
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 04:58:02
The current debate in the U.S. Congress about whether and how to continue economic and military aid to Pakistan is understandably problematic. On one hand, Congress is mindful of Pakistan's long history with the U.S., its unique geostrategic location, its significance as one of the top 7 nuclear powers and the role it plays in enabling supplies to be delivered to U.S./coalition troops in Afghanistan. On the other hand, it is conscious that Pakistan is the epicenter of global terrorism and has abused much of the aid it has been given to date by the U.S., so Congress is weighing the relative costs and benefits of continuing to deliver financial assistance to Pakistan's government and military.


76 Fans
11:53 PM on 5/21/2011
WHAT COUNTRY in the last 20 years had actually benefited significan¬tly from U.S. aid?
Israel is on the brink of war. Most others (Iraq, Afghanista¬n) "qualified¬" by first getting its infrastruc¬ture decimated first and they are still not rebuilt. Lybia is currently getting "aided".
China is still a developing country and nobody expects that it would actually be aiding other nations. Though it looks like the Chicoms are trying hard, especially in Africa. Actually it is interestin¬g to see which model - the Chinese "let's do business and I could care less what you do domestical¬ly" model, or the West's "let me give you a handout (if I have anything left over), but when I say jump you'd have to say how high" model - actually works better


If U.S. aid was crucial to Pakistan's survival, then you'd bet U.S. won't cut off aid, and even if she did because U.S. was bankrupt through wars, China would most definitely replace U.S. aid.
I personally believe that the US has gone off the crazy end...
Pakistan will not disintegra¬te without holier than thou US money.
Pakistan has a very long history of friendship with China, and both Afghanista¬n, Pakistan, and China understand that US interventi¬on is a temporary aberration of history, just like the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanista¬n.
Military retreat from the plains of Mesopotami¬a and the mountains of Hindu Kush has long been a harbinger of Imperial decline.
Keep giving aid, it will expedite the default of the US to People's Bank of China. Solves both Pakistan and China's problem.


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