
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/07/13 21:37:56

第三章 英文录入



Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with a history of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has taken in a lot from other cultures over the years.

Hundreds of years ago in what is now Great Britain and Northern France, lived the Celts. The Celts believed in many gods, with the sun god as their favourite. They thought that it was “he” who ordered them what to do for their work and when they could rest, and “he” made the earth beautiful and the crops grow.

The Celts kept their New Year on November 1st.It was celebrated every year with a holiday and marked the end of the “season” of the sun and the beginning of “the season of darkness cold.”

On October 31st after the crops were all gathered and stored for the long winter, the cooking fires in the homes would be put out. The Druids, the Celtic priests, would meet at the top of the hill in the dark oak forest. The Druids would light new fires, and then offered some crops and animals which they killed to their God. As they danced around the fires, the season of the sun passed and the season of darkness would begin.


During the first century the Romans cane and ruled Britain. They brought with them many of their festivals and customs. One of these was the festival know as Pomona Day, named for their god dress of fruits and gardens. It was celebrated around the 1st of November. After hundreds 1st years of Roman rule the Celtic’s Sam Chain festival and the Roman Pomona Day mixed becoming one important autumn holiday.

Something else to do with Halloween is the Christian Religion. In the year 835AD the Roman Catholic Church made November 1st a church holiday to remember all the saints. This day was called All Saints’Day, or Hallowmas, or All Hallows. Years later the church made November 2nd a holy day. It was called All Souls Day and was to remember the dead. It was celebrated with large fires, many people walking along together ,and people dressing up as saints, angels and devils.

But this did not make people forget their early customs. On the eve lf All Hallows ,Oct.31 ,people continued to celebrate the festivals of Sam hain and Pomona Day. Over they ears the customs from all these holidays mixed.


Zaoqing has the cheapest internet shop .It’s 2.5 Yuan /hour .In Jiangmen it’s 3Y / hoor, in another project town 6Y/hour and in Hainan Island 30Y/hour.

the Chinese spend their time chatting online like us . They type in Chinese using a strange system where they type in a letter and a character appears . Other than this they smoke heavily , lean over other people’s shoulders and read everything and listen to music from the computer as loud as possible 一 each computer competes to be loudest . Dad would hate it ! You can’t hear yourself think .

Postcards are great as we are forming a London and Postcard-from-home wall [in the flat].Snail mai1 is always 100 % better than email ,thought email is good .You can keep, re - read and answer snail mail properly and leisurely.

Getting difficult to email regularly these days as seems the police are having a crack-down on people using the computers to play games , So any shops that don’t have something installed to stop people downloading things are staying shut to keep a low profile for a while . The result being that I haven’ t mailed anyone for a while and had 49 new mails this morning.


Observe a child; any one will do. You will see that not a day passes in which he does not find something or other go make him happy, though he may be in tears the next moment.

Then look at a man; any one of us will do. You wyll notice that weeks and months can pass in which day is greeted with nothing more than resignationl, and endure with every polite indifference. Indeed,most men are as miserable as sinners, though they are goo bored ro sin-perhaps their sin is their indifference2. But it is true that they so sedom smile that when they do we do not recognize their face, so distorted is from the fixed mask we take for granted3.And even then a man can not smile like a child, for a child smiles wyth his eyes, where as a man smiles wyth his lips alone. It is not smile; but a grin; something go do with humor4, but little to do wyth happiness. And then, as anyone can see, there is a point when a man becomes an old man, and then he will smile again.

It would seem that happiness is something to do wyth simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure form the simplest things-such as a peach stone, for instance.


I remember some ten years ago when he has made a King’s Counsel6,Amos and I, seeing him get off the London train, went to congratulate him. We grinned with pleasure; he merely looked as miserable as though he’d received a penal sentence. It was the same when he was knighted; he never smiled a bit, he didn’t even bother to celebrate with a round of drinks at the “Blue Fox”7.He took his success as a child does his medicine. And not one of his achievements brought even a ghost of a smile to his tired eyes.

