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作者:倪明 文章来源:本站原创
1、 关系词和连接词。关系词包括关系代词和系副词如who,whom,whose,that,which,what,when,where,why,how 等。连接词包括并列连词和从属连词,如and,or,but,yet,so,however,as well as,when,while,since,unless等。
1)When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other.
2)It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection.
2、介词。介词包括简单介词(如with,to,in,of,about)、合成介词(如inside,onto,upon,within)和成语介词(如according to,along with,in front of,on behalf of)。据统计,英语各类介词共约286个。介词是英语里最活跃的词类之一。英语造句也几乎离不开介词,汉语则常常不用或省略介词:
1)The many colours of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.
2)He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.
3、其他连接手段,如形态变化形式,包括词缀变化,动词、名词、代词、形容词和副词的形态变化(如性、数、格、时、体、语态、语气、比较级、人称等)及其何持前后一致的关系(grammatical and notional concord),广泛使用代词以保持前呼后应的关系,以及使用“it”和“there”作替补词(expletives)起连接作用等等。英语常常综合应用上述的关系词、连接词、介词以及其他连接手段,把各种成分连接起来,构筑成长短句子,表达一定的语法关系和逻辑联系。如:
1)There is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he hails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride.
2)Even in its blasted condition, with boards and sackings in most of the windows, with its thick dust and its bare room, with its cracked plaster and its damaged roofs, the hotel had been a new world, a breadth and dignity, full of adventure possibilities.
汉语造句少用甚至不用形式连接手段,注意隐性连贯(covert coherence),注重逻辑事理顺序,注重功能、意义,注意以神统形。
Because she is not honest, I can’t trust her.
I can’t trust her, because she is not honest.
We will not attack unless we are attacked.
When a man is lost in a labyrinth, what he needs badly is a hint.
If he won’t come here, I‘ll not go there.
As you sow, so will you reap.
If it lightens in the east, it will be sunny; if it lightens in the west, it will be rainy; if it lightens in the south, it will be sultry; if it lightens in the north, it will be stormy.
Let everybody share the food if there is any.
A wolf remains a wolf even though it is in sheep’s clothing.
Learn form numerous advisers, and you’ll become a master.
He who does not advance falls backward. / More forward, or you’ll fall behind.
Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.
Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.
1)A body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.
2)There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who weighs out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights.
Tell me whom you associate with and I’ll tell you who you are.
What little pain and adversity I’ve experienced so far are simply nothing compared to what he’s gone through.
When we got him to go in with us it was on the understanding that we sink or swim together, but now it turns out that he was only out to sponge on us!
1)Each of the broadcasting companies is linked to approximately 200 affiliated stations to which it provides major entertainment programs which they could not produce if they were obliged to depend on local resources.
2)The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of information media.
Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.
Alaska’s 2A.M.  sunset  is still hours  away.  and empty beer bottles  full of
1          2        3        4           5
soggy cigarettes butts   are rolling across  the floor  of a van  carrying members of
6                 7             8        9          10
blues Traveler through   the spectacular wilderness.
阿拉斯加  离 凌晨两点  日落  还有几个小时。一辆面包车  在苍茫辽阔的
1      4     1       2         3             9           11
荒野上穿行,  车上乖的是“蓝调旅人”乐队歌手, 车厢地板上  滚动着  满是湿烟
10                    8          7       6
头的  空啤酒瓶。
He had flown in just the day before from Georgia   when he had spent

his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun   after the completion of the

construction job he had engaged in the south.

他原来在南方参加一项建筑工程,  任务完成之后上格鲁吉亚去度

假,享受高加索的阳光,  头一天才坐飞机回来。
②                          ①
1)Shanghai is one of the biggest cities  in the world.
1            2
上海是世界上 最大的城市之一。
2       1
2)Many scientists hold that man’s social practice alone is the criterion of the truth  of
his knowledge of the external world.
2                   3
许多科学家认为,只有社会实践才是人们对外界 认识的 真理性的标准。
3     2       1
3)Many sketches are in existence of peasants seated by the roadside and men and women at work in the fields.
4)The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.
5)Keith: A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar.
6)She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.
7)She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington.
类似以上数个描写性词语连用时,在英语里多作定语,少作谓语(heavy attribute,small predicate),在汉语里则多作谓语,少作定语(small attribute,heavy predicate)。翻译时若能灵活利用这一不同特点,译文往往比较符合表达习惯。
即:英语  方式→地点→时间
汉语  时间→地点→方式
She reads aloud in the open in the morning everyday.
