK.Thanks a lot.Good-bye.



Dialogue B


(A:Receiver B:Prof.Davis)

A:Good afternoon.David Brown‘s office.

B:bd afternoon.This is Prof.Davis from the University ofWashington.

A:Can I help you?

B:I‘d like to speak to Mr.Brown.Is he there?

A:Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?I‘m just trying tofind him.


A:Hello.Are you there?

B:Yes.Go ahead,please.

A:I‘m sorry,but he is in a meeting now.The best time to catchhim would be 5∶30.

B:Gould you possibly ask him to call me back?It‘s rather urgent.

A:Of course.What number are you on?

B:He ha my number bur I‘ll give it to you just in case.It‘s2235-7561.

A:OK.Mr.Davis.I‘ll have Mr.Brown get in touch with you assoon as the meeting is over.

B:Thank you.It‘s very kind of you.

A:You‘re welcome.Good-bye.


Dialogue C


(A:Wang Ling B:Fang Fang‘s father C:Fang Fang)


A:Hello.This is wang Ling.May I speak to Fang Fang?

B:I‘ll put you through.Hold on,please,(Voice:Fang Fang,there‘s a call from Wang Ling!)Hello?Are you there?She ison her way.

A:I‘ll hold,thank you.

C:Hi.Wang Ling.This is Fang Fang speaking.Oh,It‘s been awhile.It‘s nice to hear from you.How have you been?

A:Fine,thank you.And you?

C:Quite well.Last month,I had a very nice holiday.

A:Where did you go?

C:To Beijing.And I travelled around.

A:Very good.Oh,by the way,I‘m having a party at my house onFriday.Can you come?

C:Sure.Thank you.


Words and Expressions


number  n.数,数字,号码

connect  vt./vi.连接;联系

line  n.线,线条,界线

visitor  n.访问者;参观者;游客

secretary  n.秘书

actually   ad.实际上

rather   ad.相当;宁可

university   n.(综合性)大学

Washington   n.华盛顿

certainly  ad.一定,必定

possibly  ad.可能的;也许,或者

travel  vi./vt.旅行,行进;移动n.旅行

get in touch with 与……保持联系

as soon as 一……就

on one‘s way 在去……的路上

hear from 收到……的来信

by the way 随便说;在途中,在路上

电话英语 4. 留 言

62.I‘m sorry,but he‘s on another line now.


63.Would you care to hold?


64.Could you take a message,please?


65.I‘ll give him the message.


66.Anything else?


67.That‘s all.Thank you for trouble taken.


68.I‘m sorry,but he is out of the office right now.


69.When will he be back?


70.I wonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me?


71.Just a minute.I‘ll get a pen.


72.I‘ll 1et him know,Mf.Brown.


73.No.I really need to talk to him personally.


74.Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?


75.Hold on and I‘ll transfer you.


76.I‘m not available to take your call,but please your name,number and a brief message.


77.I‘ll get back to you as soon as possible.


78.Please call me at 556-3243 when you get back.



Dialogue A


(A:Jan Wise B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Can I speak to Mr.Clark?

B:May I have your name,Please?

A:This is Jan Wise speaking.

B:Hold on,please…I‘m sorry,but he‘s on another line now.

Would you care to hold?

A:Well,I need to leave in a ninute.Could you take a message,Please?


A:It‘s a little complicated… I‘m Mr.Clark‘s former classmate.


A:I was supposed to meet Mr.Clark for lunch at 12∶30 at Ernierestaurant with a friend of us,Miss White…

B:Ernie…Miss White——OK…

A:But Miss White‘s flight arrived late,and I need to pick her upat the airport now…


A:So please tell him that the time is changed to 1∶00…

B:One o‘clock…

A:And I hear that Miss White likes to eat Chinese food recently,so Iwant to meet at Beijing restaurant instead of Ernie‘s. Bythe way,pleasetell him not to book the table,I have done it al-ready.

B:Beijing restaurant… Chinese food——OK,Miss Wise,I‘ll givehim the message.Anything else?

A:That‘s all.Thank you for trouble taken.Good-bye.