I asked him one day, soon after he’d retired to potter about his garden8 what is was like to achieve all one’s ambitions. He looked down at his roses and went on watering them. Then he said “The only value in achieving one’s ambition is that you then realize that they are not worth achieving.” Quickly he moved the conversation on the weather. That was two years ago.

I recall this incident, for yesterday, I was passing his house, and had drawn up my cart just outside his garden wall. I had pulled in from the road for no other reason than to let a bus pass me.


Longtang was a product of Shanghai and belongs to the Shanghai people. It tells the story of Shanghai and reflects the culture, life-style and philosophy of Shanghai people, There were many types of longtang houses, and every one was a part of the whole. Reading the Shanghai longtang is like reading the social history of Shanghai and the Shanghai people.

In the recent years, Shanghai has been completing a floor area of 10 million square meters of new housing per year, but there are still 45% of the city population living in longtang. As the city is now under going a large-scale reconstruction, those longtangs of comparative good quality will be conserved and equipped with modern amenities, those of very poor condition will be demolished and those in between will be reformed in different ways, such as preserving their appearance and at the same time making them suitable to modern living. In this period of great development and drastic change, it is meaningful and important to recall and discuss the relations between the Shanghai longtang. Shanghai people and Shanghai culture.


I have 16 lessons a week none of them are the same class. The students are so lovely, I especially liked my class today – junior 1 the youngest of the school and willing to listen and learn.

The ages of the different classes are so mixed its hard to work out but so far we think that Juniorl is about 13-14, Junior2 is approx14-15, Seniorl may be 15-17and Senior217-18, but have yet to mark their work .Also there is Junior 3 and Senior 3 that we don′t teach and that and that mess up the age ranges. Basically there are 6 years with mixed ages and ability all really interested in anything foreign.

There are huge ability in each of the classes and in some cases ages too. In one senior class there were students from15 to 18 in the same class. The average size of my chasses is 55 and this makes it quite difficult to do ‘oral English’ as I am meant to. If I want to hear everyone it takes a long time and means that everyone starts taking.

Tuesday was a nightmarishly long day with 5 lessons and nutty students. However in my last class I was promoted to famous celebrity as all the students wanted me to sign their books.


I’ve devised a lesson to use the postcards we’re getting - descriptions and make up a story by looking at what is happening in the picture. We get some really good and imaginative thing out of it.

I think that future lessons will include: the British school system, English / Italian food and how to eat it- knives and forks and plates! - Also London, the weather and other things. Christmas will be really exploited throughout December.

This week did a directions lesson with the junior which leads on from what they are doing in their book so they know most of the vocable already. I am just someone directing it in a more fun way- get up and walk around the classroom to someone directing you. I did the shopping lesson to Junior 2 that I had originally planned for the junior 1 but they had found it all too difficult. (I’d spent ages planning it too.) It went much better with the J2 as they knew most of the vocable. Also as it involved some acting and looking at flash cards they seemed to be slightly more interested and remained at least slightly attentive which is more than can be said for them normally.


only a few children could be found playing around , and even fewer people passing by , occasionally two or three maid servants or cooks chatting in low voices by one side , or the gate of One house opened and a host bidding farewells to his guests , those who were passing by might cast a glance but tried not to pay attention .

In some large Iongtangs there inhabited nearly a hundreds or hundreds of households , they were like cities in a city. Within them there were groceries , snack shops , barber shops , hot water sellers , tailors and even small industries , “Longtang factory “ was one special feature of Shanghai . The owners of these factories were mostly’ technical workers themselves ,though the help of three or four apprentices , by careful design and fine workmanship, they could produce some very good and useful utensils and articles for daily use out from scraps cast away by the big factories , Their production had once played an important role in the small goods market in Shanghai. The present No.8 Steel Works of Shanghai was actually set up on the basis of several 1ongtang factories after l949 .


Exploring been restricted to the city and walking or bus route distances as still don’t have other bike. However did go to 7 Star Lakes yesterday and they were totally amazing and beautiful. The view from the top of the highest peak, straight up for 113m, was stunning. Could see all of ZhaoQing and it is just huge.

Rob and I went on an expedition in the rain to the photo shop, our current favorite place. Anyway we went off, me on my bike and him on Alex’s.

