
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/14 09:58:15


http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年08月30日 13:58   国际在线

  Next time you are caught surfing the Internet in the office do notapologise - it is actually making you a better worker. Browsing the webcan refresh employees and make them the more productive, a study hasfound. Those who surfed the Internet as a break from their duties cameback better prepared than people who made a phone call or texted theirloves ones。


  The researchers concluded that looking at the Web could serve an‘important restorative function’ for those stuck at a computer all day。


  Dr Lim added that when surfing the Web people ‘usually choose tovisit only the sites that they like- it's like going for a coffee orsnack break. ‘Breaks of such nature are pleasurable, rejuvenating theWeb surfer’. Nobody can control what they receive in an email so it is‘cognitively more demanding, relative to Web surfing, as you need to payattention to what is said on the email,’ she said。


  A growing number of studies have suggest the opposite of what theresearch says - that browsing the web is ‘rewiring’ our brains to makeus less productive. Amongst the leading critics is American technologistNicholas Carr who has written a provocative article in The Atlanticmagazine entitled: 'Is Google Making us Stupid?'

  尽管如此,还是有相当一部分人提出了浏览网页的弊端,他们认为浏览网页重写了我们大脑的接受方法。批评家 Nicholas Carr 还以一篇名为《谷歌正在让我们变弱智》的论文抨击浏览网页这种习惯。