Dialogue B


(A:Jim Brown B:Receiver)

A:Hello.This is Jim Brown of the Export Department.May Ispeak to Mr.Wang?

B:I‘m sorry,but he is out of the office right now.

A:When will he be back?

B:He should be back at any moment.

A:I wonder if you could give Mr.Wang a message for me?

B:Yes,certainly.Just a minute.I‘ll get a pen.(Pause)OKay,please carry on.

A:There will be a very urgent meeting at three o‘clock and Iwould like Mr.Wang to attend it.

B:OKay,an urgent meeting…three o‘clock…May I ask whatit‘s regarding?

A:Yes.It‘s regarding the foreign exchange market and our salesstrategy this year.

B:Shall I tell Mr.Wang to prepare any material?

A:Yes,thank you.

B:I‘ll let him know,Mr.Brown.

A:Thank you very much.Bye.



Dialogue C


(A:Mary B:Receiver C:John‘s voice)

A:Hello.Is John in?

B:No,can I take a message?

A:No.I really need to talk to him personally.

B:Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail,then?

A:Yes.Thank you.

B:Hold on and I‘ll transfer you.(Pause)

C:Hi,this is John.I‘m not available to take your call,butpleaseleave your name,number and a brief message.I‘ll get back toyou assoon as possible.

A:Hi,John.It‘s Mary and I really need to talk to you.I won‘t beableto go to the party with you.Please call me at 556-3243when you get back.


Words and Expressions


complicate  vt.使复杂;使麻烦

former   a.以前的;前者

suppose  vt.让;猜想;假定,以为

restaurant   n.饭店,饭馆

flight   n.飞行,飞翔,航班

change   v.改变,变化;更换,交换

recently   a.近来的;最近的,目前的

instead    ad.代替,顶替

book  n.书,书籍,v.定,预定

trouble   n.烦恼;苦恼;困境;麻烦

department   n.部;(大学等的)系

export   vt.输出;把……出口

attend  v.出席,照顾

regard   v.考虑,认为,把……看作是

exchange   v.交换;调换,兑换;交流

market   n.(交易)市场;(集)市

sale   n.出售,出卖;贱卖,大减价

strategy   n.战略,策略

material   n.材料;原料;资料

personally   a.亲自的;就个人而言

voice mail语音信箱

transfe   v.迁移;调动;变换;传输

brief   a.简略的,简短的

电话英语 5. 转告消息

79.Yes.I‘ll go to get him.


80.I‘m so glad I‘ve got hold of you at last.


81.Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter?


82.I‘m off today.


83.Listen,Mike,I‘ve got news for you.


84.You don‘t know me,but this is Garl Mattews.


85.I‘m calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy.


86.So he gave me your telephone number and let me give you acall.


87.And what time would suit you best?


88.You can call us from the lobbv and we‘ll come down.


89.Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much forcalling me.


90.She asked me to ask you if you would be able to meet here to-day at 3∶30 p.m.


91.But you can page her.


92.What is the number of her beeper?


93.Fine.Thanks for the message.



Dialogue A


(A:Robert B:Peter C:Mike)


B:Hello.Is that Mike?

A:No,this is Robert,his brother,speaking.

B:Oh hello,Robert.This is Peter.How are you?

A:Fine,thanks,and you?

B:I‘m very well.Is Mike there?

A:Yes.I‘ll go get him.

C:Hello.Mike speaking.

B:Hello.Mike?This is Peter speaking.I‘m so glad I‘ve got holdof you at last.

C:Were you trying to get in touch with me,Peter? I‘m off to-day.

B:That‘s good to know.Listen,Mike,I‘ve got news for you.

C:What is it?

B:My sister Jane is coming back from America.

C:That‘s great.When is she coming back?

B:Next weekend.

C:Next weekend?OK.And I want to know how long she willstay here this time.

B:About a week. Let‘s get together tonight and plan a party forher.

C:All right.I‘ll come to your place at 8 o‘clock.

B:Good.I‘ll be waiting for you.

C:See you later.