Then we decided to go off and explore for me to show him the sights. Well it was still pissing it down and now blowing a gale too but we are hardy types and suicidal bike rides are great fun--–rods are totally mad. We saw the most obvious sights and then with nothing better to do I decided to go and try and find the bridge out of town across the river.

Well after taking several random turns we happened across it and decided to cross. This is like the longest bridge you have ever seen and we on our rickety little bikes with no gears and huge amounts of traffic were trying to tackle it. Everything went fine until just after the half-way point. Here Alex’s bike chose to fail and the pedal fell off!


We have been out for the day with our very generous friend Tom and another of his friends, Pricilla, to visit Dinghu Mountain the most beautiful place ever. After that day I have realized what a beautiful place we live in. We are surrounded by mountains and looking up if seems like we are in the Alps .It’s just totally amazing, there are mountains and lakes all round and I’ve got the most beautiful picture ever of the sun setting behind the mountains.

Today, things have continued with a very interesting trip to visit some villages in the countryside with a Browning [friend].First we went to visit his father’s home village and his 200 year-old house where??Browning’s grandfather is still living. It was like a real live living and wording museum, all made of stone and wood ,totally fascinating. We walked up a small hill at the back of the village and the view over all the paddy fields and the old tiled roofs was amazing.

We ate lunch in the little house of a PLA soldier before sending a bucket down the well to get some water to wash our hands in. It was such a hot day today that summer rather than winter was on our minds.


This was what Lu Xun wrote in his essay , " Children in Shanghai” to depict a longtang of the lowest class . Residents of such sort of longtang , in order to lessen the burden of ' rents or to earn some extra money , usually lot out their surplus rooms to others and became an "er fang dong” ( literary a second landlord--a sublessors ) . Some even divided their houses into many small rooms , or built attics above and had them let to people who came to Shanghai to make a living or to take refuge .

Thus the longtang became very crowded , bad in living condition and frequent disputes occurred . A satirical play entitled " 72 Tenants” did give a vivid description of this sort of longtang. in longtangs of the middle and middle-lower classes , there were also some " er fang dong” and " san fang ke” ( those Who rented their rooms from the sublessor ) , but the ' er fang dong” here would choose their tenants . It 1s interesting to note that many progressive literary men from interior China at that time lived in the " tingzijian “, a small back room i11 a longtang house , which is old in the winter and hot in the summer.


Oct 30th – Well our change of season soon passed and it’s back to being the usual 27degrees with 80% humidity – I don’t think that I can deal with it for much longer.

It rains properly here. When it decides to rain, it really chucks it down and this time it continued long enough to make everything smell of damp and begin to grow mould. Luckily now it is back to boiling temps - 27℃ and 80% humidity – so we can get some washing done but I don’t know how we’ll cope when the real winter comes.

Nov 8th –Weather getting worse here too as it has begun to rain and we are still waiting for the tropical Typhoon to hit the mainland but seems to be getting weaker and weaker over the sea so probably won’t bring any excitement unlike you guys [in the UK, rain, rain, rain and floods].

Dec 7th – Here in China we are coping [with Christmas] just fine – nothing is happening! Only 2 shops in the whole town have any Christmas decorations in them and basically there really isn’t a very Christmas feel about the place. The fact that the temps are around 24degrees doesn’t really help the atmosphere that much either.


Only mad dogs and English girls go out in the very heavy typhoon rains. Yes we went on a shopping spree and got ourselves successful stuck in the middle of a huge road as the heavens opened and thunder and lightning reigned. The roads were completely clear save a few brave cars-totally unusual here as always so busy-and us huddling under a shop overhang with the shop-keepers staring at these mad people! Luckily we’d bought some umbrellas so not totally soaked although their original purpose was to protect us from the sun.

Sept 10th -Weather here is cooling down and have some nice winds/breezes. Gets decidely nice in evening without needing to shower constantly and didn’t sweat at all in last few lessons. Everyone says id the season.

Sept 20th -the temp is better now but still bloody hot.. Was 30℃ and 60% humidity, now 27℃ and 42% humidity.

