诱捕黄鳝配方:St Andrews小镇:威廉王子爱情开始的地方 - 推荐阅读 - 口语陪练论坛 英语陪练...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 02:33:53
Prince William and Kate Middleton will travel the world together, but there will always be a special place in their hearts for St Andrews, the Scottish university town where they met and fell in love.

The story began almost ten years ago. It was September 2001, the first day of term, and the entire place was buzzing.
Large crowds lined the streets, anxious for a glimpse of the new student in town - Prince William.

William, accompanied by his father, walked straight over to greet members of the public, which included hundreds of enthusiastic teenage admirers.

That day marked William's only public walk about during his three years as a student in the town.

Kate Middleton started university at the same time as Prince William, and the two became close friends.

They began their second year as flatmates, sharing an apartment in Hope Street, just round the corner from the university campus.

When they eventually announced their engagement in November 2010, the press allowed inside for the photo-call were carefully filtered, and some who'd angered the royals previously were excluded.

William and Kate returned to St Andrews in February this year, this time not as students but as honored guests.
They were there to launch the university's 600th anniversary appeal.

Afterwards, the couple spent time with the crowds outside, thanking the locals for helping to make their university days so happy.
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