Dialogue B


(A:Stan Summers B:Carl Mattlews)


B:Hello.Can I speak to stan Summers,please?


B:Oh.Mr.Summer.You don‘t know me,but this is Carl Mat-tews.I‘m calling on behalf of Dave Kennedy.

A:Oh.So you‘re a friend of Dave‘s.How is he anyway?

B:oh,he‘s doing well and will be promoted again.

A:That‘s good to hear.Carl,what are you doing in New York?

B:Dave and I are attending a conference at the HiltonuntilThursday.And Dave is busy now.So he gave me your tele-phone numberand let me give you a call.He wants to know ifyou will have any time atall to got together tonight or Thurs-day evening.

A:Well,tonight there‘s a banquet I have to go to.But Thursdayevening I‘m free.

B:Good.Thursday evening.And what time would suit you best?

A:Seven-thirty would be good for me.

B:Yes,that‘s fine.So that‘s 7∶30 p.m.on Thursday at Hilton.

I‘ll book the table.And my room‘s 2120.Dave‘s is 2122.Youcan call us from the lobby and I‘ll come down.

A:Fine.I‘m looking forward to it!

B:Me,too.See you on Thursday,then.

A:Please say hello to Dave for me and thank you so much for call-ing me.Good-bye.


Dialogue C


(A:Roland B:Mr.Zhang)

A:Hello.May I speak to Mr.Zhang?


A:Hi,Mr.Zhang.This is Roland.Miss Lee telephoned.She askedme to ask you if you would be able to meet her today at 3∶30p.m.

B:Sorry,but I‘ll have a meeting then.Please tell me her call num-ber and I‘ll explain it to her personally.

A:Miss Lee said she would not be in her office this afternoon,butyou can page her.

B:What is the number of her beeper?

A:It‘s 6594968-99806.

B:Fine.Thanks for the message.Good-bye.



Words and Expressions


touch   vt.触摸;接触;碰到

weekend   n.周末

party   n.党,政党;聚会,宴会

behalf   n.利益

on behalf of 代表某人

anywny   ad.无论如何,无论怎样

conference   n.商议;会谈

Hilton  希尔顿

banquet   n.宴会

suit  v.对……适合;(使)适合

lobby   n.前厅;穿堂

look forward to 渴望,盼望

page   v.找人,寻找

beeper   BP机

电话英语 6. 长途电话

94.Hello.Overseas operator.


95.I‘d like to make a collect call to Japan.


96.Country code 81,area code 138,and the number is 864-8972.


97.Mom.It‘s Helen.How‘s everything going?


98.You can call direct if you like.


99.Could you please tell me the international prefix and the coun-try code for Australia?


100.…and then dial the city code and the number.


101.Start with the international code which is 00.


102.What time do the special rates apply?


103.I wonder if I can charge this call to my hotel room.


104.I‘ll tell the front desk clerk the charge afterwards.


105.I‘d like to place an overseas call to London.


106.Can I dial direct?


107.How about the charges?


108.The charges vary according to the types of call you make.


109.The cheapest is a station-to-station call,then a person-to-person call.


110.The mini charge will apply for the first three minutes, then each additional minute will be charged.


111.Could you put through a collect call for me?


112.And what‘s the number you are calling?


113.And your name and number?


114.Hang up and I‘ll call you back In a few minutes.


115.You have a collect call for a Mr. Ron Smith in Chicago.


116.Will you accept the charges?


117.I have your call on the line. GO ahead, please.



Dialogue A


(A:Operator B:Helen Kent C:Edna)

A:Hello.Overseas operator. May I help you?

B:Yes. I‘d like to make a collect call to Japan.

A:Your name, please?

B:It‘s Helen Kent.

A:Who would you like to talk to?

B:I‘d like to talk to Mr. Edna Kent.

A:Is that Mr. Edna Kent?

B:That‘s right.

A:What number are you calling from, please?

B:From code 513, 432-6748

A:And the number in Japan, please?

B:Country code 81, area code 138, and the number is 846-8972.

A:Hold the line, please. I‘ll put your call through.

