肺泡细胞癌就是腺癌:416 外科Surgery

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 03:15:44
416 外科Surgery   運動醫學入416.69;復健醫學入418.92 

416.1 外科總論Surgery:general

416.11 外科解剖學Surgical anatomy

416.12 外科生理學Surgical pathophysiology

416.122 創傷及手術之生理學變化

416.123 休克Shock

416.124 體液及電解質Fluid and electrolytes

416.125 外科出血及輸血Bleeding and transfusion

416.126 新陳代謝及營養Metabolism and nutrition

416.127 傷口癒合Wound healing

416.14 外傷學Trauma  骨折、脫臼入416.67

416.141 燒傷、燙傷、凍傷、化學物及電傷害

416.142 叮咬傷

416.143 外傷Wounds  擦傷(Abrasions)、挫傷(Contusions)、裂傷、刀傷、槍傷、炸傷(Blast)、窒息(Asphyxia)入此

416.145 捩扭傷Sprains(Strains)

416.146 頭部外傷及頸椎外傷

416.15 外科感染Surgical infection

416.16 手術合併症Complication of  operation

416.17 移植外科Transplantation surgery

416.173 移植免疫學Transplantation immunology

416.174 器官保存Organ preservation

416.175 器官移植Organ transplantation

416.18 人工器官;混合生物工程器官Artificial organ

416.19 內視鏡手術Endoscopic surgery;微創手術Minimal invasive surgery 腹腔鏡手術(Laparoscopic surgery)入此

