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UN chief hails Morocco's "peaceful" political reforms

10:03, June 23, 2011      

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UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon on Wednesday praised the government and people of Morocco for their "peaceful manner" in conducting the national process of political reforms.

In a statement issued here by his spokesperson, the secretary- general "commends the people and the government of Morocco for the peaceful manner in which they have been conducting the national process of political reforms."

"The constructive role of all national stakeholders, in particular the youth, is important, as it is for them to continue to engage in the ongoing process through dialogue and without violence," said the statement.

In the statement, Ban also welcomed the constitutional reforms announced by Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, on June 17, which will be submitted to a referendum on July 1, 2011.

"The secretary-general hopes the reform process will concretely respond to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Morocco," said the statement.

Morocco's King Mohammed VI pledged on Friday to strengthen the government's position by handing over part of his powers to the parliament and ministers.

According to the reform declaration, Moroccans will vote for the change in a referendum next month, but the Moroccan king keeps the power of monitoring military, religious affairs and security issues.

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