1       2            3
她每天早晨 在室外 高声朗读。
3       2     1
We study Chinese hard in the classroom everyday.
1     2            3
我们每天 在教室里 认真学习汉语。
3       2      1
1)It is not polite to smoke at the table during a western meal.
1                  2
在西方用餐时抽烟 是不礼貌的。
1                2
2)It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended
1                    2                       3
to pay to China in January.
3                      2                 1
3) The solution to the problem of Southern Africa cannot remain forever hostage to the political manoeuvres and tactical delays by South Africa nor to its transparent proposals aimed at procrastination and the postponement of the solution.
这是一个长句。划线部分是主要部分, 是结论。“不管是南非耍政治花招和策略上的拖延手段,还是提出显然旨在拖延问题解决的建议,都不能永远阻挡南部非洲问题的解决。”
4)Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.
5)There was little hope  of continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose
1                                  2
in a neighbourhood that was strange to me.
3               2                    1
对同一事物,或在同一场合,汉语和英语的表达方式可以完全不同。如“反特电影”,在英语里,“反”字没有了,叫做spy film。我们见到远道而来的朋友,往往要说“路上辛苦了”这句话,而地道的英语却说Did you have a good trip?
油漆未干   Wet Paint
无期徒刑   Life sentence;life imprisonment
This book could not have been written or published without the help of dozens of people, and I am deeply grateful to all of them.
迟早→sooner or later
左右→right and left
得失→loss and gain
异同→similarities and differences
中国人请对方先走,先吃、先做某事时说“您先请!”与此相反,英语里面的习惯说法却是:“After you!”就是说,一件事,同一种含义,汉语与英语的表达方式刚好相反。同样的,中国人说:“好日子还在后头”——“后头”指的是“未来”。再如“前人栽树,后人乘凉”,“前事不忘,后事之师”等等,“前”指过去,“后”指未来“惩前毖后”的英译成了“learn from the past mistakes to avoid future ones。”
1)What has happened to you?
2)An idea suddenly struck me.
3)A strange peace came over her when she was alone.
4)Not a sound reached our ears.
5)A great elation overcame them.
6)Alarm began to take entire possession of him
The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood.
I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.
My total ignorance of the connection must plead my apology.
My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness.
The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning of the “New Redology”, represented by scholars such as Hu shi and Yu Pingbai.
Xiaomei’s kindly and gentle nature could not but revolt at her friend’s callous behavior.
1)I saw a plane.
A plane came into my view.
2)His head swivelled back and forth, his desire maxed and his resolution waned.
Back and forth his head swivelled, desire maxing, resolution waning.
3)A woman who has fair opportunities and has not an absolute hump may marry whomever she likes.
A woman with fair opportunities and without an absolute hump may marry whomever she likes.
1)I marvelled at the relentless determination of the rain.
2)He had surfaced with less visibility in the policy decisions.
3)High blood pressure is a contraindication for this drug.
4)These problems defy easy classification.
2、用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。范畴词(category words)用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。如:
1)We have winked at these irregularities to long.
2)He was described as impressed by Deng’s flexibility.
3)What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.
4)He discussed greatness and excellence.
5)What both students and teachers are experiencing is the recognition….
6)One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in general.
1)The stars twinkled in transparent clarity.
2)This rambling propensity strengthened with years.
3)On March 1, Nixon internationalized his approach to China.
4)To the Chinese, theirs was not a civilisation, but the civilisation.
1)He was open now to charges of wilful blindness.
2)He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation.
3)I talked to him with brutal frankness.
4)When young he quitted his home and travelled to the metropolis, which he reached in a state of almost utter destitution.