C:Hello. This is Edna.

B:Mom. It‘s Helen. How‘s everything going?

C:Fine. How are you?

B:Very good indeed.

C:How‘s the weather there?

B:It‘s sunny and bright. Dole and I just came back from thesight-seeing. We spent two days on the beach. Then we went downtown,doing some shopping and visiting the museums and places like that, andthings we haven‘t see there.

C:Oh, great!

B:We had a very very good time… Mom, is Dad in?

C:No, he went out to the club and won‘t be back until late afternoon… What time are you going to come back?

B:Probably early next week. But I‘m not sure.

C:Ok, take care of yourself.

B:Well, Mom, say Hi to every body. Say love to Daddy. Bye.

C:Have a nice stay, bye.


Dialongue B


(A:Operator B:Mr. Ma)


B:Hello. I‘d like to make a call to Australia.

A:You can call direct if you like.

B:Oh, can I?

A:Yes, please.

B:Could you please tell me the international prefix and the country code for Australia?

A:Yes, The code for Australia is 61 and then dial the city code and the number. Start with the international code which is 00.

B:What time do the special rates apply?

A:Between six in the evening and eight in the morning,sir.

B:I wonder if I can charge this call to my hotel room.

A:Certainly.Tell me the room number and your name,please?

B:This is Mr.Ma in room 215.

A:OK,Mr.Ma.I‘ll tell the front desk clerk the charge after-wards.

B:Thanks very much for your help.

A:You‘re welcome.Bye.



Dialogue C


(A:Operator B:Ron Smith C:Marilyn Peters)

A:Long Distance.May I help you?

B:Yes.I‘d like to place an overseas call to London.Can I dial di-rect?

A:No,sir.I‘m afraid not.

B:Oh,I see.How about the charges?

A:The charges vary according to the types of call youmake.Thecheapest is a station-to-station call,then aperson-to-personcall.The mini charge will apply for the first threeminutes,theneach additional minute will be charged.

B:Oh,let me think of it…Could you put through a collect call forme?

A:Certainly.Who are you calling?

B:It‘s a Mrs.Peters.Marilgyn Peters.

A:And what‘s the number you are calling?

B:It‘s London,9981-6432.

A:And your name and number?

B:My name‘s Ron Smith and the phone number is 356-2210.

A:Hang up and I‘ll call you back in a few minutes.(Pause).

Hello.This is the operator.You have a collect call from a Mr.Ron Smith in Chicago.Will you accept the charges?

C:Yes,I will.


B:Yes,it is.

A:I have your call on the line.Go ahead,please.

B:Thank you very much.


Words and Expressions


oversea(s)     a.海外的;往海外的

operator     n.操作者;工作者;接线员

collect call 对方付费电话

area     n.面积;地区;区域

code     n.法典;法规;规章;代码

sight-seeing 观光,游览

beach     n.海滨;湖滨;海滩

downtown     ad.在商业区;向商业区;在市区;

museum     n.博物馆;(美)展览馆

Australia    n.澳大利亚;澳洲

direct     a.径直的;直线的;直接的

international     a.国际的

prefix     n.字首,前缀

dial     n.1.[钟表的]面;标度盘


rate/reit/ v.拨电话


apply     vi.适用;应用;使用

charge     v.要价,收费

front desk 柜台

clerk     n.办事员

afterwards     ad.后来;以后

distance     n.1.距离;2.远方;远景


according     adj.根据……所说的

mini     a.微型的;最低的

additional    a.附加的;另外的

Chicago (地名)芝加哥

电话英语 7. 打错电话

118.I beg you pardon? Miss who?


119.I‘m sorry,but I don‘t know that name.


120.You must have the wrong number.


121.Come on.I know Anna‘s there.Let me talk to her.


122.There‘s no one named Anna here.


123.Are you sure you have the right name?


124.What number are you trying to dial?


125.I‘d like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing,China.


126.To Mr.Qin at 6634-6972.


127.Mr.Zhou,will you hold the line,please?


128.There is no Qin at that number.


129.Will you check the number again,please?


