长江三峡开发总公司:法句经 中英对照 7 -TheArahat(Dh.90-99) 七、阿拉汉品

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7 -TheArahat(Dh.90-99) 七、阿拉汉品
[法句经·中英对照]  加入时间:2010-10-8 9:13:45  点击:177

7 -TheArahat(Dh.90-99)

90. The fever of passion exists not for him whohas completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, andhas broken all ties.

91. The mindful ones exert themselves. They arenot attached to any home; like swans that abandon the lake, they leavehome after home behind.

92. Those who do not accumulate and are wiseregarding food, whose object is the Void, the Unconditioned Freedom--their trackcannot be traced, like that ofbirds in the air.

93. He whose cankers are destroyed and who isnot attached to food, whose object is the Void, the unconditionedfreedom -his pathcannot be traced, like thatofbirds in the air.

acquisitiveness︰利欲心。 cankers︰腐败。




1觉支:sambodhiyavga,指七觉支,一、念觉支,念念明白。二、择法觉支,分别善恶,弃绝贪染之法,选择趋解脱之法。三、精进觉支,一心 于一境而努力不懈修善.断恶,求解脱。四、喜觉支,得正法或禅定而喜悦。五、轻安觉支,指身 .心轻快、安稳,不沉重。六、定觉支,得禅 定,心不散乱。七、舍觉支,心无偏颇,不执着而保持平衡、中立。

2漏尽:khina sava,灭尽诸漏 (贪.瞋.痴的烦恼 )。3路行尽:旅行已完毕者,喻:业已尽,即所谓:诸漏已尽,所作已办, 梵行已立。4系缚:gantha,贪、瞋、戒禁取(误取邪因、邪道)、见取(持常见—永恒 不灭的我或灵魂,或持断见 —凡事皆偶然,无因果 )。5佛陀受提婆达多推落的石片伤到脚姆指,耆婆神医帮忙治疗。

92彼等无积聚1,于食如实知,空.无相解脱2──是彼所行境, 如鸟游虚空,踪迹不可得。

93彼等诸漏尽,亦不贪饮食,空.无相解脱──是彼所行境, 如鸟游虚空,踪迹不可得。

94. Even the gods hold dear the wise one, whosesenses are subdued like horses well-trained by a charioteer, whose prideis destroyed and who is free fromthecankers. 95. There is no moreworldly existence for the wise one, who, like the earth, resentsnothing; who is as firm as a high pillar and as pureas a deep poolfreefrommud. 96. Calm is his thought, calm his speech and calm his deed,who, truly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly tranquil and wise. 97.The man who is without blind faith, who knows the Uncreate, who hassevered all links, who has destroyed all causes (for kamma, good andevil), and who has thrown out all desires -he, truly, is the mostexcellent ofmen. 98. Inspiring, indeed, is that place where Arahatsdwell, be it a 1彼等无积聚:DhA:完全储存:有两种:一、完全储存业。二、完全储存资具。对善业、不善业而言,名叫完全储存业;四资具名叫完全储存资具。 2空解脱:DhA:于涅槃染 .瞋.痴不存在而空。无相解脱:DhA:染等之相不存在而无相。

village, a forest, a vale or a hill.

99. Inspiring are the forests in whichworldlings find no pleasure. There the passionless will rejoice, forthey seek no sensual pleasures. charioteer︰战车的驾驭者。 vale︰溪谷。


95彼已无愤恨,犹如于大地,彼虔诚坚固,如因陀揭罗2, 如无污泥池,是人无轮回。3


1有一次,在雨安居结束日。帝释率领众天神前往东园(鹿母讲堂),帝释以天香与天花鬘献给佛陀,他看到僧团保留给摩诃迦旃延长老的位子, 心里多幺希望尊者也在精舍里接受他的礼敬。这时候,摩诃迦旃延长老突然出现,帝释非常欢喜,立刻以双手按摩双足顶礼。有些比丘不以为 然,认为帝释偏心。佛陀就说此偈。

2因陀揭罗:indrakhila,门限,或是进城处安立坚固的柱子,象征因陀罗 (守护神 )的所在。

3雨安居结束时,舍利弗长老正准备外出。有位比丘愤慨的向世尊告状,说舍利弗尊者轻慢他。佛陀就请人召请舍利弗长老来,舍利弗长老表明 他对待人的心态︰「我的心一直都像大地一样,承受种种污秽、不净物,不轻慢他人。我也像门垫、乞丐、断脚的公牛一般,对污秽的血肉之躯 感到厌恶,不再执着于它。」 (cf. A.9.11.)舍利弗长老说完之后,那位年轻比丘感到愧疚,承认自己指控的错误,并且道歉。佛陀因此说了此偈。






3舍利弗尊者的三位姐妹和两位弟弟都出家,最小弟弟离婆多 (Revato)没出 家,他被安排婚姻,但是在婚宴上,他看到一位很老的女宾客,知道人 生不离老病死,于是就去出家当沙马内拉,经过一个雨安居就证得阿拉 汉果。

Not even a god, an angel, Mara or Brahma1 canturn into defeat the victory of such a person who is self-subdued andever restrained in conduct.


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