Oct 7th -We were greeted by a full-blown typhoon and were soaked by the time we managed to run out of the train station down a waterfall and jump into a cab!

Oct 25th -I set off in the pissing pouring rain on my bike with one of these huge tent like ?macs ?all the chinese wear to cycle in.


Well it turned out we were in the right place and that everyone was waiting for the same train. An announcement got everyone stirring so up we jumped and pushed ourselves to the front of the queue only to remain standing there in sweltering heat for another 10minutes – seems the Chinese love queuing just as much as the English !! When the gates finally opened we filed through and were ordered into lines by official women shouting through megaphones. Once we were all in line we waited patiently until exactly on the dot of 11.59 the train pulled in. At this point organization went to pot and everyone started running for the doors. We were left rather with our mouths open wondering where the hell we were meant to be. Then after showing our tickets to several people who directed us up and down the platform again to different carriages we finally ran up to the right one shouting just as the whistle was being blown – so much for organization!!

On the train we found our berths, whole carriage was full of 3-tiered bunks and sleeping bodies. Have ?never ?been on a sleeper train before so was all very exciting.


Everyone very interested in Italian connections and one class asked me if I could teach them something about Italy!!! One girl in another class is already mad on Italian and trying to learn it so comes to me for help with pronunciation. Oh yeah and for a while now I have been giving a boy called Serious short French lessons every Friday lunch time. He is a total languages freak and is also in the process of learning Japanese because he has a Japanese friend via the internet!!! Anyway he has a book with some conversations in them and we just go through them with me translating and helping with his accent.

We had a great Halloween. After teaching all the kids to apple bob in the lessons and play pin-the-arm-on-the-skeleton, we went out and scared them all whilst they were at evening school. We had our flat all decorated up with blue lighting and spiders hanging from the ceiling so a great effect to introduce trick or treating to all our students – those that called got some sweets and an explanation. Then when they all had to go off to study, Alex and I got out the black make-up and clothes and did our best to be wicked witches.


A person , like a commodity , needs packaging . But going too far 1s absolutely undesirable , A little exaggeration , however , does no harm when it shows the person’s unique qualities to their advantage . To display personal charm in a casual and natural way,? it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself . A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without ally traces of embellishment , so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being , lively and lovely .

A young person , especially a female , radiant with beauty and full of life , has all the favor granted by God . Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating . Youth , however , comes and goes in a moment of doze , Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time . If you still enjoy life’s exuberance enough to retain self -confidence and pursue pioneering work , you are Unique in your natural qualities , and your charm and grace will remain . Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been , through plains , mountains and jungles , running its course as it should .


The house in longtangs ,generally two storied ,are proximately attached to each other in rows ,sharing the same front and lanes .People living along the same lane had the habit of nodding or each other when passing by ,some even had the mood to chat a little while .

Once a hawking was heard housewives of the same interest would come out ,they commented and exchanged opinions on the quality of the goods and bargained or help their neighbor to bargain with the peddler ,some of them also took this opportunity to gossip and exchange hearsays of the neighborhood forgetting what they intended to buy .

They advantages of the longtang life lie in the good neighborhood relationship ,”good neighbors are more helpful than far away relatives “proved to be true in Shanghai .For most of the Shanghai people at that time actually came from other places or cities. However? the shortcoming was ,as cited by Lu Xun in ditto essay ,”…… for those who make a living on writing ,if they fail in training themselves to be as calm as an ancient well ,owing to the noise outside .They can write nothing.”


Longtang and the longtang houses were native products of Shanghai soon after the city was forced to be opened to the West as a treaty port. At the beginning. Chinese were not allowed to live in the foreign concessions. Later on the British found that relying on the small sum of Western residents at that time would not be able to tap the big potentiality of Shanghai becoming a metropolis.

At the same time, incessant civil wars in China made a large number of wealthy Chinese refugees request to move into the foreign concessions. Then the authorities agreed to have them opened to the Chinese. But for the sake of management, large amount of collective dwellings were built in designate lots of land enclosed by walls.