130.What the number I gave you,operator?


131.I‘ve given you a wrong number.


132.I‘m afraid you have the wrong number.


133.I suggest you look in the phone book.



Dialogue A


(A:A young man B:Receiver)

A:Hello.Can I talk to Miss Anna Li,please?

B:I beg you pardon?Miss who?

A:Miss Li.Anna Li.

B:I‘m sorry,but I don‘t know that name.You must have thewrong number.

A:Come on.I know Anna‘s there.Let me talk to her.

B:Sorry.There‘s no one named Anna here.Are you sure you havethe right name?


B:What number are you trying to dial?

A:It‘s 423-6681.Isn‘t it right?

B:No.It isn‘t.It‘s 423-6631.

A:I‘m sorry to have bothered you.

B:No problem.


Dialogue B


(A:Operator B:Zhou Qiang)

A:Operator.Can I help you?

B:I‘d like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing,China.Thenumber is 6634-6972,and I want to speak to Mr.Qin.

A:To Mr.Qin at 6634-6972?

B:Yes,that‘s right.

A:May I have your name and telephone number?

B:My name is Zhou Qiang,and the phone number is 756-3284.

A:Mr.Zhou,will you hold the line,please?


Mr.Zhou,there is no Qin at that number.Will you check thenumber again,please?

A:What the number I gave you,operator?

B:It‘s 6634-6972.

A:Oh,I‘m sorry.It should have been 6634-6672,not 6972.I‘vegiven you a wrong number.

B:Are you sure this time?


B:OK.Let me try again.

A:Thank you.


Dialogue C


(A:Mrs. Charles B:Clerk)

A:Hello.This is Mrs.Charles.I‘d like to buy a new car.Couldyou offer me a new type of the car,please?

B:Oh,Madam,buy what?

A:A new car.And I‘ve got a small family,two children,and I haven‘t got a lot of money and…

B:Oh,oh,Madam,Madam.I‘m afraid you have the wrong num-ber.

A:Isn‘t this the car store?

B:No.It‘s Mike‘s Sporting Goods.

A:Oh,sorry.Do you know the number for a car store,then?

B:No.I don‘t.I suggest you look in the phone book.

A:I‘m sorry to have bothered you.

B:No problem.


Words and Expressions


beg      vt./vi.乞求;请求;恳求

pardon      n.原谅,请再说一遍

come on 来吧;快点;出现,上演

check      v.制止;控制;检查,核对

offer     v./n.提供;提出;提议


type     vt.打字;拍发

madam     n.夫人,女士,太太,小姐

store     v.贮藏,贮存,商店

goods      n.商品,货物,财产

suggest      vt.建议,提出

phone book 电话簿

problem     n.难题,问题

电话英语 8. 分机、占线

134.How may I direct you call?


135.Could I have extension 239,please?


136.I‘m sorry the number‘s engaged.


137.The line is free now.I‘ll put you through.


138.Whom am I speaking to,please?


139.Do you mind if I use your phone?


140.I wonder if I could make a long distance call?


141.I‘d like the extension 4130,please.


142.The number is busy now.


143.Well,it‘s ringing,go ahead,please.


144.And it took me quite a long time getting to you.


145.I‘ve been busy on the phone.



Dialogue A


(A:Operator B:Mary C:Jim)

A:Hello.Dodge Automobiles.How may I driect you call?

B:Could I have extension 239,please?

A:I‘m sorry the number‘s engaged.Would you care to wait,please?


(A few minutes later.)

A:The line is free now.I‘ll put you through.

C:Hello.This is Jim.Whom am I speaking to,please?

B:It‘s Mary.


B:Where were you last night,Jim?I waited for you for almost anhour.

C:Oh!I‘m sorry.I completely forgot.

B:You forgot!What did you do last night?

C:I stayed in…I was studying.

B:No,you weren‘t.I saw you at a quarter past seven and youwere with another girl.

C:I‘m sorry,Mary.I‘ll explain everything.It won‘t happen a-gain.

B:It certainly won‘t.I‘m never going to see you again(Maryhangs up the receiver).


