问政金堂最新回复:Module 13 Likes and dislikes

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 12:45:34



一. 教学内容:

       Module 13  Likes and dislikes


二. 教学重点

1. 学会用句型表达喜好和陈述原因

  2. 学会which 引导的特殊疑问句。

  3. 调动已有的知识来表达喜欢与不喜欢的事物(食物、衣着、交通用具等)


三. 内容的讲解与分析

  1. Do you like rice?

    Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

    Rice “米饭”在这里是不可数名词。用法① 在此词前不加冠词;②本身也不存在复数形式。

在本模块里的不可数名词还有bread 面包;milk 牛奶

ice-cream (注:这个词也可用作可数名词)

like “喜欢”

基本用法:①用作及物动词,意为“喜欢”,后接名词,代词(宾格)动词-ing 形式或动词的不定式,作宾语。

I like the yellow car. (名词)

He likes noodles very much.(名词)

They like their teacher. (名词)

I like him. (宾格代词)

He likes us. (宾格代词)

I like playing computer games.(动词ing 形式)

She likes dancing. (动词ing 形式)

He likes to eat apples.(不定式)

其中“like doing sth.”表示喜欢做某事,侧重经常性或习惯性的爱好。

“like to do sth.”表示喜欢/想要做某事,侧重具体的动作或行为。

My brother likes playing computer games but likes to play basketball today.


Tom likes dancing with us, but he likes to dance with Kate today.



The girl looks like her mother.女孩长得像她的妈妈。

Run with the kite like that.像那样带着风筝跑。


含有like 的短语

①would  like意为“愿意/想要”相当于want但语气更加委婉。后接名词、代词或动词不定式。

    would 与人称代词连用,可缩写为’d

I would like some bread.我想要些面包。

They’d like some water to drink. 他们想要喝点水。

She’d like an ice-cream.她想要一个冰淇淋。

②feel like 意为“想要/喜欢”后接-ing形式。

I feel like eating rice. 我喜欢吃米饭。

I’m not feeling well. I don’t feel like eating anything. 我感觉不舒服,不想吃任何东西。

Do you feel like playing  basketball?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.你想打篮球吗?



①Would you like sth.?


肯定回答为:Yes, please.

否定回答为:No, thanks. 

Would you like some milk? Yes, please.


Would you like some juice? No, thanks.


Would you like some apples to eat? Yes, please.


Would you like some fish? No, thanks.


②Would you like to do sth.?


肯定回答为:I would like/love to.

否定回答为:Sorry,I am afraid not.

    Would you like to come to my party? Yes, I would like to.


     Would you like to fly kites with me? Yes, I would like to.


    Would you like to wear white shirt?Sorry, I am afraid not.


③How do you like …?


相当于What do you think of ….?

    How do you like her?= What do you think of her?

She is very friendly and kind.


    How do you like China? Very much.


④What do you like about …?


What do you like about China? The people and the food.


What do you like about her?

Her kindness and friendliness.


  2. I don’t like the yellow car. 我不喜欢那部黄车。





yellow 是“黄色/黄色的”为形容词或名词。


I like the red jeans.我喜欢红裤子。

I don’t like red jeans. 我不喜欢红裤子。

They like wearing the yellow dress. 她们喜欢穿黄裙子。

They don’t like wearing the yellow dress. 她们不喜欢穿黄裙子。

Tom likes the white sweater.汤姆喜欢白毛衣。

Tom doesn’t like the white sweater. 汤姆不喜欢白毛衣。

My mother likes to buy white shoes.妈妈喜欢买白鞋子。

    My mother doesn’t like to buy white shoes. 妈妈不喜欢买白鞋子。

    Red is my favorite color. 红色是我喜爱的颜色。

    Red stands for danger.红色代表危险。

3. Which shirt do you like?

    which 是“哪一个,哪一些”的意思,指的是从限定的数目中进行选择。

    Which are your books?   The ones over there.


    Which jacket do you like?  I like the blue one.


    Do you like the woman? Which one?   The one in blue.


    Which man is your father?  The one in the car is my father.


4. Red is my favorite color.

    favorite 是形容词,意为“喜爱的”,后接名词。

My favorite food / his favorite lesson /their favorite cars /her favorite color 

我喜爱的食物  / 他喜爱的课程/ 他们喜爱的车子/ 她喜爱的颜色。

    favorite 是名词,意为“喜爱的事物或人”

    What color is your favorite? 你喜爱哪种颜色?

    Basketball is my favorite.  篮球是我喜爱的运动。

    The friendly people are our favorites.


    当对 red进行提问时,可以构成下列的句子。

    What is your favorite color?


5. Let me tell you about my favorite foods and colors.


    tell…about 告诉某人关于……的事物。

    about 可以与其它的动词连用,构成不同的含义

    What do you think about him?


    Let me introduce the history about China.


    He writes some stories about computer.


    Can you say something about him?


    My mother tells me about the past of my family.


6. What do you eat for breakfast?


    在英语中 eat / have都是动词,都表示吃喝。

    在使用时,eat 表示吃,与 have同义,可以互换。

    Do you eat/have lunch at home?


    I like having/eating rice.


    She is having/eating apples.


    特别提醒:① 表示“吃”“服药”,要用 have/take不用 eat   。

    Take /Have this medicine, and you’ll feel better.

在表示习惯短语something to eat时不能用have代替eat。

Would you like something to eat?

I would like some rice.

have 不光表示“吃”,还表示喝,相当于drink

I want to have/drink a cup of tea.

