长江三峡黄金游轮:法句经 中英对照 10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品

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10 -Violence (Dh.129-145) 十、刀杖品
[法句经·中英对照]  加入时间:2010-10-8 9:10:00  点击:165

10 -Violence (Dh.129-145)

129. All tremble at violence; all fear death.Putting oneself in the place ofanother, one should notkill nor causeanother to kill.

inoffensive︰a.无害的。 wicked︰ a.邪恶的。 cleft︰n.裂缝。 tremble︰n. v.发抖,震颤。


129一切惧刀杖 1,一切皆畏死,以自度2他情,莫杀教他杀。 3

1刀杖:danda,亦作刑罚。 2度ㄉㄨㄛˋ:测量。原文为: upamam(譬喻)。 3在竹林精舍, 17位(为一群的 )比丘正在清扫住处,准备住下,刚来的较年长的六位比丘也想住下,但被 17位比丘拒绝,因此被六比丘打到大哭。

130. All tremble at violence; life is dear toall. Putting oneself in the place ofanother, oneshould not kill norcause another tokill. 131. One who, while himself seeking happiness,oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will notattain happiness hereafter. 132. One who, while himself seekinghappiness, does not oppress with violence other beings who also desirehappiness, will find happiness hereafter.


133. Speak not harshly to anyone, for those thusspoken to might retort. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation mayovertake you. 134. If, like a broken gong, you silence yourself, youhave approached Nibbana, for vindictiveness is no more in you. 135.Justas a cowherd drives the cattle to pasture with a staff, so do old ageand death drive the life force of beings (from existence toexistence).

hereafter︰adv.此后。 harshly︰粗糙地。 retaliation︰n.报复。 vindictiveness︰n.恶毒。


〈131~ 132〉 131于求乐有情,刀杖加恼害,但求自己乐,后世乐难得。 132于求乐有情,不加刀杖害,欲求自己乐,后世乐可得。2

1在竹林精舍, 17位(为一群的 )比丘正在清扫住处,准备住下,刚来较年长的六位比丘也想住下,双方有冲突,六位比丘举手作示威状,佛陀制定比丘 不可以举手作示威状。129-130偈的因缘记录在《律藏》Vin.Paci.IV,146~7. BhikkhuPaci.74.(=BhikkhuniP152);BhikkhuPaci.75.(=BhikkhuniP153)


〈133~ 134〉 133对人莫说粗恶语,汝所说者还说汝。愤怒之言实堪痛; 互击刀杖可伤汝。 134汝若自默然,如一破铜锣,已得涅槃路;于汝无诤故。1


136. When fools commit evil deeds, he does notrealize (their evil nature). The witless man is tormented by his owndeeds, like one burnt by fire. 137. He who inflict violence on those whoare unarmed, and offends those who are inoffensive, will soon come uponone of these ten states: 138-140. (1)Sharp pain, or disaster, (2)bodilyinjury, (3)serious (4)or

illness, derangement of mind, (5)trouble from the

(gharasappajatika;Ptyas)。佛陀问︰「你们在做什幺?」他们说︰「我们在打蛇。」佛陀问︰「为什幺?」他们说︰「大德!我们怕被蛇咬。」「你 们自己想要幸福,但是这种打杀的行为,无论投生到何处,你们都不会得到幸福;如果自己热望幸福,就不应该打杀别人。」佛陀接着说出此偈。

1君达达那长老 (Kondadhanatthera)出家以来,身旁总是跟着一个女子幻像,但他自己却看不见。佛陀跟他:「过去世时,你是个天神,当时,你却 乔装成为女子,故意作弄两位要好的比丘,跟随其中的一位,造成他们的误会。犯下这恶业,今生才会有女子的幻像的果报。」

2佛陀对毘舍佉及参加布萨的女人说:「毘舍佉!有情一旦出生,等于手 中有杖者、牧牛者 (等,身份 ),接近生、老,接近老、病,接近病、死, (最 后)死亡的召唤,如斧斩,斩命;虽然这样人们仍然留恋轮回,渴望轮回。」

government, (6)or grave charges, (7)loss ofrelatives, (8)or loss of wealth, (9)or houses destroyed by a ravagingfire, (10)and upon dissolution ofthe bodythose ignorant man is borninhell.