Dialogue B


(A:Susan B:John C:Operator D:Mike)

A:Do you mind if I use your phone?

B:No,not at all.Go ahead.It‘s over there in the corner.

A:I wonder if I could make a long distance call?

B:Of course.


A:Hello.I‘d like the extension 4130,please.

C:Sorry.the number is busy now.Will you please hold the line?

A:No,I‘ll try agian later.

(A few minutes later)

A:Hello,operator.Extension 4130.Would you put me through a-gain,please?

C:OK,the line is free.Just a moment.(Pause)Well,it‘s ringing,go ahead,please.

A:Hello,Mike?It‘s Susan speaking.The line was very busy,andit took me quite a long time getting to you.

D:Yes.I‘m sorry.I‘ve been busy on the phone.How are you,dear?

A:Not very well.Something awful happened.We went to the Por-tobello Road and someone stole my handbag.

D:Oh,dear,did you lose a lot of money?

A:No,only a few pounds,but my passport was in the bag.That‘swhat I‘m really worried about.

D:You must tell your embassy about it and I think they‘ll issueyou with a new one.

A:I‘d better go tomorrow.

D:They might not be open on Saturday,so you ought to ringthem to check first.

A:Yes,I‘ll do it tomorrow.

D:And Susan…


D:Don‘t be too upset…it‘s not the end of the world.

A:OK.I‘m getting better,thank you,dear.Good-bye.



Words and Expressions


automobile     n.汽车,机动车

extension     n.(电话)分机

engaged    a.占线的

completely    ad.完全;十分;彻底

quarter     n.四分之一;一刻钟

receiver     v.(电话的)听筒,收话器

distance     n.距离,路程

ring     v.敲钟,打铃,响,鸣

awful    a.糟糕的;极坏的;威严的;可怕的

steal     vt.偷;窃取

handbag     n.(女用)手提包

pound     n.英镑;磅

passport     n.护照

embassy     n.大使馆

issue     n.配给,发给

ought     v.应当,应该

check     v.核对

upset    v.使不安;扰乱


电话英语 9 电话故障

146.The connection was bad.


147.There was a lot of echo and I couldn‘t hear well.


148.I‘ll connect you agian.


149.I‘ve just been disconnected from a number.


150.Could you speak a little louder,please?


151.There‘s a bad connection.


152.And now there‘s no answer.


153.Could you tell me if there‘s something wrong with myphone?


154.I doubt if it‘s your phone.


155.There may be a fault on the line.


156. I‘ll tell our engineers about it.


157.We‘ve checked that line,there was mini fault out it.


158.The number‘s ringing for you now.It should be all right thistime.


159.May be the receiver is off the hook.


160.I can barely hear what you are saying.


161.We must have gotten our lines crossed.


162.Why don‘t we hang up and try again?


163.Hello.It‘s me again.


164.I think my phone is out of order.


165.But I keep getting a funny noise.


166.Are the lines overloaded?


167.What kind of sound is it making?


168.A continuous beeping sound.


169.And I can‘t get a proper dialing tone.


170.I‘m calling from another line.



Dialogue A


(A:Operator B:Lin Ping)

A:Operator.How can I help you?

B:Yes.The connection was bad.There was a lot of echo and Icouldn‘t hear well,will you put me through again?

A:I‘m awfully sorry for the trouble.I‘ll connect you again.

(A few minutes later)

B:Operator.I‘ve just been disconnected from a number.Couldyou…

A:I‘m sorry,sir.Could you speak a little louder,please?There‘sa bad connection.

B:Yes.I‘ve just been disconnected from a number,and nowthere‘s noanswer.Could you tell me if there‘s somethingwrong with my phone?

A:What number were you speaking to,sir?


A:Oh,2743-1120.I doubt if it‘s your phone.We‘ve being a lot oftrouble in that area todny.There may be a fault on line.

B:Oh,I see.

A:I‘ll tell our engineers about it.Please tell me your name andnumber,I‘ll call you back soon.

B:My name‘s Lin Ping and my number‘s 3512-6762.

