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Chinese vice premier calls for fairness in distribution of affordable housing units

10:37, April 16, 2011      

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    Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang has called for fairness in the distribution of government-funded affordable housing units, so as to ensure such government welfare goes to the needy.

    In an article to be published Saturday in Qiushi, or "Seeking Truth," the official magazine of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee, Li stressed the importance of accommodating the housing needs of the public.

    According to Li, government-funded affordable housing projects and commercial residential houses are both important means in meeting market needs for housing.

    To offer more houses that are affordable for the public, the central government will build 10 million housing units for low-income families this year, according to the vice premier.

    The total number of new housing units for low-income families and dilapidated houses to be renovated will reach 36 million during China's 12th Five-year plan period for 2011-2015.

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