The house, similar in design as the English terrace house, but to suit the Chinese way of living are surrounded by house-walls including a courtyard at front. They were arranged in line like barracks, row after row and could easily be accessed by sub-lanes connected to the main-lane, while only the main-lane could lead to the city road outside through an iron grille gate.


Architecture,especially residential architecture,is the mirror of social life。In old Shanghai those who could live in a longtang house could only be people with fixed income.

They had to be able to pay the monthly rent and tax for the house, in this case called the police tax. In the foreign concession, if one felled in payment, he must move out right away. Since the society was divided into different strata. The longtang houses were also classified into high, medium and low.

Different ranks of longtang houses were indeed different in construction quality. but more ever were different in location, The? longtang? houses in? Zhabei? and? Nanshi Districts were the lowest in rank, while those in? Hongkou? District were better, but those located along Bubbling well Road(Now Nanjing? Road West) and Avenue Xiafei were the highest. There used to be what so called the ‘Upper Corner’ and the “Lower Corner-of Shanghai, the Upper was referred to the best of location denoted above. And the “Lower” to the lower and lowest rank of location, the rent of houses in the two ??“Corners” could differ as much as to four or more than ten times.






第四章 中文录入



















根据联合国环境规划署1988年统计,全球 100 多个国家, 1 / 3 的陆地面积,即 45 亿公顷的土地受到沙漠化的威胁,由于侵蚀而流失的上壤每年高达 240 亿吨。水土流失是一场无声无息的环境危机,是一种还没有为人们充分认识的环境灾难。各国引起水土流失的原因不外乎自然和人为因素,在自然因素中尤以水蚀和风蚀为主,过度垦殖、毁林开荒是导致水土流失的重要原因。

水土流失首先会造成土地退化。1934年5月,美国东部发生了骇人听闻的“黑风暴”事件,水井、溪流千涸,小麦当年减产51亿公斤。其次是降低了水库效益。美国每年有 30 亿吨泥沙沉积在江河、水库、湖泊中,平均损失库容 11 亿立方米,损失达 5 亿美元。再次是河道航运能力下降。

美国 1935 年就制订了水土保持法和二十多个配套法规,在联邦农业部设立土壤保持局,50 个州、250个大区和3000个小区都设立了水保机构。澳大利亚于1938年制订水土保持法,政府联邦水土保持常务委员会是澳水保最高权利机构,各州设水保委员会,下设水保局。





杜仲播种育苗一般春、秋播均可,但以春播为多。播种的圃地应选择在地势平坦、土壤疏松肥沃、排水性能良好、微酸性至中性的沙壤土为好。播种前对圃地要进行翻耕冻垫,并做成宽 lm ,高15~25cm 的苗床。同时,结合翻耕,每公顷施腐熟有机饼肥1.5t , 厩肥30t。为了减少地下害虫,还适量施生石灰、福尔马林等对圃地进行消毒。

为保证种子纯度和质量,提高发芽率。播种前要精选种子,并对种子进行催芽处理。通常采用水浸法和化学处理法。水浸法:将种用 30 ℃ 左右的温水浸泡 2 ~3 天,每天换水 2 次,待种子吸水膨大时,捞出晾干,即可播种。用化学处理法:将种子放入清水中浸泡3天,每天换水 1 次,然后放入浓度为2.00×10-6 奈乙酸液中浸泡6小时,捞出后用水洗净,晾干后即可播种。杜仲播种常采用条播方法,播种沟深 3cm ,行距20~25cm ,每米播下种子20 ~30 粒,每公顷播种100~150kg 。播种后覆 l ~2cm 细土,并浇水盖草保墒。




银分布我国24个省(市、区),至1997年底,全国银杏种植面积17 hm,年产白果(种核)1.2万吨,年产值4.8亿元。全国年产银杏干叶2万吨左右,年产值2亿元以上。银杏开发利用方兴未艾,起步虽较晚(80年代未),但发展速度快。1996年全国银杏制品销售额达3亿元,全国银杏叶黄酮甙提取厂家约70家,年产提取物90吨,70%作为药品出口。银杏保健品有银杏酒、茶、胶囊、饮料、冲剂及美容化妆品等。








