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   ——《新目标英语》九年级Unit13 Section B

   Advertising: pros and cons 教学案例

宝鸡市长岭中学     余 娟






一、 设计理念



二、 教学目标


①重点单词及短语:pros and cons, aim at, compare, confusing, misleading, quality.








三、 教学过程

环节1.导入和“热身”活动(Lead-in and warming-up activities)

①Ask two students to give a duty report.如学生节选一段来自The Lion King 的对话:

A: Simba! I’m very disappointed in you.

B: I know.

A: You could have been killed. You deliberately obeyed me. And what’s worse, you put Nala in danger.

B: I was just trying to be brave like you.

A: I’m only brave when I have to be. Simba, being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.

B: But you are not scared of anything.

A: I was today. 

B: You were?

A: Yes, I thought I might lose you.

B: Oh, I guess kings get scared, huh?

A: Humm-mm.

B: But you know what?

A: What?

B: I think those hyenas were even scareder!

      A: Cause nobody messes with your dad! Come here, you!

      B: No, no! Dad, we’re pals, right?

      A: Right.

      B: And we’ll always be together, right?

      A: Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars, the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.

      B: Really?

      A: Yes, so whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I.



T: Boys and girls, yesterday I asked you to collected some English slogans, did you do that?

      Ss: Yes.

      T: Great! Who would like to share your slogans? 

S1: Communication unlimited.(摩托罗拉)

  S2: We lead, others copy.(理光复印机)

S3: The choice of a new generation.(百事可乐)

S4: Impossible made possible.(佳能打印机)

S5: Anything is possible.(李宁品牌)

S: ……


环节2.阅读前活动(Pre-reading activities)

 ①Listen to the text.(要求学生带着问题听课文,捕捉大意。如:What is the article about? Do you agree with it?)


环节3.阅读活动 (While-reading activities)


      ②启发学生通过阅读查找和辨别有关信息,该任务可称为“浏览运用型任务”,  学生无须综合分析或逻辑判断,而运用形象思维和直觉思维就能从文章的字里行间找出完成任务所需要的答案。老师可以将学生找出的信息板书在黑板上,如:




Help to compare two products

Help to save money

Buy some things with lowest price

Tell you when stores are having sales

Make our cities and countryside look ugly

Some advertising can be confusing and misleading

Some ads don’t tell you the truth

Some ads can lead you to buy something you don’t need at all

环节4.阅读后活动 (Post-reading activities)




      Group 1

   A: Hello, everybody! Today we invite a boy to our Talk Show, his name is Deng Yansong. Hello, Deng Yansong!

   B: Hi, host!

   A: Well, what do you think of advertising?

   B: I hate them.

   A: You hate them?

   B: Yeah, because they make our cities and countries look ugly. Some people want to make more money, so they put the advertisements everywhere. They look very dirty.

   A: You are right. But on the other hand, advertisements can help us compare two products and we can buy one that has lowest price. It’s great!

   B: I agree with you.

   A: But sometimes the advertising can be confusing and misleading, they can lead you to buy something you don’t need at all.

   B: Yes, I have ever bought a shampoo called Easy Care, for the shiniest hair ever. But they make me very sad.

   A: Why?

   B: They make me think that you can look like the person in the ad, but it didn’t work at all. I feel embarrassed.

   A: I think you shouldn’t believe all of the advertisements.

   B: I think you are right.

   A: Well, in a world, everything has two sides, we should be careful of ads. So much for our today, thank you for coming!

  B: Goodbye, see you next!


      Group 2

   A: Hello, Wang Yaqing!

   B: Hi, Xu Xin!

   A: Can I ask you some questions?

   B: Of course!

   A: How do you feel about advertisements?

   B: I think advertisements can be confusing and misleading. Sometimes, the ads couldn’t tell you the quality of the products.

   A: Yes, I think so. Last summer, I bought a pair of shoes, the shop assistant told me it’s great. It costs me 400 yuan, but I wore it just for a month, it was broken. Do you think some ads can help us?

   B: No, I don’t think so. The picture in an ad looks a lot better than the real thing.   

   A: I agree with you. Oh, it’s 6:00, I’ll go home. Bye!

   B: Good bye!


 Group 3

  A: Hello, Zhang Ru.

  B: Hello, Cheng Liqing.

  A: May I ask you some questions?

  B: Sure!

  A: What do you think of advertisements?

  B: I think they are great, because they can also help you save money. Do you think so?

  A: I don’t agree with you!

  B: Do you have any ideas?

  A: Yes, I think that they make our city and countryside look ugly. And some advertising can be confusing or misleading.

  B: Maybe you are right. I think everything has two sides, so we have different ideas!

Group 4…




    Some advertisements tell the truth and some don’t. For example, the Easy Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair ever. But my friend tried it and it didn’t work at all. So I think the ads have cons that they can be confusing or misleading. But the advertisement also has pros. Last week, my friend saw the ad on TV about Beauty Cream, then she bought and tried it, it works really well, it makes her skin really soft, so I think the advertisements have pros and cons.

环节5.课堂小结 Summary

In this period we’ve leant the pros and cons about advertising, we know everything has two sides, so we should make good use of it.

环节6. 布置作业Homework

  Write slogans for your favorite products.