(About ten minutes later)

A:(ringing)Hello,is that 3512-6762?

B:Yes,it is.

A:Mr.Lin.We‘ve checked that line,there was a mini fault on it.

The number‘s ringing for you now.It should be all right thistime.

B:Thank you very much.


Dialogue B


(A:Tom B:Sue)

A:Hello,Sue.It‘s Tom.


A:I‘ve been trying to get hold of you forever.

B:Really?I‘ve being stayed at home all day long.

A:But your line is always busy.

B:Oh.May be the receiver is off the hook.

A: I see.I‘m calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

B:What?I can barely hear what you are saying.

A:I‘m calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

B:The connection is too bad.We must have gotten our linescrossed.

A:Why don‘t we hang up and try again.

B:Good idea.


A:Hello,It‘s me,again.

B:Oh,Tom.You said a dinner,tonight?


B:I can‘t tonight,mother has a cold,I must stay at home andlook after her.But I‘d love to some other night.

A:Oh,what‘s a pity!You‘d better set up an appointment to seea doctor as soon as possible.

B:Yes.Thank you.

A:I‘ll call you back later,Bye-bye.



Dialogue C


(A:Operator B:Li Ming)

A:Hello.How can I help you?

B:Hello.Look,I think my phone is out of order.

A:What seems to be the problem?

B:I‘ve been trying to get through to a number for the past fifteenminutes,but I keep getting a funny noise.

A:Are you sure it‘s the right number,sir?

B:Yes,I‘ve checked in the telephone book.Are the lines over-loaded?

A:What kind of sound is it making?

B:A continuous beeping sound.And I can‘t get a proper dialingtone.I‘m calling from another line.

A:You may have a fault on your line.I‘ll report it to the engi-neers.

B:Thank you very much for your help.

A:Don‘t mention it.Bye-bye.



Words and Expressions


connection     n.连接;联系;关系

echo     n.回首;回声;反响

awfully     ad.异常,非常

doubt     n.怀疑,疑问,疑惑

fault     n.缺点,毛病

engineer     vt.设计;建造


check     n.支票;账单;核对

mini     a.微小的

forever     ad.永远,总是

hook    n.钩,钩状物

barely     ad.勉强,几乎没有

cross     n.交叉

look after 照顾

pity     v./n.怜悯,惋惜

setup 创立,建立

appointment    n.约会;任命;选派

as soonas 一……就

funny     a.滑稽的,可笑的

overload     v.超负荷

continuous     a.连续的,继续的

mention    vt.说到,谈到

电话英语 10. 结束电话

171.I recognized your voice right away.


172.I‘m calling to ask you some question about Jim,you knowhim,don‘t you?


173.Oh,Mary,I‘d better go now.


174.Is the boss coming by?


175.OK.I‘ll let you get back to your work.


176.I‘ll call you again later,OK?


177.Call me at home.


178.Certainly,I‘ll make sure he gets your message.


179.Hello!Is that you,Tom?


180.I‘d know your voice anywhere.


181.I can‘t believe I got hold of you at last.


182.I tried to contact you by phone several times,but you werenot in.


183.Oh,somebody‘s at the door.I have to go.


184.And I have to say“good-bye”.


185.Nice talking to you.


186.Same here,bye-bye.


187.What‘s your FAX number,please?


188.I‘ll think about it and call you back to discuss it to some de-tails soon.


189.I‘ll be looking forward to hearing from you.



Dialogue A


(A:Mary B:Julia)

A:Hello.I wish to speak to Julia.

B:This is Julia speaking.

A:Oh,how do you do,Julia.This is Mary speaking.

B:Mary,I recognized your voice right away.I‘m glad you calledme.

A:Julia,listen,um…I‘m calling to ask you some questions aboutJim,you know him,don‘t you?


A:What‘s he like?

B:Well,why are you asking adout Jim?

A:Well,I want to try and get a part-time job at his store…

B:Oh,well,Jim‘s a nice guy…I mean he‘ll give you decenthours,a decent wage,and plenty of breaks.

