
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 08:12:09







1. How [What] about…?

(1) 用来询问情况或打听消息等,意为:……怎么样?……如何?如:

I’m ready. What about you? 我准备好了,你呢?

How about Mother?Is she all right? 妈妈怎么样?她好吗?

How about your English exam yesterday? 昨天的英语考得怎么样?

(2) 用来提出请求,建议或征求对方意见,意为:(你认为)……怎么样? ……如何? 如:

How about having a rest? 休息一会儿怎么样?

What about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?

Of course I’ll come, what about Friday? 我当然要来,星期五来如何?

What about Father? We can’t just leave him here. 父亲怎么办?我们不能这样把他丢下。

(3) 用来讽刺或挖苦对方,意为:你……又怎么解释? ……又怎么说? 如:

AYou shouldn’t have failed to pass the drivingtest. 你本不该不通过驾驶考试的。

BWhat? How about you---did it three times? 你说什么? 那你考了3次又怎么解释?

AI have never had an accident while driving? 我开车从未出过事故。

BHow about that time you ran into a lamppost?那次你撞到路灯柱上又是怎么回事呢?

2. That’s about it.


I’ve told you all I knowthat’s about it. 我把所知道的都告诉你了,差不多就是这么一回事。

ACan you tell us more?你能再告诉我们一些情况吗?

BI’m afraid I can’t. That’s about it. 恐怕没什么可说的了,大概就这些了。

All right, that’s about it. 好吧,就这样。

有时也说成That’s about all.

3. What are you about?

用来询问对方在干什么,意为:你在干什么? 你在忙什么?如:

HiJim. What are you about? 喂,吉姆,你在干什么?

AWhat are you about, John? 约翰,你在干什么?

BI’m writing a letter. 我在写信。

4. while I’m (you’re)about it


I’ll make you a cup of tea while I’m about it. 我将顺便给你泡杯茶。

Do the shopping now, and while you’re about it getme that book from the library. 现在去买东西吧,顺便帮我从图书馆把那本书借回来。



above all


Above all, he is reliable. 首要的一点,他是可信赖的。

A clock must be above all correct. 时钟最重要的是要准确。

Children, above all, should be honest. 小孩子首先要诚实。

I’d like, above all, to buy a computer. 最重要的我想要买台电脑。

有时也说成above everything, above all things等。如:

Above all things we should send them some food. 我们最重要的是要给他们送些食物去。


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