5)I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission?
ardent loyalty赤胆忠心
perfect harmony水乳交融
careful consideration深思熟虑
total exhaustion筋疲力尽
feed on fancies画饼充饥
with great eagerness如饥似渴
offend public decency伤风败俗
make a little contribution添砖加瓦
on the verge of destruction危在旦夕
await with great anxiety望穿秋水
lack of perseverance三天打鱼,两天晒网
-ness 表示性质、状态、程度:oneness, disinterestedness, thoughtfulness, up-to-dateness, carelessness
-tion 表示动作、状态、结果:agitation, occupation, realisation, decoration, examination, internationalisation
-ity 表示性质、状态、程度:calamity, purity, alkalinity, modernity, liberality, formality, humanity, gravity
-ism 表示主义、学说、信仰、行为、行动、状态、特征、特性、病态:Marxism, atomism, criticism, vandalism, barbarism, colloquialism, alcoholism, fatalism
-sion 表示行为、状态、性质、结果:confusion, division, conversion, precision, decision, declension, conclusion
-ence 表示动作、性质、状态:emergence, reference, despondence, resilience, dependence, existence
-ment 表示行为的结果、手段、工具、过程、状态、程度:entanglement, increment, entertainment, encampment, astonishment, advertisement, development
-ance 表示性质、状况、行动、过程、总量、程度:perseverance, vigilance, attendance, conductance, continuance
-ship 表示情况、状态、性质、身份、职业、技巧、技能:hardship, friendship, apprenticeship, marksmanship
-hood 表示身份、资格、性质、状态:childhood, priesthood, falsehood, likelihood, manhood, bachelorhood
-ing 表示动作或动作的过程、结果、产物、对象、与某一事物有关的动作、与某一动作或概念有关的事物等:swimming, engraving, building, accounting, colouring
His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight.
“Don't take them into the Garden,” Ming-yen warned him. “If they were found I’d be in serious trouble.”
Alas, that was owing to my ignorance, that is what is called partiality.
Wang Yun knelt saying, “The people are on the brink of destruction, the prince and his officers are in jeopardy, and you, you are the only saviour.”
在篇章的组织结构方面,英语篇章主要呈直线型(linear),汉语篇章主要呈螺旋型(circular/spiral/indirect)。英语段落呈直线性展开是指先有主题句(topic sentence),后接一个自然衔接的例证句,而后收尾;或与此相反,先有例证句,最后以主题句收尾,即典型的演绎与归纳型段落,其间不附加任何与主题没有直接联系的内容。所谓“螺旋型”是指作者不直接论证段落主题,而是在主题外围“团团转”,从各种间接角度来说明问题,使英语族人读了,困惑不解。
外国教师要求学生写作时立意要新,要有个人见解,并强调用逻辑推理论证个人观点,但却发现中国学生说明某一观点时,缺乏严密的推理层次,段落发展有两种常见的模式:一是大量引起据典,以“权威”之论为依据,以种种方式不断重复同一命题;二是遵循“开篇说明(an opening description of a specific incident)→历史回顾(a look back at the usually unfortunate history of the issue or practice)→现状解释(an explanation of the current much improved state of affairs)→道德鞭策(a concluding moral exhortation)”的模式。在外籍教师眼里这种模式是只有论断(assertion)而无论据(proof);据他们观察,China Daily上也常有此类结构。
现代英语文章较简洁明了,而中国学生写的英语作文中却使用大量的文学典故及比喻性语言,包括许许多多由汉语译成英语的习语套话。一个简简单单的请求可能用华丽的词藻,以迂回曲折的方式,不无夸张地提出。诸如此类的写作法,外籍教师的评语是:转弯抹角,华而不实(too flowery and indirect)。美国教师收集有不少这样的例子,这里不妨引录数例:
1)I am a poor Chinese boy who very much desires every kind of information about your prestigious and famous university which has graduated so many esteemed scholars in every kind of field.(我是个中国穷学生,如饥似渴地想了解贵校的点点滴滴的情况。贵校举世闻名,培养出所有领域的众多令人景仰的学者。)
2)For three times the flowers in our school have bloomed and fallen, and for three years I have studied here.(花开花落已三秋,我在此校学习已三载。)
3)As time passed, the desire of learning the language grew in my heart like a tree, bigger and bigger, so beautiful that I decided to be with her all my life.(随着时间的推移,我学习这语言的愿望,犹如心中的一棵树,愈长愈高大,美丽至极,使我决定终生与之为伴。)
一位美籍教师结束在中国的讲学,回到美国后,收到不少中国学生的信件,其中大都以time flies like an arrow(光阴似箭)开头。平时中国学生的英语作文中经常出现的汉泽英习语套话有:the mountains are blue,the water is green(青山绿水);ten thousand li off the topic(离题千里);pearls matched with jade pieces(珠联璧合);a cold and hard world(世态炎凉):too weak in the hand to tie up a chicken(手无缚鸡之力);when a girl marries,it is like water sprinkled on the ground(嫁出去的女儿,泼出去的水);fallen leaves fly to the trunk(落叶归根);under the sun all crows are black(天下乌鸦一般黑);by reviewing old knowledge one can acquire new(温故而知新)……
