腿部经络图6条的走向:独辟蹊径的百视通 France shops in Shanghai for low-cost internet television technology

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 19:43:06
2011年01月13日 07:14 AM

独辟蹊径的百视通France shops in Shanghai for low-cost internet television technology

英国《金融时报》 斯蒂芬•瓦格斯蒂尔 报道 

Standing in a room full of television screens, Li Huaiyu is proud of finding his niche in the digital world.


BesTV, the company he heads, has developed technology that allows programmes streamed over the internet to be shown on a simple household television set without the need for a personal computer.


Though the Shanghai-based company’s idea is not unique, industry experts are so impressed with the technology that in 2009 France Telecom paid €1m in royalties for the right to try out BesTV’s set-top boxes in France. If a commercial launch follows, payments to the Chinese company will mushroom.

虽然该公司的这一想法并非独树一帜,但此项技术却给业内专家留下了极为深刻的印象——2009年,法国电信(France Telecom)支付了100万欧元专利使用费,获得了在法国试推百视通机顶盒的权利。如果随后进行商业推广,法国电信还将向百视通支付天价的费用。

“We are pioneers in this technology,” says Mr Li, BesTV’s chief executive. “But this is not complex technology that needs a lot of time to develop like Google’s search engine. This is simple technology which works well.”


BesTV was formed last year as a subsidiary of Shanghai Media Group, the second largest media group in China by revenue. It specialises in internet protocol television transmission – distributing channels through the internet. Its main competitors are fast-growing Chinese internet companies, including Baidu and Tencent, the internet portals, and Youku and Tudou, which specialise in online video.


Duncan Clark, managing director of BDA, a Beijing management consultancy, says competition in internet services is intense: “It’s becoming like [New York]. It’s here before it’s here. The Chinese are always hungry for the next new thing.”

北京管理咨询公司BDA的董事总经理邓肯•克拉克(Duncan Clark)表示,互联网服务领域的竞争非常激烈:“这儿的氛围开始变得像[纽约]一样,你会有种似曾相识的感觉。中国人总是对新事物充满期待。”

BesTV operates through a $30 set-top box, making it more affordable than services offered by internet-based rivals whose customers need a PC.


But as Peter Li, the US-trained finance director (no relation to the chief executive), says, cost is not the only advantage. Watching internet-streamed programmes on a big television screen rather than on a PC makes it a “family or group activity”.

不过,正如百视通首席财务官、美国留学归来的李川(Peter Li,与李怀宇并非亲戚)所言,成本并非该公司唯一的优势。在巨大的电视屏幕上收看流媒体节目,要比在个人电脑上收看节目更像是一种“家庭或团队活动”。

BesTV also offers a range of facilities including recording programmes and playing them later, video on demand, and capacity for up to 10,000 channels.


With sales growing fast, the company has about 4m subscribers in China, 25 per cent of them in Shanghai, each paying about Rmb30 monthly. With the French deal in the bag, BesTV is negotiating possible technology-sharing agreements in Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. Peter Li says: “We co-operate in technology. We also plan to use these arrangements to distribute Chinese content around the world.”
