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ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
written May 8 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

What happens during the second 270 degree roll that Planet X makes upon leaving the solar system. [and from another] Prior ZetaTalk on this from August 9, 2008 http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta467.htm "The pole shift happens when Planet X is free to leave the solar system, having at last crossed over the ecliptic. Planet X has up until this point been fighting the backwash of particles returning to the Sun at the ecliptic. Once into the realm of the magnetic field on the northern side of the ecliptic, Planet X rapidly aligns with these magnetic field lines with another 270°, this one rapid, and zooms out of the solar system. It is the second 270° roll that in fact causes the pole shift. We have not detailed this, other than to mention a dual 270° roll, as by this time mankind could care less and is in a state of shock and panic. What they know is that the crustal shift happens within the span of an hour, and life afterwards is drastically different. Beyond that, mankind does not care."

行星X在离开太阳系之时进行第二次270度翻滚期间,会发生什么事呢?以前2008年8月9日的齐塔人之声对此的解释http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta467.htm“行星X自由离开太阳系,最后穿过黄道面之时会发生极移。直到这一点上,行星X一直在与从黄到处返回到太阳的粒子形成的反流作用进行着战斗。一旦进入黄道北面的磁场范围,行星X迅速进行另一次270 °翻滚,以便与这些磁力线排列为一排。这一次是快速的,直线上升着出了太阳系。实际上就是第二次270 °滚动造成了极移。除了提两次270 °辊,除了提及过第二次270度翻滚外,我们没有详细地对此进行过叙述,因为在这个时候,人类已经对此关心不多了,处于震惊和恐慌状态。他们知道的是地壳移位在一个小时之内发生了,之后的生活是截然不同的。除那以外,人类什么都不会关心的。”

At the point where Planet X has completed its first 270° roll, both Earth and Planet X are standing upright and the Earth has been drawn closer to Planet X in a side-by-side magnetic alignment. This is the time of rotation stoppage. What happens then, for a second 270° roll of Planet X? As Planet X begins to align with the Sun's magnetic flow lines above the Ecliptic, it finds its stance where its N Pole is pointing upward creating a clash with the downward flow of magnetons. This does not happen with the normal stance of Earth and Mercury, both likewise magnetic planets, because these planets are small in proportion to Planet X, and Planet X is standing closer to the Sun than the Earth. Planet X deals with the press of magnetons coming from the Sun's N Pole by flipping 180° degrees, pointing it's S Pole upward, as the S Pole of magnets is an intake. At this point it is starting to float over the head of the hapless Earth. As it puts distance between itself and the Sun, the Sun's magnetic field has less dominance, and Planet X wants to return to a side-by-side arrangement with the Sun. It begins this by bringing its N Pole sharply upward during a process that only progresses 90° degrees before Planet X is traveling so rapidly out of the solar system that its alignment with the Sun is no longer relevant.

行星X在完成了第一次270 °滚动的时候,地球和行星X都是垂直的,而地球已经以肩并肩的磁场排列形式被行星X拖得更近了。这就是地球自转停止的时间。那么行星X进行第二次270 °的滚动之时会发生什么呢?由于行星X开始在黄道上方开始与太阳的磁流线排列为一排,它发现自己处于这样一种姿态:它的北极朝上,与向下流动的磁子形成了冲突。这不会发生在地球和水星的正常位置上(同样这两个星球都是磁性行星),因为它们相对行星X来说都是较小的,而行星X比地球离太阳更近。行星X 的北极翻转180 °以应对来自太阳的磁力线,将其的南极指朝上,作为磁子吸入口的南极。在这一点上,它已经开始漂浮在不幸的地球的头上了。由于它和太阳之间的距离渐远,太阳的磁场所起的主导作用更少了,而行星X想要回到与太阳肩并肩对齐的状态。它首先将它的北极大幅朝上,在此过程中前进了90 °度,然后行星X迅速地出了太阳系,它与太阳的排列就无关紧要了。


How will the area around the arctic circle in Norway be affected by the Atlantic stretch tsunami?挪威北极圈的周围地区将如何受到由于大西洋延伸而产生的海啸影响?


Surprisingly, hardly at all. A tsunami, by definition, is a large amount of water pushed in one direction. We have explained that the collapse of the Canary Islands will not result in a wave traveling across the Atlantic, unlike the current expectation, because when water can dissipate in all directions such a wave does not develop. The adjustment in the center of the Atlantic will be a domino effect of an adjustment in the N American continent, the New Madrid adjustment, thus affecting water at that latitude. The Gulf Stream is pushing water at this point toward Europe, and thus the tsunami wave will be directed. Water disbursing to the north will dissipate.


The Zetas say that human souls do not go out-of-body during sleep but instead focus on re-living and processing the day's events. During this period, are these souls in touch with a higher force, perhaps discarnate mentors, who offer guidance as the souls review and evaluate their actions and thoughts of the day and as they plan the subsequent steps on their spiritual paths?


