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http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年01月05日 10:13   沪江英语



  Paul Giamatti and Oscar nominee Thomas Haden Church play,respectively, a wine snob and his chick-crazed best friend who head tothe Santa Ynez Valley winecountry in this road trip dramedy that alsofeatures Sandra Oh andVirginia Madsen. The latter (also Oscar nominated)memorably emotes at length about wine as a "living thing." More grapes:"BottleShock" (2008), with "Star Trek" star Chris Pine, Alan Rickmanand BillPullman, focuses on Napa Valley and the inception of itsreputation asthe maker of world class wines。

  迈尔斯(保罗?吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)和杰克(托马斯?哈登?丘奇 Thomas HadenChurch饰)是老朋友了,看着杰克即将踏入婚姻殿堂,迈尔斯更加感叹起自己失败的生活:婚姻失败、作家梦遥不可及、干着无聊枯燥的职业、不再年轻的岁数。迈尔斯对葡萄酒的研究颇为深厚,于是两个人决定前往加州的葡萄酒生产基地狂欢一次,如果遇上一夜情当然是最好不过了。 果然二人在酒香浓郁的加州遇上了女招待和她的亚裔朋友,迈尔斯和杰克的艳遇让两人都兴奋不已。然而接下来的事情却大扫兴致。他们的狂欢计划充满了障碍。



  The surprise comedy blockbuster of last summer, with BradleyCooper,Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis as three guys who wake up in aLasVegas hotel suite with no memory of the wildest bachelor partyonrecord (it involves a stripper, a chicken, a tiger and Mike Tyson,forstarters). The trio spends the rest of the movie shakily retracingtheir steps and trying to find the groom (Justin Bartha) who hasgoneAWOL. Other entries in the grown-up-frat-boy-getting-drunkcategoryin clude "Bachelor Party" (1984), "Old School" (2003) and"NationalLampoon's Animal House" (1978)。

  道格(贾斯汀?巴萨 Justin Bartha 饰)即将与女友结婚。婚礼前两天,道格与朋友菲尔(布莱德利?库珀BradleyCooper 饰)、西德(艾德?赫尔姆斯 Ed Helms 饰)和阿兰(扎克?加利费安纳基斯ZachGalifianakis饰)从洛杉矶驱车前往赌城拉斯维加斯为道格举办婚前单身派对,入住凯撒宫豪华套房。一晚过后,三人发现道格失踪,浴室里出现一只老虎,衣橱中多了一个婴儿,西德缺了一颗牙,窗外塔尖上插着席梦思床垫,菲尔戴着医院手环,西德口袋里有一张800美金收据,而他们的车也不知为何变成了警车。三人惊慌失措,完全无法记起昨晚发生过什么,却必须在24小时之内迅速解决谜团找到道格返回洛杉矶……

“Arthur” (1981)《二八佳人花公子》

  “Arthur” (1981)《二八佳人花公子》

  The movies have never had a more bubbly, "pickled tink" imbiberthan Dudley Moore, whose pixilated rich playboy of the title sodelighted audiences that he inspired asequel (dubbed naturally, "Arthur2: On the Rocks," 1988). Otherover-the-top drunks: William Powell in"The Thin Man" (1934) and itsmany follow-ups, Peter O'Toole as theblasted ham movie star in "My Favorite Year" (1982), Goldie Hawn as theplastic-surgery addicted,booze-swilling movie star in 1996's "The FirstWives Club," and JohnnyDepp, three sheets to the wind at the helm of hisschooner in the"Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, which started in2003.


