顶级餐厅:新目标人教版七年级上册英语学 Unit 11

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 23:33:09

(Go for it)新目标人教版七年级上册英语学案 Unit 11(完整版附答案)

Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 

Section A

Step 1   Teaching aims




1-What time is it?


 2-What time do you usually…?

 -I/we usually…


Step 2. 重难点:

1)动词短语: go to school/bed/work, get up, take a shower, eat breakfast/dinner, do one’s homework, put on, take a bus, tell sb. about  sthmake a schedule

2)其他词组:usually o'clockin the morning/afternoon/evening, a little longer, thanks for.

3)疑问代词:what time

Step 3.教学过程:


T: What time is it?        S: It′s …….


1a\2c.先将词语译为汉语,再小组做 对话练习。

go to school______   get up_________  run_______

eat breakfast_______    take a shower __________

eg:  --What time do you usually  go to school?

  --I usually go to school at seven o′clock.


3a.先自读课文,然后填空。    (自主 合作 探究)

Scott works very long hours. He usually _______﹙起床﹚at 17:00.He_______﹙刷牙﹚and_______﹙洗澡﹚Then he _______﹙吃早饭﹚.__________﹙多么有趣的时间啊﹚to eat breakfast! After breakfast he __________﹙弹吉他﹚.Then he _______﹙去上班﹚.To get to work, he __________﹙乘17路车﹚to a hotel. Then bus usually ____________﹙带他去上班﹚at 19:15.He ________﹙整夜工作﹚.People love to__________﹙听他说话﹚!He________﹙到家﹚  at 7:00,and he ___________﹙看早间电视﹚.He _________﹙睡觉﹚at 8:30.Can you think what his job is?


Eg . --What time do you usually  get up?

  --I usually get up at seven o′clock.

Step 4.典题赏析

1. A: What time do you usually go to school?

B: __________

A.   It′s six.    B. Six      C. At six     D. They are six.


2. He usually______(get) up at 6:00 in the morning.

析:usually常用于一般现在时中,故答案填 gets.

3. A: _____ does your father do?

B: He is a policeman.

A.   Why      B. What       C. How      D. What time


Step 5.中考链接。

1. I like to play ______piano .(2008 南京)

 A.  a         B. an        C. the         D. \

   2. She goes to school _____ 8:00 in the morning.(2008 重庆)

 A. at      B. in      C. on      D. by

Step 6.能力提升

一.        单项选择。

  1._____ do you usually  go to school?

A.   what time    B. when     C. which      D. why

  2.--____he get up early in the morning?

       --Yes, he____ up very early.

A. Does, get    B. Do , gets   C. Does, gets     D. do, get

  3.I usually ____ out to ____ with my friends.

A.   go, eat       B. go, eats     C. goes, eats     D. goes, eat

  4.She has ____ to do on Friday.

A. many homework     B. much homeworks

C. some homeworks     D. a lot of homework












三.    综合填空。

  A: Hi, Peter! You are early today.

  B: Yes. I come to school early every day.

  A: What__1__do you get up___2_ weekdays? __3__ seven o′clock?

  B: No, that is_ 4___ late. I __5__   __6__ at 6:10.

  A: Oh, but I usually __7__   _8___ at six forty. I live _9___ my school. I can _10___ lunch at school.

  B:I usually have lunch _11___ school._12___ lunch, I often play basketball__13__ my friends.

  A:Great!What 14____Lucy?

  B:I don′t know. Maybe she _15___ lunch at home. Her home is near the school, too.

1.______  2.______  3._____  4._____  5.______

6.______  7.______  8._____  9._____  10.___


Unit 11  What time do you go to school?

    Section B

Step 1   Teaching aims




1Thanks for ……

 2-What time do they usually…?

 -They usually…


Step 2. 重难点:

(1)    短语:in the morning\afternoon\evening ,do homework, go home,

eat dinner,

2)单词:letter around, start, write, tell, me, soon, best, wish, Saturday

Step 3.教学过程:


T:What time do you get up?

