
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:31:30


  • http://www.huanqiu.com
  • 2011-07-20 09:03
  • CRI


首当其冲的自然是身为团队老大的骨灰级粉丝们,英语中称呼他们我们可以用 The  hardcore fan/ super fan/crazy fan/ rabid fan/ frenzied fan/ addicted fan 等, 其中crazy, rabid, frenzied 三个词都侧重形容了粉丝们的狂热度,而super 则主要说明这些人有超出寻常追星族的执著力量。而一个addicted fan 可以是对于音乐或者某项运动本身非常感兴趣,以至于“上瘾了”的粉丝。骨灰级粉丝的英文参考释义见下:

The "super" fans buy everything the stars make available, watch every video of their idols on the Internet, get into any discussions about how great they are, go to see where they live(even if it means a long trip), and in some cases even profess their devotion to the stars  with a tattoo.    


骨灰级粉丝英文例句:   Man, he is a rabid Harry Potter fan! He watches every movie of HP series that is ever released! 他是个狂热的哈里.波特粉丝,他把所有上映的哈里.波特系列电影都看了个遍!

表达某人对某人某事着迷还可以说: someone obsessive about/with sth.


David was obsessed by a girl he has just met.

The life of western Hunan obsessed him and applied him with many writing materials.

除此之外,大家如果想要表达一般有选择爱好的粉丝,或者是本身没有强烈追星愿望而被同龄人携带同去参加演唱会的“被”或“伪”粉丝,用法应分别是The "Simply a Fan" Fan 和The "Passive" Fan。英文解释见下:

The "simply a fan" refers to those who like most of the stars’ stuff, love some of it, but not crazy about ALL of it. They will buy a CD if there are two or more songs on it that blow them away, but they will probably wait for the greatest hits record just to be safe.

例句:She is “simply a fan”, so don’t bother to ask her to buy everything about Elvis that is in the market. 她是个普通粉丝而已,别指望她会把市场上关于猫王的东西都买下来。

The "passive" fans is the fans who kind of like the stars’ stuff. However, not enough to buy it or even go to a show if it was free, but if they heard the big names on the radio they wouldn't turn it off. What they do is admirable from a technical standpoint, however that little kid inside who lights up when you hear something incredible doesn't really get aroused.

例句:Vanessa is a passive fan. She won’t be joining us this afternoon at the concert. 凡尼莎是个伪粉丝,她才不会跟我们一起参加下午的音乐会呢。

那么读了本文的你,又会属于哪类粉丝呢?Our dear readers, which category of fans do you fall into?