“Bad Santa” (2003)《圣诞坏公公》

  “Bad Santa” (2003)《圣诞坏公公》

  Billy Bob Thornton is the vilest department store Santa imaginable,helped along by lots and lots of liquidChristmas spirits (and we don'tmean egg nog). Other mean drunks: WoodyHarrelson as the nasty father of10 raging at wife Julianne Moore andkids in "The Prize Winner ofDefiance, Ohio" (2005) and Tom Hanks,either berating his female baseballplayers or drop-dead drunk as theyplay in "A League of Their Own"(1992)。


“Withnail & I” (1987)《我与长指甲》

  “Withnail & I” (1987)《我与长指甲》

  Two out-of-work actors (Paul McGann and Richard E. Grant)struggleto get jobs, and they drink and drink and drink while doing sowhile onholiday in the country. There's so much boozing in betweenthis drunkenchat fest that enterprising folks have made a drinkinggame out of it. Asthe alcohol intake of the duo increases, so doestheir razor wit。


“Swingers” (1996)《全职浪子》

  “Swingers” (1996)《全职浪子》

  Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau and Ron Livingston as three bachelorswhotroll the hip night-life scene in Los Angeles drinking martinis andcalling each other "baby." This homage to the sophisticated,swingin'bachelor-pad lifestyle of the early '60s created nostalgicnight-lifetrends in music, decor, and fashion, not to mention a lot ofmemorable catchphrases (as in "you're so money")。


“Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966)《灵欲春宵》

  “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966)《灵欲春宵》

  Mike Nichols' multiple Oscar-winning picture, based on theaward-winning Edward Albee play about a battling college professorandhis coarse, slatternly wife (Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor)whoinvite an unsuspecting couple (Sandy Dennis and George Segal)forlate-night "fun and games." The film shocked mainstream Americawithits blue language and adult themes — though the vast amount ofalcoholconsumed by the foursome didn't bring out many protestingCarrieNations。


“Strange Brew” (1983)《神奇酒酿》

  “Strange Brew” (1983)《神奇酒酿》

  Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas play Bob and Doug McKenzie, theCanadian, beer-swilling "hoser" brothers, first seen on the SCTVsketchTV show. In this comedy the McKenzies going to considerablelengths to keep themselves supplied with the suds. Other comediesdedicated to brewski: "Beer Wars" (2009), "Beerfest" (2006), and "Beer"(1985)。


“The Lost Weekend” (1945)《醉乡遗恨》

  “The Lost Weekend” (1945)《醉乡遗恨》

  The best picture of its year stars Ray Milland as a writersodesperate for a drink he tries to hock his typewriter andhallucinatesa giant bat in the D.T. ward. Milland won an Oscar andbrought theproblem of alcoholism to movie audiences。


“Leaving Las Vegas” (1995)《离开拉斯维加斯》

  “Leaving Las Vegas” (1995)《离开拉斯维加斯》

  Nicolas Cage won an Oscar as a depressed boozer sliding tothebottom who finds a kindred spirit in Eliszabeth Shue as a hooker withaheart of gold. Other movie-drinking companions: Faye Dunaway andMickeyRourke in "Barfly" (1987), Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholsonin"Ironweed" (1987), Joan Allen and Kevin Costner in "The UpsideofAnger" (2005), and Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick in "Days of Wine&Roses" (1962), which features one of Henry Mancini's most achinglybeautiful compositions and, considering the film's subjectmatter,perhaps Johnny Mercer's most ironic lyrics。

  本(尼古拉斯?凯奇 NicolasCage饰)一个是贫困潦倒的编剧,终日借酒消愁,被公司开除后,郁郁不得志的他变卖了所有的家当,前去拉斯维加斯开始了他慢性自杀的计划。他打算在几周的时间内,喝酒至死。在光怪陆离的拉斯维加斯,醉醺醺的他遇见了妓女莎拉(伊丽莎白?苏 ElisabethShue饰)。莎拉过着同样不幸的生活:被皮条客控制自由,屡次出逃不遂。本和莎拉共度了一夜,这夜他们互相倾诉,同是天涯沦落人。二人很快同居,但莎拉并不阻止本继续狂饮。本在自己的世界里沉溺得越来越深,直到有一天和另一个女人躺在莎拉床上,莎拉怒不可遏,将本赶出家门。本在酒精的折磨下奄奄一息,他打电话给莎拉,能否让生命和感情重生。