141. Neither going about naked, nor mattedlocks, nor filth, nor fasting, nor lying on the ground, nor smearingoneself with ashes and dust, nor sitting on the heels (in penance) canpurify a mortalwho has not overcome doubt. 142. Even though he bewell-attired, yet if he is poised, calm, controlled and established inthe holy life, having set aside violence towards all beings --one,truly, is a holy man, a renunciate, a monk. ravage︰n.v.毁灭。renunciate︰n.弃世者。

136愚夫造作诸恶业,却不自知有果报,痴人以自业感苦, 宛如以火而自烧。1

〈137~ 140〉 137若以刀杖害,无恶无害者,十事中一种,彼将迅速得。 138(1)极苦痛失财, (2)身体被损害, (3)或重病所逼, (4)或失心狂乱。 139(5)或为王迫害, (6)或被诬重罪, (7)或眷属离散, (8)或破灭财产。

1大目犍连尊者与勒叉那尊者下山时,大目犍连尊者见到一只人面蛇身的 饿鬼,大目犍连尊者微笑。这饿鬼在迦叶佛时为残酷的小偷,他多次放 火烧毁迦叶佛的精舍。


141非裸行结发,非涂泥绝食,卧地自尘身,非以蹲踞住2,不 断疑惑者,能令得清净。3

142严身住寂静,调御而克制,必然修梵行,不以刀杖等, 加害诸有情,彼即婆罗门,彼即是沙门,彼即是比库4。

143. Only rarely is there a man in this worldwho, restrained by modesty, avoids reproach, as a thoroughbred horseavoids the whip. 144. Like a thoroughbred horse touched by the whip, bestrenuous, be filled with spiritual yearning. By faith and moral purity,by effort and meditation, by investigation of the truth, by being richin knowledge and virtue, and by being mindful, destroy this unlimitedsuffering.

1 137-140偈为大目犍连尊者为人所害的故事。他已被打杀,未般涅槃前 还运用神通出现在佛陀的面前,向佛陀告别。他被杀是因为他过去世曾 曾受妻子的怂恿而有杀瞎眼父母之举,因有未遂之业,此生还在偿旧业。

2蹲踞住:ukkutika,两脚前后参差的蹲跪。古译作「右膝着地」、「胡跪」。 DhA.︰ UUUUUk kkkkk kkkku uuuuY tttti iiiik kkkkap apapapapp ppppad adadadadhhhhha aaaan nnnnan ananananti ukkutikabhavenaaraddhaviriyam.(努力蹲踞︰发勤精进地在在蹲踞。)

3从前在舍卫城中有一位富翁巴富斑迪卡(Bahubhandika),他的太太去世后,他决定出家,出家前他先盖精舍,出家后储存食物,请仆人煮饭, 养尊处优。当佛陀告诫他,他却发脾气,就把袈裟脱掉。佛陀又告诫他这样做就失去惭愧心,他明白自己错了,并且请求原谅。

4婆罗门、沙门、比丘都是指阿拉汉。本偈说山达迪大臣(Santatimahamatta) 听完佛陀说法后,就证得阿拉汉果。但不久就入灭了。当时他还穿着在 家人的衣服。诸比丘问佛陀:「他究竟是比丘呢?还是婆罗门?」「他 既可称之为比丘,也可以称为婆罗门。」

145. Irrigators regulate the waters; fletchers straighten arrow shafts; carpenters shape wood; and thegood controlthemselves.

〈143~ 144〉 143以惭自禁者,世间所罕有,彼善避羞辱,如良马避鞭。 144如良马加鞭,当奋勉忏悔。以信.戒.精进,以及三摩地,


1明行足:sampannavijjacarana。明: vijja,智慧;行: carana,德行(戒律 )。 具足智慧与德行。

2阿难尊者见到卑卢帝沙 (Pilotikatissa)旧衣服乞讨食物,就问他是否愿意出家。他马上答应了,他就把旧衣服放在一棵树下,就去出家。出家后,他 对比丘的生活不满,想还俗。每次生起这种念头的时候,他就到那棵树下去,并且谴责自己:「不知羞耻!你还想还俗,穿旧衣,拿这盘子去过乞



下一条:9 -Evil (Dh.116-128) 九、恶品