在四十多亿年的地球发展史中,泛大陆形成和分裂过多次,最后一次完整的泛大陆大约是在2.25 亿年前形成的。这个泛大陆存在了数百万年以后,又开始显示出破裂的迹象。



随着时间的流逝,北美又与亚洲和欧洲分开,南美也与非洲相离。(如果看一张地图,并假定把非洲和南美洲拼合在一起,你就会看到它们拼合得多么天衣无缝。)印度向北移动,并且大约在5000 万年前与亚洲相碰撞,形成巨大的喜马拉雅山脉,两个陆块在那里聚合并缓慢地把褶皱变形。南极和澳大利亚也已相互分离。





















印刷术究竟是什么年代发明的?根据现有资料,已经无法确定。但它是由拓石和盖印两种方法逐步发展而合成的。从现存最早文献和最早的印刷实物来看,我国雕刻印刷术是在公元 7 世纪出现的。为了了解雕刻印刷术,首先我们先来了解一下拓石和盖印。

早在公元前 4 世纪时,已经有了印章。秦、汉的印章多用作封发物件,把印盖于封泥之上,以防私拆,并作信验。而官印又是权力的象征,当时都是刻成凹入的阴文,公元1世纪以后逐渐改刻成凸起的阳文,后简犊改为纸张之后,封泥失去效用,印章改用朱色铃盖,阳文印章的流行更广。印章创造了从反刻的文字取得正写文字的方法,阳文印章的作用,就提供了一种从阳文反写的文字取得正写的文字的复制技术。

在公元前 7 世纪,我国就有了石刻文字。为了免去从石刻上抄写的劳动,至公元 4 世纪左右,就发明了以湿纸紧覆在石碑上,用墨打拓其文字或图形的方法,叫做“拓石”。后来,又将刻在石碑上的文字,刻在木板上,再进行传拓、所以开始在木板上雕刻文字是供传拓用的。石刻文字是阴文正写,这就提供了从阴文正写取得正字的复制技术。







宋朝庆历年间(公元 1041-1048 年),印刷史上的伟大创举——活字版诞生了。从此,印刷技术进入了一个新时代——活字版印刷的时代。这一伟大的发明者就是毕升。

关于毕升的生平事迹,以及他发明活字版的经过,除了沈括在《 梦溪笔谈 》一书中的记载外,还找不到第二个文献资料。


根据沈括的记载,北宋庆历年间( l 041 一 1048 年),毕升发明活字版,他的活字是用胶泥制作,经火烧后使其坚固。活字按韵排列存放‘活字呈片状,排版前先在铁板上铺以松脂,蜡与纸灰的混合材料,排好一版活字后,将铁板加热,再用一平板压字面,以便将全部活字粘于铁板上,并保证字面平整,以利于印刷。印完后,再将活字退放原处,以便下次使用。为了提高效率,可用两块铁板,交替使用。由此可见,毕升发明的活字版,己具完整的工艺技术。








如老二酉堂、聚珍堂、荣禄堂、文贵堂、文友堂等,都是刻印兼发行的。所刻书大部分是村塾采用的 《 五经 》 、 《 四书 》 和启蒙学的 《 三字经 》 、 《 百家姓 》 、 《 千字文 》 、 《 弟子规 》 、 《 七言杂字 》 以及初学书写临摹的字帖等。或者是星相、佛经、善书、类书、小说等。这些刻本,不为藏家士大夫所重视,大都行销民间,所以保存下来的也很少。

嘉庆六年( 1801 年)京都文萃堂刻有 《 新刻校正买卖蒙古同文杂字 》 ,蒙汉图文对照,三节版,上层下层为对照文字,中间是图。收辑了许多当时习用的会话词语,刻印精雅,携带方便。除此之外,为了方便各族语言的交流,还刻有学习满、蒙、汉文对照的 《 三合便览 》 ,全书十二册。亦当时坊间刻本。













水位降低了80~100m。 4-18





大理是一座历史悠久的古城,始建于公元 764 年,迄今己 1236 年。唐代南诏国和宋代大理国政权均建都城于此。现在,又是白族人聚居地的中心。既有不少历史遗迹,又有诸多民族风情与现代文明。








