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离别中山眼科中心( Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY) 赴美从事眼科研究已近16年了. 在我工作的美国爱尔康眼科药物研究公司2007年的年会上, 中山眼科中心被隆重推举在众人眼前. 这让美国最大的眼科工业公司耳目一新, 面对合作, 商机, 市场, 跃跃欲试.



吴乐正教授从医眼科50年之际,我不禁想起在吴乐正教授构思,命名的中山眼科中心创建初期(1983),为了为新诞生的眼科中心培养人才,吴乐正, 吴德正教授担负了招收和培养眼科博士,硕士研究生的历史重任。一批又一批的幸运儿从此步入了中山眼科中心这座眼科学的圣殿。他们当中有中国第一位眼科女博士黄智申教授(83 级),中山眼科中心第一任神经眼科主任顾欣祖教授(83 级),眼科研究所视觉生理室主任文峰 教授(87级)副主任黄时洲教授(85级)龙时先教授(87级). 眼科激光室主任金陈进教授 (86级),美国耶鲁大学视觉眼科教授田宁(84级)(Associate Professor, Yale university School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology & visual Science). 美国爱尔康眼科药物研究公司资深研究员王瑜(85级)(Senior Scientist, Alcon Laboratories, Inc.), 活跃在美国视觉眼科研究领域的研究员忻岱嫣(83级), 张杰(86级), 现从医美国的单杨(82 级),徐西京(83 级), 孙莎萍(84 级),张福祥 (85级), 张玄奇医生(86级)…….真切的记忆, 缓缓而来.在那珍贵的时光里,我们在吴乐正老师的亲切教诲中,热爱眼科,学业精进,为人诚实,情同手足.我们亲临了吴乐正 教授 在中国主办的第一届国际眼科大会(The First International Ophthalmologic Congress in China 1985) 和第28届国际临床视觉电生理大会(The 28th International Symposium for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision, 1990). 吴乐正老师带领他的学生们怀着对眼科事业的执着,为中国眼科与国际眼科接轨, 忘我工作…….我们不会忘记自己是“金眼科”宠儿.我们为自己是陈耀真教授,二吴教授带教的学生而骄傲。记得在1998美国视觉眼科年会(The Association for Research in Vision and ophthalmology ARVO Fort Lauderdale, Florida,)来自中山眼科中心的三十多位眼科医生欢聚在一起,侃侃而谈,我们争相演讲. 风趣的田宁把凡来自陈,毛,吴,高眼科家族 * 的学生划为“嫡系”,视为有发言权可即兴演讲者。当我们目光一扫,只好把唯一 一位与这个眼科家族无”血缘”关系的“杂牌军” 轰请下台,剥夺演讲权。仅此一位。按田宁的游戏规则,陈耀真教授的研究生周文炳,关征实, 等教授的研究生均属“嫡系”,包括现任中山眼科中心主任葛坚教授(周文炳教授83 级博士研究生)和他的研究生。如此类推令我大吃一惊,有多少眼科专家成长在这眼科家族的大树下,我至今还未数清。       陈耀真,毛文书教授              吴乐正,陈又昭教授    吴德正,高汝龙教授                             之昭教授(Right)  *陈耀真眼科家族

陈耀真,  父亲                   中山眼科中心 眼科医生, 眼科教授

毛文书,母亲                   中山眼科中心 眼科医生, 眼科教授

陈之昭,女儿                   美国NIH视觉眼科研究员, 眼科教授

陈又昭,   女儿                  中山眼科中心 眼科医生, 眼科教授

吴乐正,   陈又昭丈夫       中山眼科中心 眼科医生, 眼科教授, 陈耀真教授的研究生

吴德正,   吴乐正妹妹       中山眼科中心 视觉眼科研究员, 眼科教授,  陈耀真教授的研究生

高汝龙,   吴德正丈夫       中山眼科中心 眼科医生, 眼科教授


在阔别中山眼科中心十一年的2003年,我拜访了吴乐正 教授及家人,他送给我一本陈耀真, 毛文书传纪文学《虹雁传集》,我怀着崇敬的心情,含着热泪读完了这部眼科伟人的传纪。我曾经和一位读过此书的同学讨论,她说这本书把毛文书教授写的太好了。我说,难道这不是真的吗?无言以对……。如果不是身为眼科医生和他们的学生,亲闻目睹了这个朴实眼科家庭用他们超人的智慧,无私的奉献,坚韧不拔的创业精神, 创建了这个中国最大的眼科中心,有多少人能读懂这本书呢?