416.2 系統及局部外科Regional surgery  器官外科入此  參見394.1局部解剖

416.21 甲狀腺;副甲狀腺

416.22 胸腔Thorax

416.224 肺Lung;胸壁Chest wall;肋膜Pleura

416.226 縱膈腔Mediastinum;胸腺Thymus

416.23 乳房Breast  參見417.29乳房

416.231 乳房檢查Examination;乳房診斷Diagnosis

416.235 乳房疾病Breast diseases

416.2352 乳房腫瘤

416.2353 治療

416.24 消化系統Digestive system

416.241 食道Esophagus

416.242 腹部Abdomen  腹壁、肚臍、大網膜、腸繫膜、後腹膜入此

416.2423 疝氣Hernia

416.2425 急性腹痛Acute abdomen

416.243 胃Stomach;十二指腸Duodenum;小腸Small intestine 闌尾(Appendix)入此

416.245 結腸Colon;直腸Rectum;肛門Anus

416.246 肝臟Liver

416.247 膽管Bile duct;膽囊Gall bladder

416.248 胰臟Pancreas

416.249 脾臟Spleen

416.26 心臟血管系統Cardiovascular system

416.262 心臟Heart;心包膜Pericardium

416.263 動脈Artery  動脈瘤(Aneurysm)、主動脈剝離(Aortic dissection)入此

416.264 靜脈Vein;淋巴系統Lymphatic system

416.27 泌尿生殖系統外科

416.272 腎上腺

416.273 腎臟

416.274 泌尿系統    女性泌尿外科(Gynecourologic surgery)入此

416.275 男性生殖器手術

416.276 碎石術  體外震波碎石術(Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy)入此

416.28 小兒外科Pediatric surgery

416.29 神經外科Neurosurgery

416.291 腦血管病變Vascular lesion

416.292 良性脊髓病變Benign esion  of spine

416.293 周邊神經病變Peripheral nerve lesion

416.294 外傷Trauma

416.295 腫瘤Tumors

416.296 感染Infection

416.297 疼痛Pain

416.298 功能性神經外科Functional  surgery

416.3 外科技術Surgical technology

416.31 手術室

416.32 外科器械

416.33 外科消毒學Antisepsis  無菌法入此  防腐治療劑、消毒劑入418.287

416.35 縫合;切開及引流;敷藥   縫線及材料入此

416.4 整型外科Plastic surgery

416.41 畸形矯治

416.411 頭頸部

416.412 胸

416.413 顱顏  唇顎裂入此

416.416 軀幹

416.417 四肢

416.43 重建手術Reconstructive surgery

416.45 燒燙傷重建  植皮術入此

416.48 美容手術

416.5 麻醉學Anesthesiology  麻醉技術及方法入此  口腔麻醉入416.951;產科麻醉入417.372;麻醉劑入418.215

416.52 全身麻醉General anesthesia

416.53 部位麻醉Regional anesthesia

416.54 局部麻醉Local anesthesia

416.6 骨科Orthopedics

416.61 局部骨科

416.612 頸Neck

416.613 肩及上臂Shoulder and upper arm

416.614 肘及前臂Elbow and forearm

416.615 腕及手Wrist and hand

416.616 胸腰椎Thoracolumbar spine

416.617 髖Hip

416.618 膝Knee

416.619 踝及足Ankle and foot

416.62 小兒骨及關節之感染

416.63 風溼病Rheumatic disease

416.64 神經肌肉病變

416.65 自發性及遺傳性疾病Idiopathic and hereditary disease

416.66 肉瘤及骨瘤Tumors

416.67 骨折Fractures;脫臼Dislocations

416.69 運動醫學

416.7 眼科學Ophthalmology

416.701 視力Vision

416.7012 視覺Visual perception;空間覺Space perception

416.7014 色覺Color perception;色盲Color blindness

416.705 診斷Diagnosis;治療Treatment

416.7051 眼科檢查Ophthalmological examination

416.7052 眼科藥物治療Ocular therapeutics

416.7053 眼科手術Ophthalmological surgery

416.70531 眼庫Eye banking

416.70532 義眼Prosthesis

416.7056 眼科器械Ophthalmological instrumentation

416.71 角膜;鞏膜

416.711 角膜Cornea

416.712 鞏膜Sclera

416.72 葡萄膜Uvea

416.721 虹膜Iris;睫狀體Ciliary body

416.722 脈絡膜Choroid

416.73 視網膜;視神經

416.731 視網膜Retina

416.732 視神經Optic nerve;視路Visual pathways

416.7321 瞳孔Pupil

416.74 眼球內含物

416.744 水晶體Crystalline lens;白內障Cataract

416.745 玻璃體Vitreous body

416.748 青光眼Glaucoma  眼壓入此

416.75 眼附屬器官

416.751 眼窩Orbit

416.752 眼瞼Eyelids

416.753 淚器Lacrimal apparatus

416.754 結膜Conjunctiva  結膜炎入此

416.7541 砂眼Trachoma

416.755 眼肌Ocular muscles

416.7551 斜視Strabismus

416.7552 弱視Amblyopia

416.7553 矯正視軸Orthoptics

416.76 屈光Refraction

416.761 不同等像Aniseikonia

416.762 不同視Anisometropia

416.763 散光Astigmatism

416.764 遠視Hyperopia

416.765 近視Myopia

416.766 老視Presbyopia

416.767 光學作業Optical work  驗光(Optical dispensing)、眼鏡(Eye glasses)、隱形眼鏡(Contact lenses)入此

416.77 系統性疾病;小兒眼科學

416.772 全身性疾病之眼部表現Eye manifestation of general diseases


416.773 小兒眼科學Pediatric ophthalmology

416.78 外傷;職業眼科學Trauma;Occupational ophthalmology

416.782 低視力Low vision

416.783 盲Blindness

416.8 耳鼻喉科Otorhinolaryngology

416.81 耳科Otology

416.811 診斷Diagnosis

416.812 聽力學Audiology  聽覺生理( H e a r i n g  p h y s i o l o g y )、助聽器(Hearing aid)入此

416.82 外耳疾病及畸形Diseases and malformation of external ear  小耳症(Microtia)入此

416.821 耳廓疾病Diseases of auricle

416.822 耳廓血腫Othematoma

416.83 外聽道病Diseases of external auditory canal

416.831 外耳道炎Otitis externa 耳黴菌症(Otomycosis)入此

416.832 耵聹栓塞Cerumen impaction 同:耳垢

416.833 異物Foreign body

416.834 外耳道骨疣Exostosis

416.835 外耳道惡性瘤Malignant tumor of external auditory canal

416.84 鼓膜疾病Diseases of ear drum

416.841 鼓膜炎Myringitis

416.842 外傷性鼓膜穿孔Traumatic ear drum perforation

416.85 中耳疾病Middle ear diseases先天或後天性膽脂瘤(Congenital or acquired cholesteatoma)入此

416.851 中耳炎Otitis media

416.852 耳咽管功能異常Dysfunction of eustachian tube

416.853 乳突疾病Diseases of mastoid

416.854 中耳惡性瘤Malignant tumor of middle ear  血管球瘤(Glomus tumor)入此

416.86 內耳疾病Inner ear diseases

416.861 迷路疾病Diseases of labyrinth  眩暈症(Vertigo)、梅尼爾氏症(Meniere's disease)、自體免疫內耳疾病