A:Well,that sounds good.Um,what does he look like?I‘ve gotto meet him at the Sunset Restaurant for lunch and I can‘t re-member.

B:Oh,well,he‘s about thirty-six…




B:…oh,has dark,wavy hair with a little gray at the temples.

A:Oh,sounds kind of nice.


A:Um,is he,a formal kind of guy,or does he dress casually?

B:Oh,he rarely dresses casually.He always wears three-piece suitsand ties——dresses very much in style.Oh ,Mary,I‘d better gonow.

A.Is the boss coming by?

B:Yeah,and I have to finish this report by four.

A:OK.I‘ll let you get back to your work.

B:I‘ll call you again later,OK?

A:Call me at home.I want to hear all about him.

B:(business like,to cover up)Certainly,I‘ll make sure he getsyour message.Good-bye.


Dialogue B


(A:Philip B:Tom)

A:Hello!Is that you,Tom?

B:Philip!Yes,this is Tom.

A:Oh,how do you know it‘s me?

B:I‘d know your voice anywhere.

A:I can‘t believe I got hold of you at last.And what have you be-ing doing?

B:Yeah,I haven‘t been home a lot lately.And I‘ve had a lot ofworkand social engagements.Oh,Philip,when did you getback to London?

A:I just came back about a week ago,I tried to contact you byphone several times,but you were not in.

B:Sorry,Sorry.Did you have a nice holiday,then?

A:Lovely.I went to Scotland and travelled aroud.

B:Did you go up to the Highlands?

A:No.I stayed at a hotel near Loch Lomond for a few days andcame back to London down the west coast.

B:Did you have good weather?

A:Quite good,and everybody was very kind.People aren‘t quitesuch a hurry up there you know.

B:How I admire you!Oh,I feel like I‘m under too much strainthese days.I need a holiday indeed.

A:Well,I suppose so.

B:Oh,somebody‘s at the door.I have to go.And I have to say“good-bye”.Nice talking to you.

A:Same here,bye-bye.


Dialogue C


(A:Receiver B:Mr.Kent)

A:Hello,Australian Trading Company.Can I help you?

B:Hello.Yes.This is Mr.Kent of Oriental Ltd.We are interestedin thecarpets advertised by you and I think the carpet will finda readymarket in our country.

A:May I have your specific inquiry?If you make an inquiry,wecan offer you firm.

B:Could you give me some idea about your prices?

A:Well,if you please,I can send our price sheets to you by fax.

What‘s your fax number,please?

B:6885486.If your prices are favourable,we can place the order.

A:By the way,enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous.

You‘d better place your order as soon as possible.

B:I see.Well,I‘ll think about it and call you back to discuss it tosome details soon.

A:OK,I‘ll be looking forwad to hearing from you.Good-bye.



Words and Expressions


recognize     vt.认识到;识别;承认

past-time 逝去的时光

guy    n.〈美俚语〉家伙;人

decent     a.1.正派的;端庄的


wage     n.[常用复数][按周发的]工资

temple    n.太阳穴,额头

formal     a.正式的;外表的

casually     a.偶然的,不注意的

rarely    ad.很少;罕有

style    n.文风;风格;时髦

businesslike     a.认真的;一板一眼的

social    a.社会的;社交的,交际的

engagement     n.订婚,婚约;约定,约会

Highlands     n.高地,高原

Scotland    n.苏格兰

coast    n.海岸,海滨

hurry up 匆忙;慌忙

admire    v.羡慕,赞赏,钦佩

stair     n.楼梯

suppose     vt.让;猜想;假定

Loch Lomond (地名)洛蒙德湖

carpet    n.地毯

advertise     vt.为……做广告

market     n.(交易)市场;菜市(场)

inquiry     n.询问;调查

firm    n.商号;商行

sheet    n.被单;(一)张,(一)片;大片

favourable     a.好意的;赞成的;顺利的

place the order 定购;订购

enquiry     n.调查;询问

numerous     a.数量大的,数目更多的

detail    n.细节;详情

look forward to 渴望

hear from 收……的来信