 当我们 77级的同学应邀参 中山大学中山医学院举办的毕业25周年庆典活动之际 (2007) 我第二次回到中山眼科中心, 探访了仍在眼科耕耘的吴乐正,吴德正教授. “中山眼科中心” 名字依然那么响亮, 规模日益壮大, 前景依旧迷人, 伴随着中华的腾飞一路顺风. 她的迷人来自于放飞的理想, 她的深厚源于几代眼科医生的深情奉献.我再次思考着一个问题, 是谁为我们的国家, 我们的中山医学院, 为我们魂牵梦萦的眼科留下了中山眼科中心? 陈耀真, 毛文书, 吴乐正, 陈又昭, 陈之昭 吴德正,高汝龙教授, 中国唯一显赫的眼科家族* 当居首榜,当之无愧.




在美国爱尔康 (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.)工作期间,我的实验室接待了一位巴西眼科医生(Dr. Rubens Belfort Neto, Sao Paulo, Brazil) 作为爱尔康 Dr. Gerald Cagle, Senior Vice President 的客人来此参观访问. 他来自巴西一个三代眼科名医的家族, 其父(Dr. Rubens Belfort Jr. Sao Paulo, Brazil)是现任巴西总统的眼科医生, 2006年世界眼科大会(The 2006 World Ophthalmology Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil) 主办人之一. 这个眼科家族的特色是每一代出一位眼科医生承继家族眼科事业. 而中国陈耀真眼科家族的特色是集两代眼科医生雄厚的实力, 培育眼科人才, 创建理想中帝国般的眼科大厦.

  Dr. Rubens Belfort Neto 三代眼科名医的家族  中山眼科中心,这凝结了吴乐正 教授对眼科之热爱的心血之作,以它曾有的辉煌和永不泯灭的希望,将永世地留给了中国,中山医学院和所有热爱眼科事业的中国眼科医生。


在祝贺吴乐正 教授从医眼科50年之际, 让我们为这位眼科巨人庆功!


王瑜                 执笔于美国家中


孙铎                 中文打印

彭玉豪             英文翻译


A seven ophthalmology professor of ophthalmology family


Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Prof. Wu Lezheng’s Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology


Sixteen years ago, I said goodbye to Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY and since then have been concentrating on ophthalmic research in the United States.  During the 2007 R&D annual meeting of my current company, Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center was specially introduced to the employees.  The presentation brought a better understanding of the Ophthalmic Center and excited the world’s largest company in ophthalmic care industry to consider potential collaborations, business opportunities, and marketing advantages.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Prof. Wu Lezheng’s clinical practice in ophthalmology, I can not resist to reminisce his important historical contributions in the early days (1983) of training, together with Prof. Wu Dezheng, graduate students, both master and Ph.D., in order to provide quality staff for the then nascent Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, which was designed and named by him. We were the lucky ones who became masters and Ph.D. graduate students of Prof. Chen Yaozhen, Wu Lezheng , Wu  Dezheng  and entered the sacred hall of ophthalmic sciences, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center.  Among the graduate students, there emerged Prof. Huang Zhishen (Class of 82) the first Ph.D. in ophthalmology; Prof. Gu Xinzu(Class of 83) the first director of neuro-ophthalmology in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center; Prof. Wen Feng (Class of 87) director of the clinical visual physiology laboratory; Prof. Huang Shizhou(Class of 85) associate directors and Prof.Long Shixian (Class of 87); Prof. Jin Chenjin(Class of 86) director of Ophthalmology Laser Treatment Laboratory.  Dr. Tian Ning(Class of 84) associate professor of the Department of Ophthalmology & visual Science, Yale University School of Medicine; Dr. Wang Yu(Class of 85) Senior Scientist, Alcon Laboratories, Inc.; Dr. Xin Daiyan (Class of 83) and Dr.  Zhang Jie (Class of 86) productive scientists in visual sciences of U.S.A.   Furthermore, there were also practicing physicians in the U.S.A:  Dr. Shan Yang(Class of 82), Dr. Xu Xijing (Class of 83), Dr. Sun Sharping (Class of 84), Dr. Zhang Fuxiang(Class of 85), Dr. Zhang Xuanqi(Class of 86), etc.  I am often overwhelmed by these lifelike memories.  In those precious days, under the warm tutelage of Prof. Wu Lezheng, we were passionate about ophthalmology and learning; we were honest and truthful to each other; we were like brothers and sisters.  Under his kind guidance, we attended the first International Ophthalmologic Congress in China in 1985, and the 28th International Symposium for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision in 1990.  Prof. Wu, with his own actions as examples, taught us to work selflessly in ophthalmology, to expand this specialty in China, and to make contact with the international community.  We never forget that we are physicians in ophthalmology, the “golden” clinical specialty.  We are proud to be the students of Professors Chen Yaozhen(Eugene Chan), Wu Lezheng, and Wu Dezheng.  I still remembered that during ARVO 1998, more than 30 ophthalmologists from Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center met in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.  In that rare and happy occasion, we chatted endlessly with fervor and fought to gain attention from others.  The humorous Dr. Tian Ling jokingly said that only those who were students of Profs. Chen, Mao, Wu, and Gao * could be regarded as from the “Direct Line of Descent”, and only they could speak.  When we surveyed the room, just one person did not qualify for this criterion.  According to this rule, Prof. Chen Yaozhen’s graduate students, Zhou Wenbing, Guan Zhengshi, Chen Jiaqi, and Wu Zhongyao, are all part of the Direct Line of Descent.  This also includes the current director of the Center, Prof. Ge Jian and his students, since Prof. Ge (Class of 83) was a student of Prof. Zhou Wenbing. With further extrapolation, I became totally surprised by the countless number of ophthalmologists that grew up under this family tree.  


