陈道明版胡雪岩下载:You shouldn’t have! 你太客气了! - 3

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You shouldn’t have! 你太客气了! - 3
EZTALK好用句 Vocabulary
You shouldn’t have! 你太客气了! - 3
 Situation 3 感谢别人借钱给他

Doug: Here you go. This should tide you over till 1)payday.
Susan: You’re a 2)lifesaver! I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I get my 3)paycheck.
Doug: Take your time—there’s no rush. I know you’re good for it.
Susan: You’re a great friend. This is really going to help me get some things taken care of.
Doug: Hey, I’m glad I could help. You’ve certainly bailed me out of some 4)sticky situations before.
Susan: That’s what friends are for.
Doug: Exactly.
 
道格∶ 拿去。这些应该够奶撑到发薪日了。
苏珊∶ 你真是救星!我保证一拿到薪水就还你钱。
道格∶ 慢慢来——没那麽急。我知道奶会还。
苏珊∶ 你真够朋友。这笔钱对我大有帮助。
道格∶ 嘿,我很高兴能帮上忙。奶之前真的帮我度过一些困境。
苏珊∶ 朋友就是要这样啊。
道格∶ 没错。

tide sb. over (until sth.) 帮某人度过(困境)

tied over 这个片语的意思是「撑过一段困难的时期」。
A: I’m starving, and it’s only 10:30! 我饿死了,但现在才十点半!
B: Here, have a muffin. It should tide you over till lunch.

Vocabulary 

1) payday (n.) 发薪日
At our company, payday is on the 5th of each month.
2) lifesaver (n.) 救命恩人,水上救生员
Thanks for lending me the money—you’re a real lifesaver!
3) paycheck (n.) 付薪水的支票,薪水
The government keeps taking more and more of my paycheck.
4) sticky  (a.) 棘手的,麻烦的
Illegal immigration is a sticky issue for the government.