财务成本费用分析表:中国一半有钱人想移民 Security Solution for China's Rich: Emigrate

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 10:22:46
011年 04月 21日 11:30中国一半有钱人想移民

Jason Lee/Reuters2011年4月9日在北京的一场中国海外房产与投资展示会上,一名中国女子在一个美国房产公司的展台前通过翻译(右)进行咨询。咨询公司贝恩(Bain & Company)一篇研究中国民间财富的新报告显示,中国最富裕的一批国民当中,接近一半的人考虑过投资移民。投资移民指的是外国公民在美国等一些国家欠发达地区创造就业并投入一大笔资金,从而获得暂时或永久居留权。












Security Solution for China's Rich: Emigrate

As people from around the globe flood into China in search of riches,more than 50% of China's rich are considering leaving the country.

Accordingto a new study on private wealth in China from consultancy Bain &Company, nearly half of the country's richest citizens have consideredinvestment immigration -- a form of temporary or permanent residencethat some countries, such as the U.S., give to foreign citizens whenthey create jobs and invest a high sum of money in a lesser-developedregion.

Around 10% of the wealthiest have already decided tomove, another estimated 10% are planning to apply for immigration, andthe rest are considering it, said the study, which surveyed 2600 'highnet worth individuals' in China. Obtaining an investment visa for theU.S. requires at least $500,000, a sum that would be hard to stomach foralmost any Chinese person a decade ago but which is now well withinreason for many.

The number of Chinese citizens who boastinvestable assets of more than 10 million yuan, or roughly $1.5 million,is expected to reach 585,000 this year, nearly doubling 2008 figures,the study said. The fastest growing segment: those with more than 100million yuan stuffed away in their pocketbooks.

While the newwealth is still most densely concentrated in coastal metropolises likeBeijing and Shanghai, the study found that growth in the number of highnet worth individuals over the past two years was fastest in southwestand central China.

Greater affluence in China has opened up newgateways for many to buy homes and start businesses, but the country'swealthiest are looking for new ways to invest and manage their cash, thestudy says.

Unlike in previous years, the biggest priority forChina's rich these days is securing their wealth. The big appetite forrisk that existed in the upper echelon just two years ago is fading, thesurvey found, with around 44% of the country's wealthiest looking tospread their risk.

The Bain study doesn't address the correlationbetween moving overseas and wealth-management, but with bubble-pronesectors like the stock market, real estate, art and tea among the onlyinvestment vehicles available in China, wealthy Chinese have good reasonto store their money abroad.

State-owned media Xinhua reportedlate-last year that the trend was rising. The U.S. saw 1,971 investmentimmigrants from China in 2009, up from 1,360 a year earlier, Xinhuasaid.

Canada, meanwhile, saw Chinese investment immigration applications double between 2008 and 2010, the BBC reports.

TheBain report's findings on investment immigration were greeted with amixture of envy, exasperation and cynicism online. On Sina Weibo,China's most active microblogging site, many commenters lamented theloss of Chinese wealth to foreign economies, while others suggested therich were fleeing to escape being punished for corruption.

'After pigs grow fat, they fear being butchered,' wrote Sina user BigBang_2010.

Inits report on Chinese immigrating to the U.S., Xinhua offered asimpler, and equally plausible, explanation: Some wealthy Chinese justwant cleaner environments, and safer food.