外籍教师认为,中国学生英语文章中的这种文风,除了不了解英语族人的修辞偏好外,是汉语文风的负迁移所致,因为个人的修辞偏好与社会修辞环境(rhetorical context)密不可分。所谓修辞环境,笼统地说,是指影响文章形成的诸种因素;具体地说,包括修辞传统及所有现代传播媒介的修辞风格对个人的影响,学校教育对学生的要求,写作测试题型及评分标准对个人的制约,等等。实际上,诸多因素互有关联,形成特定文化的总体修辞环境。勒德曼(Ledermen)等人(见Leki,1991:131)对中国高考作文的成绩作过分析,结果发现,那些运用大量比喻及引用文学典故的作文都获得较高的分数,由此断定:比喻及文学典故是汉语文章的传统修辞特点。
例如《大学英语》第三册中“Lady Hermits who Are Down But Not Out”,这里的“Down But Not Out”是来源于习语“Down and out”。第六册中“Look for the Rusty Lining”是根据习语“Every cloud has a silver lining”而改编。第二册中“This was the last straw”是取自“It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back。”应当提醒学生注意,地道的英语不等于行文时堆砌大量比喻性习语。在英语写作教学中,我们曾提倡用英语思维,而不要时刻先想到汉语习语,而后查阅汉英词典,再译成英语。事实上,许多寓意深刻、音韵和谐、形象生动的汉语习语,一旦译成英语就可能失去这些特色。这与词语心理意义有关。不少汉语习语给我们的心理联想或审美情趣并不一定能引起英美人同样的感受,有时给英语族人的感觉反而是“华而不实”!鉴于学生初学英语写作,还很难彻底摆脱汉语思维的习惯,建议学生阅读英语文章时,注意收集那些与自己所熟悉的汉语习语意义相当的,自然地道的英语表达法。比如在Our walk has shown us only part of it,and that only fleetingly。一句中,fleetingly恰好表达了汉语“走马观花”的意思。若改用汉英词典中“走马观花”的英译,在行文中就不一定自然得体。
下面简要谈一下词语的心理意义,来自不同文化背景的人,带有不同的参考系统(frame of reference),在理解特定的词语时,总是以头脑中固有的参考系统为参照。虽然使用同一词语,心理联想到的词语含义却不尽一致。例如,汉语中的“松、竹、梅”能使汉族人联想到“岁寒三友”,具有“斗霜傲雪”,“高风亮节”的伴随意义。但英语中的pine,bamboo,plum却不能使操这一语言的人引起联想,也没有类似的伴随意义。再如“江南”二字会使我们联想到杭州的西湖,苏州的园林,鱼米之乡,还有漂亮的女子。而英语的“south of the Yangtze river”只能给人一种地理位置的感觉。
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Cross-cultural Awareness: Friends and relations
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创
Tonight I am watching my mother sweep under the same kitchen table, something she does every night after dinner. She gently pokes her broom around the table leg propped up by the Bible. I watcher her, sweep after sweep, waiting for the right moment to tell her about Ted and me, that we are getting divorced. When I tell her, I know she’s going to say, “This cannot be.” And when I say that it is certainly true, that our marriage is over, I know what else she will say: “Then you must save it.”And even though I know it’s hopeless—there is absolutely nothing left to save – I’m afraid if I tell her that, she’ll still persuade me to try.I think it’s ironic that my mother wants me to fight the divorce. Seventeen years ago she was chagrined when I started dating Ted. My old sisters had dated only Chinese boys from church before getting married.
Ted and I met in a politics of ecology class when he leaned over and offered to may me two dollars for last week’s motes. I refused the money and accepted a cup of coffee instead. This was during my second semester at UC Berkeley, where I had enrolled as a liberal arts major and later changed to fine arts. Ted was in his third year in pre-med, his choice, he told me, ever since he dissected a fetal pig in the sixth grade.
I have to admit that what I initially found attractive in Ted were precisely the things that made him different from my brothers and the Chinese boys I had dated: his brashness; the thickness of his arms; the fact that his parents immigrated from Tarrytown, New York, not Tientsin, China. My mother must have noticed these same differences after Ted picked me up one evening at my parents’ house. When I returned home, my mother was still up, watching television.
He is American ,” warned my mother, as if I had been too blind to notice, “ A waigoren.”
