能近取譬的譬:This Week's Sky at a Glance for January 7 – 15.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance

Some daily events in the changing sky for January 7 – 15.

by Alan M. MacRobert

Friday, January 7

  • This is the coldest time ofyear on average (for northern latitudes). But look low in theeast-northeast after 9 or 9:30 p.m. and there you'll see Regulus and theSickle of Leo already on the rise — a distant foreshadowing of thecoming of spring.

    Thewaxing Moon currently passes well north of Jupiter. (These scenes aredrawn for the middle of North America. European observers: move eachMoon symbol a quarter of the way toward the one for the previous date.For clarity, the Moon is shown three times its actual apparent size.)Sky & Telescope diagramSaturday, January 8

  • The waxing crescent Moon is closing in on Jupiter day by day, as shown in the mid-evening (9 p.m.) view here.
  • Venus is at greatest eastern elongation, 47° west of the Sun in themorning sky — the bright "Morning Star" in the southeast. Mercury too isat greatest morning elongation (23° west of the Sun) just one daylater. Look for Mercury far to Venus's lower left; don't confuse it withAntares closer below Venus. See the scene under "This Week's PlanetRoundup" below.

    Sunday, January 9

  • The crescent Moon shinesto the right or lower right of Jupiter, as shown here. Jupiter ispositioned nearly on the ecliptic, but the Moon is currently traveling5° north of the ecliptic, which is why it misses Jupiter by such a widemargin.
  • In a telescope, Jupiter's Great Red Spot crosses the planet's central meridian around 8:34 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
  • A little later, Jupiter's satellites Callisto and Europa are both infront of Jupiter's face (and thus hard to see, if not invisible) from7:49 to 8:13 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (9:49 to 10:13 p.m. CentralStandard Time).

    Monday, January 10

  • The waxing Moon is now above or upper right of Jupiter.

    Tuesday, January 11

  • A small telescope willshow Jupiter's moon Europa gradually reappearing out of eclipse fromJupiter's shadow around 8:05 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, just east ofthe planet. For a complete listing of all of Jupiter's satellite eventsthis month, good worldwide, see the January Sky & Telescope, page 40.

    Wednesday, January 12

  • First-quarter Moon(exact at 6:31 a.m. EST on this date). Look above the Moon this eveningfor the little constellation Aries.

    Thursday, January 13

  • Aries is now to the right of the Moon.

    Friday, January 14

  • In this coldest time of the year, the Little Dipper hangs straight down from Polaris after dinnertime as if (per Leslie Peltier) from a nail on the cold north wall of the sky.
  • Jupiter's Great Red Spot crosses the planet's central meridian around 7:44 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

    Saturday, January 15

  • The gibbous Moon shines between Aldebaran and the Pleiades, high above Orion in early evening. Look below Orion for Sirius.