银医生银离子抗菌喷雾:外星人惊爆危机(Text & Pics)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 03:55:40
這隻禿頭、有凸出藍眼睛怪物在大陸河南省一個山村裡出現時,曾引發當地村民一陣恐慌,因他們以為牠是來自外星球的怪物! 當人妻毛西萍(譯音) 發現這隻營養不良的怪物溜進她的屋內偷黃瓜時, 嚇得大喊救命。她告訴警察說,這名「竊匪」有一張「外星人的臉」,她以前完全沒見過這樣的東西! 警察並不相信所說的。直到她終於用捕獵器困住了牠,並且把牠裝進洗衣籃,送到警察局裡。她更要求警察當場逮捕這隻怪物! 昨(21日)晚專家們仔細研究了這隻1.5英尺高的生物,希望進一步了解牠。目前唯一確定的是,牠一定餓了很久了。因為牠身上的每一根肋骨都清晰可見!
不过就我看来,这个生物更像“Gollum” 不过比他可爱,据毛西萍说给这只猴子现在不吃黄瓜了,在他吃过桃子后对其他的食物已经不感兴趣了。"
Freaky monkey
'Alien’ critter sparks panic
Shock ... locals wanted cops to arrest monkey
THIS balding, bug-eyed monkey sparked panic in a village when locals feared it was an ALIEN.
Housewife Mao Xiping raised the alarm after she found the malnourished creature stealing cucumbers from her flat.
She told cops it had "an alien face" and was unlike anything she had seen before.
They refused to believe her until she trapped it, took it to the police station in a washing basket - and demanded officers ARREST it.
Last night experts were examining the 1?ft creature to find out more about it.
The beast was so thin that its ribs could be seen through its flesh as it was inspected in Henan Province, central China.
Bizarre ... housewife told of beast's 'alien face'
Mao, of Gezhai village, said: "At first I thought it was a rabbit, then I was shocked to see it had an alien face.
"My neighbours agreed it was like nothing we'd seen before. It stopped eating cucumbers when we gave it peaches - now it won't eat anything else."
Malnourished ... now monkey adores peaches