
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 14:17:12

Questions  16-20  are  based  on  the  following  Passage:

    Regular child care provided outside home or by someone other than the mother does not

In itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old

Infants,according to a long-term national study.The finding holds even If care begins during

the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.

    Among  infants  who  receive  unkind  and unresponsive  care from their mothers,however,

the mother-child relationship may be damaged.“This research helps us put apart complexities

regarding child care that have not previously been studied In detail,”  contends Jay Belsky,a


    The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston.

The youngsters,no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991,will be

tracked until the age of 7.Experimenters administered questionnaires to mothers in their

homes and videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1,6,and 15  months.

Independent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant

nervousness.Unlike most previous studies,this one allows researchers to observe each

caretaker’s  personality  at  child  nursing,and  kids’emotional  reaction  by  the  equipment.

16.From the first paragraph we know that.

    A.mother care is the best according to a national study

    B.child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study

    C.regular child care outside home may play a role as a mother

    D.connections between mothers and infants are damaged by outside care

17.Accooding to the passage,unresponslve care from a mother may.

A、  ruin a kid’s growth

B、  harm the month-child tie

    C.lnjure a baby’s emotional reaction

    D.spoil a child’s personalty

18.Jay Belsky implies that the study of child care.

    A.was never carried out in the past

    B.was not much done in detail in the past

    C.was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchers

    D.was  interesting,but  very  difficult  to  make  discovery

19.The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that.

    A.the researchers7C stared  with only one month old infants

    B.the observers could rate the quality of child care effofts and analyzed them soon

    C.the researchers weft able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homes

D.video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening direct

20.Which of the following is not TRUE of the investigation?

    A.It Will last at least 7 years.

    B.Cooperation from the mothers is also necessary.

    C.some independent observers play a part.

    D.Researchers  paid  site  visits tosecacaretaker’spersonalityandkids’emotional




Question 21-25 are based on the following passage:

    Successful innovations have driven many  Older technologies to extinction and have

resulted  in  higher  productivity,greater  consumption  of energy,increased  demand  for  raw

mateials,accelerated flow of materials through the economy and increased quantities of

metals and other substances in use per person.The history of industrial development is fUll of


    In l870,horses and mules were the prime source of power on U.S.farms.One horse or mule was required to support four human beings——a ratio that remained almost constant for many decades.At that time,had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970,its answer probably would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic turn of mind.Had they been“economists”,they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport.They would have recognized further hat is would be only a matter of time before steam would be the prime source of power on the farm.It would have been

difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline


21. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a consequence of new

    technological developments?

    A.Older techologies die away.

    B.The quality of life is imProved·

    C.Overall productivity increases·

    D.More raw materials become necessary.

22.It  can  be  inferred  from  the passage that by 1870______.

    A.the steam engine had been invented

    B.a nationalcommission on agriculture had been established

    C.the U.S.horse population was about 10 million

    D.technology began to be more economical

23.which of the following statements would the author of the passage be most likely to


    A.Technological  development  influences  society’s  future.

    B.Technological innovations a almost always successful.

    C.Technicians are more useful to society than economists.

    D.The economy is independent of technological transformation.

24.In the second paragraph,the author suggests that“economists’would_____.

    A.consult the national commission on the economy

    B.plan the economy through yearly forecasts

    C.consider the influence of technological innovation important

    D.value the economic contribution of farm animals

25.what is the author’s attitude toward changes brought on by technological刊\


    A.He is excited about them.

    B.He is disturbed by them.

    C.He questions their usefulness.

    D.He accepts them as natural.



Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage:

    OffiCials kiCked Off the Olympic economy With a tWO-day promotion conference that

opened on Sunday in Beliing.

    Economy here refers to both direct and indirect profits made by hosting the Games.

    The organizers included 16 municipal government deparments.The event attracted more

than  800  delegates  of enterprises,institutions,and academies.

    The big topic is how to make the best of the business potential of the Benjing’s


    The organizers said there were 387 projects at the event that would need about 134

billion yuan—worth of investment·

    The business opportunities involve manufacturing,agriculture,education,health,

tourism and environmental protection.

    This was the largest 01ympics business promotion in Beijing so far.

    Twenty-four companies on Monday signed up for 10 projects,worth 21.5 billion yuan

in all.

    The most notewofthy one is the fourth subway line.The deal involves the Hong Kong

MTRcorp,Beijing Infrastrure Investing Company,and Beijing Capital Group.

26.what does the phrase‘kick off”mean in Para.l?

    A Open.  B、End.


27.What’s the big topic of the two-day promotion conference7

    t.How to win golden medals as many as possible in the game.

    B.How to get investment.

    C、How to invest in the event.

    D.How to make the best of the business potential of Beijing’s Olympics Games.

28.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.There are nearly 400 projects at the event.

    B.About 134 billion yuan is needed to be invested.

    C,The event took interest from almost 800 delegates of enterpnses,institutions and


    D.The organizers includes 16 municipal government departments.

29.What does the writer say about the fouth subway line?

    A.Four firms are involved in it.

    B.It is one of the most important projects.

    C.Hong  Kong  MTR  Corp.isn’t involved  In It.

    D.Beijing capital Group wants to get involved in it.

30.What’s the best title for this report?

    A.There Effects of Olympic Game

    B.Business Opportunities Brought about with Olympic Games

    C.Financial Situations in Beijing

    D.Business Promotioll COnference in Beijing