防止带病提拔十项规定:苹果Lion操作系统 让PC进入平板时代

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 22:49:43
2011年 08月 08日 07:52评论 凭借iPhone和iPad,苹果公司已经引导人们走上了一条操作数码设备的新道路,依靠手指触控动作直接操作,而不用鼠标和滚动条。图标排列在最前面的醒目位置,而不是层层深藏在文档系统中或局限于屏幕底端的一小条地方。


Apple在新的Mac电脑上按下一个特殊的按键,或是点击旧版Mac上的一个图标,就会将你所有的应用程序图标全屏展示,类似iPad的界面。Lion 是个人电脑与其后的平板电脑和智能手机等新设备融合的一大步。它减少了窗口和文档侧边历来有之的滚动条,主要依靠对文档和列表进行直接操作。它让你无需手动存储,而是自动保存每个文档的每个版本。重新打开程序时,它会直接开启你上一次关闭时所在的页面。它可以用多个全屏来显示程序或排列你所有的应用图标,你只需在屏幕上滑动手指就可以逐个浏览。而且它还加强了多点触控手势的作用,并增加了新的手势。

这个新的系统不会将Mac电脑变成平板电脑。它依然保留传统的电脑功能,比如通常的文件系统、多窗口界面、鼠标和实体键盘。它仍运行传统的Mac程序,依然可以处理Adobe Flash,而且不运行iPhone或iPad的应用程序。它不用触摸屏,而是继续使用触摸板来执行手指控制。

但它仍然是一个很大的变化。Lion预示着未来将会出现的一些产品。苹果的老对手微软(Microsoft)正致力于对其占据主导地位的Windows PC操作系统进行根本性的变革,将在明年完成,其目标也同样是突出多点触控和其他借鉴自智能手机和平板电脑的理念。



为了充分利用Lion的新功能,一些程序将需要进行修改。不过在我测试的过程中,目前的程序版本也运行良好。我是在一台运行Lion的MacBook Air笔记本电脑上写这篇文章的,使用的是未经修改过的Mac版Microsoft Word,用起来一点问题也没有。

Apple每次自动保存都会将你的文件创建一个单独的版本,你可以将所有这些版本按时间顺序排列,在当前的版本旁边集中浏览。不过,这种新鲜出炉又意义重大的事物总会有不足的。其中最大的不足就在于,即使是Mac电脑的老用户,改用Lion也需要重大的调整适应过程,不过使用 iPhone或iPad的用户转换起来更为轻松。对于由Windows改用Mac的用户来说,使用Lion就要吃力得多了。


苹果电子邮件程序Apple Mail等其他程序和功能也有了很大的不同,而整个操作系统的几乎每个角落都有一些小小的变化,包括一些键盘快捷方式。仅仅是掌握所有新的和调整过的触控板手势都需要一定的时间,其中一些手势实在是让人很不自在,我还得加以练习。幸运的是,几乎所有由手势进行的动作都可以用鼠标、图标、菜单控制或键盘来实现。



自动保存与版本:Lion 上运行的应用程序会在你每次暂定时自动保存你的工作,或是每五分钟保存一次。保存过程中你的工作不会受到干扰,而且你也仍然可以手动保存。这并不是新概念,不过它实施得非常完美,而且可以用于所有的程序,这些程序的发行者也都推出了新版本对此加以利用。目前它可以用于苹果自身的一些程序。





任务控制:Mac 电脑上的一个不错的功能名为“快速显示桌面”(Expose),只需点击一下,就可以将你所有打开的窗口最小化。如今这个功能被归入“任务控制”中,它可以实现所有窗口最小化,同时也可以展示任何全屏应用程序或另外的桌面。我发现它有些杂乱,要是保留原先那个更简单的功能就好了。

触控手势:Mac 电脑已经有众多与iPhone相似的手势,你可以在触控板上用这些手势进行操作。不过Lion改变了其中一些手势,并加入了更多手势。我喜欢的一个手势是:你可以用两个手指同时点击,来调整网页或PDF文件某个部分的大小,或是放大至全屏,就跟在iPhone或iPad上一样。



小结:前两次发布的主要操作系统Windows 7和Snow Leopard都是渐进的变化。Lion则与二者有很大区别。它是一个飞跃,让Mac电脑在一个充斥平板电脑与智能手机的时代具备了更为现代化的外观和体验。如果你愿意去适应,它堪称当前最好的电脑操作系统。


另外一个重大变化在于Lion的销售方式。它不会以光盘方式销售,最初只能通过Mac App Store应用程序商店下载。由于总共需要下载4G的内容,对于互联网接入速度较慢的用户来说可能是个问题。苹果说其门店将会帮助这些用户下载,同时将在 8月以U盘形式出售Lion。