In 2003, eleven years after leaving Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, I visited Prof. Wu Lezheng and his family.  He gave me a book about Prof. Chen Yaozheng and his wife, Prof. Mao Wenshu(Winifred Mao).  Through tear-filled eyes and with admiration, I read the biographies of these two great ophthalmologists.  I have subsequently discussed the book with a friend.  She said the book has described them “too” well.  She became speechless when I asked, “Aren’t these all true?”  If I were not an ophthalmologist and a student of theirs, if I had not witnessed their superhuman wisdom, their altruistic dedications, and their persistent efforts in creating and nurturing this largest ophthalmic center in China, I would not have understood this book.


In 2007, I was invited to attend a celebration of our 25th anniversary of graduation, hosted by the Medical School of SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY.  That was the second time I visited the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center since my parting.  I also visited the incessantly hard-working Professors Wu Lezheng and Wu Dezheng.  The name “Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center” is still so vibrant; its scale ever expanding; its future limitless.  With the economic ascent of China, it no doubt will continue to excel.  The charm of the Ophthalmic Center comes from her high-flying ideal.  Her solid foundation is rooted firmly by the passionate contributions of several generations of ophthalmologists.  Again I thought of a question: who had left behind this Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center for our country, for our medical school, for our constantly dreamt-about ophthalmology? They are:


* Chen Yaozhen Ophthalmic family:

Prof. Chen Yaozhen (Eugene Chan)             Father, Ophthalmologist

Prof. Mao Wenshu  (Winifred Mao)   Mother, Ophthalmologist

Prof. Chan Chi-Chao, Daughter, Professor in Vision sciences (NIH USA)

Prof. Chen Youzhao, Daughter, Ophthalmologist

Prof. Wu Lezheng , Son in law, Ophthalmologist

Prof. Wu Dezheng , Sister of Dr. Wu Lezheng, Professor in Vision sciences

Prof. Gao  Rulong,  Husband of Dr. Wu Dezheng. Ophthalmologist


They are unquestionably the only luminous ophthalmologist family in China.  They established the first and the greatest Ophthalmic Center in China - Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center.


History will reflect the truth


My laboratory in Alcon has hosted a Brazilian ophthalmologist, Dr. Rubens Belfort Neto (Sao Paulo, Brazil), who, as a guest of our senior vice president, Dr. Gerald Cagle, came to observe and learn.  He is from a family of three generations of famous ophthalmologists.  His father, Dr. Rubens Belfort, Jr. (Sao Paulo, Brazil), is the Brazilian president’s personal ophthalmologist, and one of the organizers of the 2006 World Ophthalmology Congress in Sao Paulo.  The unique characteristic of this ophthalmologist family is that they produce an ophthalmologist in every generation to carry on the family business.  And in China, the unique characteristic of our ophthalmologist family is that Prof. Chen Yaozhen concentrated the tremendous strength of two generations of ophthalmologists to foster superb experts and build an ideal, empire-like mansion of ophthalmology.


Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center *,  this masterpiece crystallized with Prof. Wu Lezheng’s passion and energy, with its past grandeur and everlasting hope, will be an eternal gift to China, to SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY, and to all Chinese ophthalmologists who are passionate about this specialty.


Let us celebrate the 50th anniversary of Prof. Wu Lezheng’s clinical practice in ophthalmology!  Let us congratulate this giant in Ophthalmology!


Yu Wang

Senior Scientist, Alcon Laboratories, Inc.

January 1, 2008


Duo Sun (Chinese typing for this paper)

Senior Scientist, Alcon Laboratories, Inc.

January 1, 2008


Translated by Iok-Hou Pang

Director, Alcon Laboratories, Inc.

January 2, 2008