“I’m American too,” I said, “ And it’s not as if I’m going to marry him or something,”
Mrs. Jordan also had a few words to say. Ted had casually invited me to a family picnic, the annual clan reunion held by the pole fields in Golden Gate Park. Although we had dated only a few times in the last month—and certainly had never slept together, since both of us lived at home—Ted introduced me to all his relatives as his girlfriend.
Later, when Ted and his father went off to play volleyball with the others, his mother took my hand, and we started walking along the grass, away from the crowd. She squeezed my palm warmly but never seemed to look at me.“ I’m so glad to meet you finally,” Mrs. Jordan said. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t really Ted’s girlfriend, but she went on, “I think it’s nice that you
and Ted are having such a lot of fun together. So I hope you won’t misunderstand what I have to say.”And then she spoke quietly about Ted’s future, his need to concentrate on his medical studies, why it would be years before  could even think about marriage. She assured me she had nothing whatsoever against minorities; she and her husband, who owned a chain of office-supply stores, personally knew many fine people who were oriental, Spanish, and ever black. But Ted was going to be in one of those professions where he would be judged by a different standard, by patients and other doctors who might not be as understanding as the Jordans were. She said it was so unfortunate the way the rest of the world was, how unpopular the Vietnam War was.
“Mrs. Jordan, I am not Vietnamese,” I said softly even though I was on the verge of shouting. “And I have no intention of marrying your son.” When Ted drove me home that day, I told him I couldn’t see him anymore. When he asked me why, I shrugged. When he pressed me, I told him what his mother had said., verbatim, without comment.
“And you  are just going to sit there! Let my mother decide what’s right?” he shouted, as if I were a co-conspirator who had turned traitor. I was touched that Ted was so upset. “What should we do?” I asked, and I had a pained feeling I thought was the beginning of love.”
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Cross-cultural Awareness: Love Thy Neighbor
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创
It seems to me that neighbors are going out of style in America. The friend next door from whom you borrowed four eggs or a ladder has moved, and the people in there now are strangers.
Some of the old folklore of neighborliness is impractical or silly, and it may be just as well that our relations with our neighbors are changing. The biblical commandment to “Love Thy Neighbor” was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been “Respect Thy Neighbor.” Love can’t be called up on order. Fewer than half the people in the United States live in the same house they lived in five years ago,  so there’s no reason to love the people who live next door to you just because they happened to wander into a real estate office that listed the place next door to yours. The only thing neighbors have in common to begin with is proximity, and unless something more develops , that isn’t reason enough to be best friends. It sometimes happens naturally, but the chances are very  small that your neighbors will be you choice as buddies. Or that you will be theirs, either.
The best relationship with neighbors is one of friendly distance. You say hello, you small-talk if you see them in the yard, you discuss problems as they arise and you help each other in an emergency. It’s the kind of arrangement where you  see more of them in the summer than in the     winter. The driveway or the hedge or the fence between you is not really a cold shoulder, but it is a clear boundary. We all like clearly defined boundaries for ourselves.
If neighbors have changed, neighborhood shave not. They still comprise the same elements. If you live in a real neighborhood you can be sure more of the following people will be found there:
One family with more kids than they can take care of.  A dog that gets into garbage cans. One grand home with a family so rich that they really aren’t part of the neighborhood. A bad kid who steals or sets fire to things, although no one has ever been able to prove it. People who leave their Christmas decorations up until March. A grouchy woman who won’t let the kids cut through her backyard. Someone who doesn’t cut their grass more than twice a summer.
Someone who cuts their grass twice a week and one of the times always seems to be Sunday morning at 7;30. One driveway with a junky-looking pickup truck or trailer that’s always sitting there.
A family that never seems to turn off any lights in the house.  A teenager who plays the radio too loud in the summer with the windows open.  Someone who leaves their barking dog out until 11:30 most nights. One mystery couple. They come and go but hardly anyone ever sees them and no one knows what they go. A couple that has loud parties all the time with guests that take an hour to leave once they get outside and start shouting good-bye at each other. Someone who doesn’t pull the shades. A house with a big maple tree whose owners don’t rake the leaves until most of them have blown into someone else’s yard. It is easier to produce nostalgia about a neighborhood than about a community, but a community is probably a better unit. A neighborhood is just a bunch of individuals who love in proximity, but a community is a group of people who rise above their individual limitations to get some thins done in town.
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