 S:I get up at  …….



In  the morning\afternoon\evening __________________

Eat  dinner _______, do  homework _________,eat breakfast____________,   go to bed _________

1b.Pairwork: (合

 Eg : -- When do people usually eat dinner?

   --- People usually eat dinner in the evening .


3a.先自读课文,然后填空。    (自主 合作 探究)

1_____    ____ your letter.(谢谢你的来信)

2.I get up ____  _____ 6:00.(我大约在6点起床)

3.I ____  ____  _____ at 6:00.(我在630做作业)

4.I ____  ______ at 7:30.(我在730吃早饭)

5.Please ______ me ____ _your morning.(请告诉我关于你的早晨)



Step 4.典题赏析

1. Thanks ____ your letter.

A. at         B. in       C. for      D. about


2.He eats _____breakfast at home.

A. a        B. an     C. the       D. \


Step 5.中考链接。

1.Peter usually gets up early ____ the morning.(2008 北京)

A. on       B. in       C. at       D. of

2.She wants ______(know) about your morning.(2008 杭州)

3.根据句意在空格内填入一个适当的词,使句子完整。(2007 山西省)

1Tom ____ a bus to school every day.

2)They like ____ the piano.

3)He works ____ night.

Step 6.能力提升

一.        翻译下列词组。

1.吃晚餐 _____________2.做功课_______________

3.回家  _____________4.在傍晚                

5.起床                 6.在八点半              

二.        单项选择

(   )1.He ______ his sweater and begins to sing.

A.   put on     B. puts on    C. wears      D. wear

  2.Mary is not ____Chinese girl, she is ____English girl.

A.   a, a      B. an, an      C. an, a       D. a, an

  3.____you  usually go to bed late in the evening?

A.   Does       B. Do      C. Are       D. Did

  4._____ stars at 8:00.

A.   School     B. Schools     C. The school     D.A school

(   ) 5. A: Can you tell me ____?

        B: Sure. It is two thirty.

   A. time    B. the time    C. age       D. number


   Dick is 7 and his sister Mary is 5.On Sunday they often play in the park. They can fly a kite and throw a frisby (扔飞盘).

   Today is Sunday. They are in the park with their father and mother. They play and play. Now Mother asks Dick to come and gives him a big cake, and says to Dick, “Dick, here is a cake and a knife. Cut(切)the cake in half, and give a half to your sister, but don’ t forget to do it like a gentleman(绅士).”

   “Like a gentleman?” Dick asks. “How does a gentleman do it? ”

  “Give the big half to the other.”Father says.

  “Oh, great.” says Dick. He takes the cake to his sister and says to her, “Please cut this cake in half, Mary, and do it like a gentleman.”

1.     How many people are there in Dick′s family?


2.     What day is it today?


3.     What does Mother give Dick?


4.     Does Dick cut the cake?


5.     Is Dick a clever (聪明的)boy?


Unit 11  Section A

  中考链接  1.C   2.A

  能力提升: . 1.A  2C.  3.A  4.D

.1.I usually go to bed at 11:00 at night.

   2.What time do you have\eat lunch?

   3.He gets up at 6:30 in the morning.

   4.She plays the guitar on Tuesday.

   5.What time do they usually go to work?

三.1.time 2.on 3.At 4.too 5.get 6.up 7.get 8.up 9.near

  10.eat\have 11.at 12.After 13.with 14.about 15.eats\has

Unit 11  Section B

中考链接  1.B   2.to know  3.1)takes 2)playing\to play 3)at


.1.eat dinner 2.do homework 3.go home 4.in the morning

 5.get up 6.at 8:30

.1.B  2.D  3.B  4.A  5.B

.1.There are four.\Four .

   2.It is Sunday.

   3.A cake.

   4.No,he doesnt.

   5.Yes,he is.