(Autoimmune inner ear disease)入此

416.862 聽神經瘤Acoustic neuroma

416.863 耳硬化症Otosclerosis

416.865 耳聾Deafness  突發性耳聾入此

416.866 聾啞Deaf-mutism

416.867 言語障礙Speech disorders

416.868 耳鳴Tinnitus

416.869 顏面神經疾病Diseases of facial nerve

416.8691 顏面神經痲痺Facial nerve palsy

416.8692 顏面神經瘤Facial nerve neuroma

416.87 鼻科Rhinology  嗅覺檢查、嗅覺障礙入此

416.871 鼻鏡檢法Nasal examination  鼻竇內視鏡檢查(Sinoscope examination)入此

416.872 鼻炎Rhinitis

416.8721 過敏性鼻炎Allergic rhinitis

416.8722 非過敏性鼻炎Nonallergic rhinitis  血管運動性鼻炎(Vasomotor rhinitis)、萎縮性鼻炎(Atrophic rhinitis)等入此

416.873 鼻出血Epistaxis

416.874 鼻瘤Nasal tumor

416.875 惡性瘤Malignant tumor

416.876 鼻息肉Nasal polyp

416.877 鼻竇炎Sinusitis   額竇、上頜竇、篩竇、蝶竇炎與併發症入此

416.8771 功能性內視鏡鼻竇手術Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

416.878 鼻外科手術Nasal surgery

鼻外傷(Nasal trauma)、  鼻整型(Rhinoplasty)、鼻內異物(Foreign body)入此

416.879 鼻咽部疾病Diseases of nasopharynx  鼻咽癌(Nasopharyngeal carcinoma)入此

416.89 喉科Larynx

416.891 解剖及發生學Anatomy and development  先天性喉畸形(Congenital malformation)入此

416.892 咽炎Pharyngitis       扁桃腺炎(Tonsillitis)  入此

416.893 喉炎Laryngitis

416.8931 聲帶疾病Diseases of  vocal cord  聲帶結節(Vocal nodule)、聲帶息肉(Vocal  polyp)入此

416.8932 聲帶手術Surgery of vocal cord  喉顯微手術(Laryngomicrosurgery)、雷射手術(Laser surgery)入此

416.894 喉腫瘤Laryngeal tumor

416.895 喉部外傷Laryngeal trauma

416.896 功能性喉症Functional laryngeal diseases  音聲醫學(Phoniatrics)入此

416.897 神經性喉症Neurologic laryngeal diseases  聲帶痲痺(Vocal palsy)入此

416.898 喉內視鏡檢術及氣道異物Laryngeal endoscopy and airway foreign body

416.899 氣管切開術Tracheostomy

416.9 牙科Dentistry;口腔科Stomatology

416.92 牙體形態與咬合Dental morphology and occlusion

416.93 口腔內科Oral medicine

416.931 口腔生物Oral biology

416.9313 口腔微生物與免疫Oral microbiology and immunology

416.932 口腔診斷Oral diagnosis

416.9325 口腔顎面放射線學Oral and maxillofacial radiology

416.94 口腔病理與疾病Oral pathology and diseases

416.942 蛀牙Dental caries 同:齲齒

416.944 牙髓病Dental pulp diseases

416.946 牙周病Periodontal diseases and periodontology

416.948 其他口腔疾病Other oral diseases

416.949 口腔疾病治療Treatment of oral diseases

416.9491 牙體復形Operative dentistry

416.9492 根管治療Endodontics

416.9493 牙科藥理學與藥物治療Dental pharmacology and drug therapy

416.95 口腔顎面外科Oral and maxillofacial surgery

416.951 口腔麻醉Oral anesthesia

416.953 拔牙Tooth extraction

416.955 牙科植體Dental implants

416.957 正顎手術Orthognathic surgery

416.96 口腔膺復Prosthodontics

416.962 全口假牙Full denture

416.963 部分假牙Partial denture

416.964 牙冠Crown;牙橋Bridge

416.965 上顎顏面整形Maxillofacial prosthesis

416.97 齒顎矯正Orthodontics

416.98 牙科器材Dental materials

416.99 其他

416.991 兒童牙科Pediatric dentistry

416.992 老人牙科Geriatric dentistry

416.993 牙科法醫Forensic dentistry

416.995 口腔公共衛生Oral public health

416.9951 口腔衛生Oral hygiene

416.9952 預防牙科Preventive dentistry