镇江锅盖面加盟骗局:Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan calls on Sin...

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Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan calls on Singapore PM

08:51, July 28, 2011      

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    Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan (L) meets with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Singapore on July 27, 2011. (Xinhua/Then Chih Wey)

    Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan called on Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday to discuss bilateral cooperation.

    Wang chaired the 8th China-Singapore Joint Council Meeting for Bilateral Cooperation together with his Singaporean counterpart Teo Chee Hean on Wednesday. They also chaired annual meetings on cooperation on the Suzhou Industry Park and the Tianjin Eco-City, two joint-venture projects that have had support from the governments of both China and Singapore.

    While meeting Prime Minister Lee, Wang said that the three meetings were very successful and that they played an important role in deepening the bilateral cooperation.

    The generations of national leaders on both sides have attached great importance to the bilateral relations, and the two countries have had deepening political mutual trust and great achievements in bilateral cooperation in trade and economy, investment, finance and science and technology, Wang said.

    The vice premier said it is in the fundamental interests of the two countries to further boost the bilateral friendly ties and cooperation.

    China is willing to continue giving strategic and long-term importance to the relations with Singapore, seek more common interests and work together to tackle various challenges, he said.

    Lee said he has always cared about the bilateral cooperation between Singapore and China.

    He said he was happy about and proud of the achievements at the Suzhou Industry Park, saying that they have been much more than what had been expected at first.

    The Tianjin Eco-City project is also progressing smoothly, he said.

    Singapore, like China, attaches great importance to the two joint venture projects, and Singapore is willing to boost exchanges with China and push forward the bilateral ties steadily, he said.

    Wang arrived in Singapore on Tuesday for a three-day visit.

    Source: Xinhua