③ 在表示喝汤时,要用have,不能用eat。

I want to eat more soup.



1. — What’s your favorite subject, Mike?

    — ________, it’s interesting.

    A. Toys        B. Maths       C. T-shirt      D. E-mail

解析:答案选B 。上句询问的是最喜爱的科目,那么回答时也要选择表示科目的单词,故选 B.

  2.— ______ is your maths teacher?

— The one in red.

A. What        B. Where      C. Which      D. How

解析:答案选C. 本题考查的是特殊疑问词的用法。从答案来看,不定代词one 作主语,in red作定语,实际是提问定语。只能用which,故选C。

  3. My mother _____ noodles, but my father _____.

A. likes, doesn’t                         B. don’t like, do

C. likes, didn’t                           D. didn’t like, do

解析:答案选A.本题考查的是一般现在时的用法。根据题意,前后句的时态应该一致,排除C 和D两项,由于主语mother是第三人称单数,不可能用don’t ,故排除 B项.

4. —Mum, I am hungry.

    —What about going to McDonald’s ____ fried chicken?

    A. eat           B. to eat              C. eating             D. and eat

解析:答案选B. 本题考查的是非谓语动词的用法。从题干来看,“去麦当劳”的目的是“吃”炸鸡。表示目的的只有动词不定式。故选B.




1. I like milk. What a_____ you?

2. —W___ shirt do you like?  — I like the red one.

3. Red is my f_____ color.

4. Look at these dresses. They are l______.

5. I don’t like red. I like y____ best.

6. This is what people usually eat a______ the world.

7. I like v_____, but I don’t like fish.

8. I have b____ at half past six in the morning.

9. What does he u____ do after school?

10. Tell your friend about the things that you like and d___.



(    )1. What do you eat _____ breakfast, Susan?

A. for                        B. to                           C. in                           D. of

(    ) 2. —Which girl is your sister?   —______.

       A. The ones in the car                                    B. The girl is in a hat

       C. The one in a green coat                                D. My sister is on a bike

(   ) 3. —_____is your book? —White.

       A. What                      B. What color               C. Which                     D. What’s color

(    ) 4. Lucy’s hat is ______.It’s _____hat.

       A. black, black                                                B. white, white

       C. a red, red                                                    D. yellow, a yellow

(    ) 5. —_____is  this?  —It’s Helen’s.

       A. Who’s                   B. Who                      C. Whose                    D. What

(    ) 6. Say it in  ____ English.

       A. a                          B. an                          C. the                        D. /

(    )7. —____do  you have for breakfast?


       A. When                    B. Which                    C. What                     D. Where

(   )8. What does he usually do ___school?

       A. behind                    B. after                       C late                          D. later

(   )9. Let me ____ you about my favorite foods and colors.

       A. tell                         B. to tell                      C. tells                        D. telling

(   )10. Red is the color ___ your dress.

       A. to                           B. of                           C. for                         D. C. at



  1. I have ice-cream for lunch.(划线提问)

    _____ _____ you _____ for lunch?

2. The girl in red is my sister. (划线提问)

    _____ girl is _____ sister?

3. Yellow is my favorite color.(划线提问)

______ is ______ favorite color?

4. He has some brothers in his family.(否定句)

He ________ _____ brothers in his family.

5. I like green best.(同义句)

Green is _____ _____ color.

6. Shall we go out for a walk? (同义句)

____ _____ ____ out for a walk?

7. My shirt is white. (划线提问)

____ _____ is _____ shirt?

8. I like the black dress a lot.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)

— ____ you ____the black dress a lot?

— _____, I _____.



a. Oh, I see. It’s the color of your shirt.

b. I like apples. Do you like apples, too?

c. Hello, Jack! What is your favorite fruit?

d. Yes, I like apples, too.

e. Really? What is your favorite color?

f. No, I don’t like green, but I really like yellow.

Yellow is my favorite color.

g. I like green. Do you like green, too?




    ___1___ weekends, I often go to movies ___2__ my friend, Jack. My

favorite movie star is Jack Chan. He is a great actor. He has a new movie “speed”. It is a very successful action movie. Jack likes Michelle Yan ___3__.  Jack also likes Beijing Opera. He often ___4___ me, “Beijing Opera is __5___ fun.” My father likes it, too. He wants __6___ a Beijing Opera artist.

(    ) 1. A. At              B. In             C. On           D. Of

(  ) 2. A. with       B. and           C. of            D in

(  ) 3. A. well        B. good        C. best          D. very

(  ) 4.A. says        B. tells          C. speaks      D. talks

(  ) 5. A. real        B. much        C. really        D. very much

(  ) 6. A. to be      B. is             C. be            D. to is


六. 阅读理解。

    I am Dick. I’m an American student. I study in Beijing. I like Beijing very much. I often go to the Great Wall. I also like Chinese food. For breakfast, I like eggs and apples. For lunch, I like rice and chicken. For dinner, I have some steam bread and soup. Chinese food is very good, but I don’t like to use chopsticks, because it is too difficult.

1. Is Dick an American student?

A. Yes, he is                 B. No, she isn’t            C. No, he isn’t

2. Does Dick study in China?

A. Yes, he does            B. Yes, he is                C. No, he doesn’t

  3. Does Dick like American food?

    A. Yes, he does             B. No, he doesn’t        C. We don’t know

  4. What does Dick eat for dinner?

    A. eggs and apples      B. steam bread and soup C. rice and chicken

  5. Please guess what is “chopsticks” in Chinese?

    A. 汤匙           B. 餐叉                 C. 筷子