金泫雅 怎样 mp3下载:同性恋的权利:中国起步晚的优势

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 10:15:53


There is no doubt that the sexual orientation of certain people in our midst are different from the rest of us. But they are also diligently contributing to society. Gay people, like us, have the right to exist and develop themselves in society, and this right should not be overtaken by any other concept.


If you said "an anchorman on official Chinese state media", you either live in Shanghai or you're just crazily well-informed. The statement by CCTV presenter Qiu Qiming was part of a harsh criticism of Lü Liping, the Chinese film star who won the Golden Horse Best Actress Award in 2010. Lü is a born-again Christian, and she apparently approvingly retweeted some harsh anti-gay comments by a Chinese evangelical pastor in Rochester, New York, after that state approved gay marriage last week. As a result, she was uninvited from this year's Golden Horse Awards in relatively gay-friendly Taiwan.


A lot of the immense economic growth in China over the past three decades has been fueled by Late Starters' Advantage, the ability of underdeveloped countries to achieve extremely rapid development just by implementing technologies and forms of organisation that have already been worked out in more advanced countries. It would be nice if, in some areas at least, the Late Starters' Advantage also allowed societies to leapfrog quickly over decades of social struggle on other issues, such as gay rights. I think this actually does happen to a limited extent; autocratic societies that go democratic these days usually don't have to pass through a long phase in which only men have the franchise. And here we have semi-official Shanghai opinion surprisingly close behind public opinion in Shanghai-on-the-Hudson.


In other ways things are obviously much more complicated, and gay rights in Confucian-Communist societies are likely to develop in very different ways due to different ideas about romance, marriage, familial duties and procreation. But this does seem to me to be in part a sign that the "liberal" aspects of liberal capitalism may not be doing as badly in autocratic East Asia as Amy Chua thinks. Democratic political rights may be a long way off, but the idea that people should basically leave each other alone to enjoy the pursuit of wealth and the good life as they see it is, I think, broadly appealing in contemporary East Asian urban society.