Such conversations go on continually, not just when the body sleeps. The soul does not require sleep, and does not need to be attentive to the body for bodily functions or movement. The body drives itself on automatic, so to speak, leaving the soul to be involved in contemplative decision making.



I know about existence of "gravitational null zones" in which the dark matter only soars, and there are nearby no gravitational giants (sources) for realisation of interstellar travel. You avoid these zones, or travel in another way?



It is not necessary for you to explore or understand any such information, as you will not be in a position to pilot a space ship during this lifetime nor in the near future.


What's the story behind the crazy Wall Street day. Was it really a computer glitch?


The only computer glitch was a failure of their programming controlling the buying and selling to maintain control. As we have explained, the way the DOW is maintained is for no selling to be allowed until a buyer can be secured from the many captive accounts managed by money managers or corporate portfolios under the direction of the US government. There are holes in this setup, and that day the trading fell into one of those holes.



This NY terrorist guy, did he really try to set off a car bomb, or was he set up by those who put Bush into power who are still holding out hope of taking over the Middle East.


This was an inept terrorist group, a small group with big heads, who didn't even have the sense to realize they were inept.



My question is in regards to the crew [and 11 dead] of the downed oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. While I do have cable, I have it only for the local stations; having access only to network news. And what is noticeably absent from the various media are the [numerous would-be] interviews from the surviving crew. Yes, there were two men, as of Friday--- but those sit-down interviews looked to be controlled. And we know more about the deaths of the miners from the last two mining accidents than with do the men who died on the oil rig. Where's their memorial and Presidential visit? Is the crew being kept away from the media on purpose? And will we ever know more about those who did not survive?



Crew members are dependent upon their employers for pay, compensation, and future employment. BP is extremely sensitive to the disaster they caused, and for employing Halliburton, a company hated by the public, as a sub-contractor setting the valves that failed in place. The oil slick is not contained, nor is the true extent of the disaster yet known. Thus, they are desperate to control bad news or bad commentary. Yes, they were leaned on and controlled, and any reminder of the disaster that happened is being slipped from the news. Such is the reach of the oil industry and those in the US government who were responsible for regulatory failures.



Do all humans undergo the same experiences immediately after they die - the brilliant light, the birthing envoys, and the re-uniting with dead relatives and friends? Is the release from a physical body a pleasant experience for everyone?



No. What has been reported is a common transition, one we have ourselves described in the body of ZetaTalk. But imagine the transition for a sadist. His reception would be quite different.


I observed the moon in the same quadrant of the sky as the mid day sun this past week. Perhaps 30 - 40 degrees apart. Very unusual. Comments? One assumes that things like this and the much brighter Venus are starting to get people talking and thinking. Still no panic so can we expect even more direct suggestions as to the possible true cause (PX) instead of things like solar flares that make no sense? The History Channel show a few weeks ago that mentioned PX was well done.

在过去的这个星期里,我观察到了月亮和中午的太阳处于天空中同一个象限。也许有30 – 40度的误差。极不寻常,有什么评论么?有人认为像这样的事情,以及金星变得更亮的现象已经开始使人们谈论和思考了。但是没有恐慌。那么我们可期望有关真正原因(行星X)的更直接的暗示,而不是像太阳耀斑之类没什么意义的东西吗?历史频道在几个星期前做的节目提及了行星X,做得很好啊。

The awakening of the public to the reality that the Earth changes are not explained by Global Warming or blaming the Sun is steadfast. We have predicted that the public will stop looking to the government or universities to explain matters, and turn to the Internet and the local bars and cafes for their answers. This is already happening, and thus the almost schizophrenic behavior of the media, which swings from being more open and honest about what is happening to loud claims that all is normal.



The pace of fiat currency erosion is picking up as evidenced by the events of this past week. Some of this seems to be planned and some of it seems to be a natural outgrowth of "paper promises" as discussed by the Zetas. Any comments?



We haven no additional statements beyond those we have made in the past. The world is in a second Great Depression, held together by promises between countries to maintain a façade of normalcy and strength. Printing money and lots of lies is preferable to allowing countries to go bankrupt. We have predicted this would be maintained up until the time of the pole shift, a controlled slide but not a default.



What the Zetas can tell about a new cropcircle at Old Sarum, nr Salisbury, Wiltshire (reported 5th May)?
I understand that this cropcircle shows a cup in which the Earth is caught. But what means 7 circles? Why them 7? These circles are months? The Zetas can tell this cropcircle means any future situation/event or it shows a current situation?



The circle depicts the magnetic grip that Planet X has upon the hapless Earth, and the degree of sway that can be anticipated during the last weeks when a severe wobble will ensue.




齐塔人之声:2010年5月8日GLP现场谈话 http://zhl81922610.blog.sohu.com/152206594.html

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