
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 01:03:46


Speed dating是由犹太人的一项习俗或仪式衍生而来的,它的目的只有一个,那就是在最短的时间里,认识最多的异性。

Speed dating is a method of meetingpotential partners in which each participant has only about 5minutes to talk to each of his or her dates before being moved onto the next one. At the end of the event, participants decide whichdates they would like to see again.

参加闪电约会的人通过一连 串约5分钟的简短交谈可以和较多的异性进行一对一的接触。活动结束后,参与者再向自己感兴趣的异性提出再次见面的邀请。

HBO影集《欲望城市》第三季Don't Ask, Don'tTell这一集,就是在演Miranda参加闪电约会。以下是speed dating的例句:

In an episode of Sex and the City,Miranda goes speed-dating, only to discover that her law career isa turn-off to the guys.

而德国则开设“相亲特快”,帮助人们speed dating

Deutsche Bahn, Germany's nationalrailway operator, has announced a speed-dating ride on the eve ofValentine’s Day aboard its so-called "Flirt-Express" train to helphopeless romantics find a partner. Lonely hearts are encouraged toride the train's special speed-dating carriages serving 15 stationsin 10 major cities and flirt with a passenger every 5 minutes untilhe or she finds a potential sweetheart.

德国国有铁路运营商联邦铁 路公司近日宣布,情人节前夕将开设“相亲特快”,帮助单身男女在旅途中闪电约会,找寻“另一半”。相亲乘客将从德国10个主要城市的15个车站登上该列车特设的“闪电约会”车厢,可每隔5分钟更换谈话对象,直到找到意中人。

Time is money. “闪电约会”后,不妨继续“闪电恋爱”——whirlwind romance

Whirlwind是旋风的意思,旋风迅疾且难以预测,所以a whirlwind romance is a romance thathappens very quickly and quite unexpectedly. A whirlwindromance 就是那种突然而快速的恋爱,换句话说,就是闪电式的罗曼蒂克。来看看下面这段对话:

A: Is Claire still going out withPeter?

B: Oh no, they split up about a monthago. They were together about two months, were madly in love, andthen it all went wrong。

A: Oh, a bit of a whirlwind romancethen eh?

而如果恋人在认识之后不久就结婚了,你就可以用flash marriage(闪婚)来表示。

However, the 'flash marriage' modelhas aroused heated public debate. "Will such marriages be long-termand stable," many white-collar employees asked.


