部落小号升级:你的“美商”有多高?--时代新词盘点207 - 大耳朵社区 - Powered by Di...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 14:59:42

Each woman has a Beauty Quotient. This quotient is made up of three distinct categories: Physical Health, Psychological Health and Personal Appearance.

每个女人都有美商(Beauty Quotient,简写为BQ),而美商是由身体健康、心理健康以及个人形象这三部分组成的。

Physical Health consists of corporeal characteristics that define a woman's beauty. Each and every woman has physical characteristics that are truly beautiful. A woman's face or body can be structurally imperfect, but still exquisite.


Psychological Health involves one's personality, intelligence, sensitivity and warmth, sense of humor, attitude and overall level of confidence.


Personal Appearance includes your beauty routine. This involves habits regarding skin-care regimen, hair and makeup routines, wardrobe, posture and style.


It is the combination of physical and mental elements from these three categories that define a woman's beauty.


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