另外,你只能从上一个操作系统版本Snow Leopard直接升级为Lion。因此如果你运行的是更早的版本,还得先花钱升级到Snow Leopard。

此外,使用老款PowerPC处理器的Mac电脑无法运行Lion,就连最早采用英特尔(Intel)处理器的一些Mac电脑也被拒之门外。这些主要是 2006年发布的机型。其他一些最初针对PowerPC设计的程序仍然可以在Snow Leopard上运行,但在Lion上将无法继续运行。其中最有名的是直觉公司(Intuit)的个人理财软件Quicken 2007。

即使你买一台预装了Lion的新Mac电脑,同时你的旧Mac电脑使用Snow Leopard,你也必须下载针对Snow Leopard的新版苹果转移程序,才能将你所有的程序、设置和文件转移到新电脑上。


我试着使用原来的转移程序将我的Snow Leopard电脑上的一应内容转移至Lion电脑上,通常这是苹果的一大强项,然而却未能成功。苹果公司给我送来了新版的转移程序,这次成功了。

Lion还引入了一个新的转移功能,可以将数据和设置从Windows PC转移到Mac电脑上,但不能转移程序,不过这样的转移需要一款免费的Windows转移程序,苹果未能为此次评测及时提供。

说到预装Lion的Mac电脑,苹果同时也在升级其外形轻薄、速度超快的MacBook Air笔记本电脑,让这款电脑使用更高速的英特尔芯片。苹果公司正在逐步淘汰其笔记本电脑系列的低端机型,即普通版的MacBook。

新款MacBook Air于7月21日上市,其设计、定价和基本存储空间与此前的机型一致。 With its iPhones and iPads, Apple has led people toward a new way of operating digital devices that relies on direct manipulation of items with finger gestures, not a mouse and scroll bars. Icons are arrayed front and center, not buried deep in a file system or limited to a strip at the bottom of the screen.

Now, Apple is bringing those concepts and others to the personal computer via its most radical new Macintosh operating system version in years. It's called Lion and it went on sale Wednesday for just $29.99 -- a price that allows installation on as many personal Macs as you own.

Lion is a giant step in the merger of the personal computer and post-PC devices like tablets and smartphones. It demotes the venerable scroll bar at the side of windows and documents, relying primarily on direct manipulation of documents and lists. It eliminates the need to save your work, automatically saving every version of every document. It resumes programs right where you left off. It can display programs, or an array of all your app icons, in multiple full screens you simply swipe through. And it elevates the role of multitouch gestures and adds new ones.

The new system doesn't turn a Mac into a tablet. It retains traditional computer features like the usual file system, multiple windows, the mouse and physical keyboard. It still runs traditional Mac programs, still can handle Adobe Flash, and doesn't run iPhone or iPad apps. It doesn't use a touch screen, instead continuing to rely on the touch pad to perform finger gestures.

But it's a big change. Lion also is a harbinger of things to come. Apple's historic rival, Microsoft, is working on its own radical overhaul of the dominant Windows PC operating system, due next year, which is also aimed at putting multitouch and other concepts borrowed from smartphones and tablets front and center.

I've been testing Lion on four Macs, and I like it. Its many new features -- 250 in all -- make computing easier and more reliable. I found upgrading easy, and compatibility with existing apps to be very good. Only one app I use frequently proved incompatible and its maker has a new revision that works.

I only suffered one crash in Lion. It occurred on one of many occasions I used iTunes, but Apple says a forthcoming version of iTunes made for Lion should eliminate that.

To take full advantage of Lion's new features, programs will have to be rewritten. But, in my tests, current versions ran fine. I am writing this column on a MacBook Air running Lion using an unrevised version of Microsoft Word for the Mac, with no problems.

There are, however, downsides to anything this new and major. The biggest of these is that switching to Lion will require a major adjustment even for veteran Mac users, though it will be easier for those who use iPhones or iPads. Lion will significantly increase the learning curve for Windows users switching to the Mac.

One of the biggest changes is in scrolling. Instead of moving the top of a page upward by dragging the scroll bar down, or moving your fingers downward on the touch pad, you do the opposite -- you just push the page up. A scroll bar appears only while scrolling. (Older programs may still have the traditional scroll bar.)

Standard programs and features like Apple Mail are significantly different, too, and there are smaller changes in almost every corner of the operating system, including some keyboard shortcuts. Just mastering all the new and altered touch-pad gestures -- a couple of which are so unnatural I actually had to practice them -- will take time. Luckily, almost all of the actions performed by the gestures can also be done with a mouse, icons, menu commands, or keys.

