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2011年 09月 01日 11:58中国遭遇产能过剩

从中国远洋控股股份有限公司(China Cosco HoldingsCo.)的问题来看,麻烦就在前面。作为大型国有航运企业,中国远洋在世界各地签有租借船舶用以运输铁矿石、煤炭和粮食的长期合同。很多合同都是在大宗商品市场的繁荣时期签署的,当时租借一艘好望角型船的价格达到了每天20万美元左右。现在的价格是每天1万美元。这些合同的后果已经体现在中国远洋的利润上面:今年上半年该公司亏损4.2亿美元。

讽刺的是,租船费的大幅下降一定程度上也是因为中国的原因造成的。从2003年到2008年,中国铁矿石进口量年均增长26%。咨询公司Jefferies航运专家梁民(JohnsonLeung)说,总共550条好望角船、每年增加约50条是不够的,所以租船费大幅上升。跟踪全球航运价格的波罗的海干散货航运指数(BalticDry Index)在2008年6月份达到了11,600点。





China Encounters Overcapacity

Is China's titanic economy finally running into the iceberg of overcapacity?

Problemsat China Cosco Holdings Co. suggest trouble ahead. Cosco, a giantstate-owned shipping company, has long-term contracts for charteringvessels to carry iron ore, coal and grain around the world. Many dealswere signed in the commodities boom, when the cost of a giant Capesizevessel hit some $200,000 a day. Now the price is $10,000 a day. Theconsequences are showing up in Cosco's bottom line; the firm lost $420million in the first half of the year.

Ironically, the slump inshipping rates is partly of China's own making. From 2003 to 2008,growth in China's iron-ore import volumes averaged 26% a year. JohnsonLeung, an expert on shipping at Jefferies, says a total of 550 Capesizeships, with around 50 added per year, was inadequate. As a result,charter rates jumped. The Baltic Dry Index, which tracks world-wideshipping costs, hit 11,600 in June 2008.

Shipping companies,assuming the upward trend would continue, placed orders for new vesselsor signed long-term contracts to charter ships at high prices. They werewrong. China's iron-ore import volumes actually fell in 2010. In 2011,growth is languishing at 8% year-to-year. The number of Capesizevessels, meanwhile, had risen to 1,150 by the end of 2010, with 200coming on line each year, according to Mr. Leung. A huge rise inshipping capacity and a slowdown in demand growth hammered prices. TheBaltic Dry is now around 1,500. Shipping companies are getting a tasteof what excess capacity feels like.

Shipping isn't the onlysector that placed too-aggressive bets on growth and has been caught outby overcapacity. Take aluminum. China's production capacity is 23million tons a year, versus around 16 million tons of demand. GraemeTraine, metals analyst at Macquarie, says three million to four milliontons in capacity are set to come on line this year. The biggest loser isChinalco, the state-owned giant that finds its own margins squeezed byexcess supply.

The situation in China overall is more nuancedthan some bears suggest. Overcapacity is a problem in some parts of theeconomy and not in others. And where there are problems, rapid growth insome cases can help solve them. Concern about excess production in theauto sector, for example, proved ill-founded as domestic demandaccelerated.

But for shipping, aluminum and renewable energy, theiceberg of overcapacity is already breaching the hull. Investors shouldprepare to man the lifeboats.

Tom Orlik