If you dislike some of these changes, Apple provides settings to return to traditional scrolling, the classic Mail layout, and to turn off gestures and other things.

Here are some of the main new features in Lion:

-- Auto-Save and Versions: Apps running in Lion automatically save your work when you pause or every five minutes. There is no interruption during this process and you can still save manually. This isn't a new idea, but it's implemented beautifully and can work on all programs whose authors issue new versions to take advantage of it. Right now, it works on some of Apple's own programs.

The best part is that each auto-save creates a separate version of your document and you can view all these versions in a visual stack arranged by date, next to your current version. You can swap back to an older version, or even copy and paste text from one version to another. These versions are created by storing the changes behind the scenes, not by creating numerous files.

-- Resume: If you relaunch a program, any document you were working on appears again with the cursor right where it was, and even any highlighting is preserved. If you restart the Mac, all your programs are resumed in this manner, unless you check a box to prevent this.

-- Full-screen apps: You can launch some apps, or individual browser tabs, in a full screen, just by clicking on an icon at the top right. In full screen, the menu bar and other controls are hidden unless you move the cursor to the top of the screen.

-- Launchpad: Pressing a special key on a new Mac, or an icon on an old one, brings up an iPad-like display of all your app icons in full screen. If they occupy more than one screen, you just swipe through them.

-- Mission Control: One of the nicer features on the Mac was called Expose, which, with one click, showed all your open windows in miniature. Now, it's been subsumed into something called Mission Control, which does the same thing, but also displays any full-screen apps or extra desktops. I found it cluttered and wished the simpler, prior feature had been retained.

-- Gestures: The Mac already had a variety of iPhone-like gestures you could perform on the touch pad. But Lion has changed some of these and added more. One I liked: You can double-tap with two figures to resize a section of a Web page or PDF to zoom in to fill the screen, just like on the iPhone or iPad.

Two I dislike: the gestures for calling up Launchpad and Mission Control require pinching or spreading three fingers and a thumb -- a clumsy method for such important features.

-- Mail: Apple's Mail app has been totally overhauled to look and work more like the Mail app on the iPad. It sports a beautiful optional conversation mode, a particularly nice feature which combines and numbers each message in a thread. It also hides duplicate emails. There are too many changes to detail here, but, after hating the new Mail at first, I have come to like it. And you can switch to Classic mode if you wish.

The bottom line: The past two major computer operating system releases, Windows 7 and Snow Leopard, were incremental. Lion is very different. It's a big leap, and gives the Mac a much more modern look and feel for a world of tablets and smartphones. If you are willing to adjust, it's the best computer operating system out there.

In Like a Lion: Moving

To the Operating System

Another big change is in the way Lion is being distributed. It won't be sold on a disk, initially only via download from the Mac App Store. Since it's a 4 gigabyte download, that could be a problem for people with slow Internet connections. Apple says its stores will help such users with the download, and that it will sell Lion on a USB thumb drive for $69 in August.

In my tests, the download alone took under half an hour on a very fast connection, and about an hour and a half on a more typical one. Once I downloaded the product, the rest of the installation took about an hour.

Also, you can only upgrade to Lion directly from the prior OS version, Snow Leopard. So, if you're running an earlier version, you'll first have to pay to upgrade to Snow Leopard.

In addition, Macs with the older PowerPC processors can't run Lion, and even some of the earliest Macs with Intel processors are shut out. These are mainly machines released in 2006. Older programs originally designed for PowerPC, which still ran on Snow Leopard, will no longer work in Lion. The best known of these is Intuit's Quicken 2007.

Even if you buy a new Mac with Lion pre-installed and your older Mac has Snow Leopard, you'll have to download a new version of Apple's migration program for Snow Leopard in order to move over all your programs, settings and files.

The company made this new migration utility available on Tuesday.

When I tried to migrate my stuff from a Snow Leopard machine to Lion using the current migration program -- normally a strength for Apple -- the process failed. The company sent me the new version of the migration program and it worked.

Lion also introduces a new migration feature that will move data and settings -- but not programs -- from a Windows PC to a Mac, though it requires a free Windows migration utility that Apple couldn't provide in time for this review.

Speaking of Macs with Lion pre-installed, Apple also is upgrading its thin and fast MacBook Air laptops so the machines use faster chips from Intel. The company is killing off the bottom model of its laptop line, the plain MacBook.

The new MacBook Airs, available on Thursday, have the same design, prices and base storage capacity as their predecessors.