领导 大司空 笔趣阁:一份中学英语教辅报纸上的若干错例分析

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离休干部 李正南

【编者按】1981至1984年我曾在雁山高中任教,有幸跟李正南先生学习了几年,终生受益。先生高中毕业于著名的湖南长沙一中,与毛泽东、朱镕基是校友;大学毕业于北京大学哲学系。在大学学的虽不是英语专业,但他的英语功底很深厚,中文修养也很好。记得我一到学校他就把他用英文写的一篇题为“My Teacher”的文章给我看,我读后印象颇深,钦佩之情油然而生。这篇文章思想深刻、结构严谨、行文流畅、遣词造句地道、考究。他的英语教学具有前瞻性,八十年代初就开始注重教学策略与学习策略紧密结合了。他的课上的扎实又灵活,听他的课是一种享受。他今年八十多岁了,仍保持治学严谨,一丝不苟的良好习惯;他勤于动脑,思维十分敏捷;他笔耕不辍,经常动手写英语教学研究文章。他有一个习惯,无论对待教科书,还是练习册以及试卷上的错误深恶痛绝,十分挑剔,非痛打“落水狗”不可。从以下这篇文章我们可以领略到这位老先生那十分严谨的治学精神。让我们好好向这位老先生学习,用更严谨、更严肃的态度对待我们的教学。李陆桂


1、It’s so cold in Beijing in winter. What about in Guangzhou?(第30期)

“What / how about……?”中的about是介词,应紧接名词或动名词,如:How(或What)about the weather / your mother / playing games? 教材已多次有过这类说法,误句干扰了教学,应改作What about (the weather in)Guangzhou?

2、We are going to grow more vegetables in our farm this year.(第30期)(划线部份是要求学生写出的词,下同)。


3、明天你要动身去哪!Where are you leaving tomorrow?(第31期)

学生已学过leave和leave for。误句说的是“明天你要离开哪?”说“明天你要动身去哪?”必须在leaving后加for。

4、There are some students in my class.(改为否定句)

There aren’t any students in my class.(第4期)

Class的含义是“a group of students taught together”,“在一起受教育的一群学生”。是个class(教学班),就必然有some students;没有students就不可能有class,上述否定句显然说不通,该将两句里的class均改为classroom。

5、It even pasts a beautiful place.(第4期)


6、He goes to work by a car every day.(第27期)

教材里已有by bike, by car, by plane等正确说法;说by a car是错误的,是误导学生。

7、She is busy working in both the grassland and her house.(5期)

教材里已有on the grassland 这一正确说法,而该报却不只一次误说成in the grassland。又由于用错了连词,整个句子含义不通:那女孩子怎么能同时既在草地又在屋里干活?误句宜改为:She is busy working (either) on the grassland or in her house.

8、From acting a lie, they learn to cheat.(13期)

英语习惯不说act a lie。这acting a lie是对教材里tell a lie 的干扰,该将acting改为telling。

9、他从不听音乐。He the music.(第13期)

我特意问我孙女:“听音乐英语怎么说?”她脱口而出答道:“listen to music”。误句该去掉the。看来这位设计练习题的教师对英语的语感还不如学生。

10、… the feeling of the rocket to sky.(15期)

学生已学过的独一无二的自然现象名词有the sun,the moon,the sky等,这些名词前面的the不可略去。

11、(the students)got together with the clothes of their own nations.(那些学生)身着各自的民族服装欢聚一堂。(第16期)

“身着”或“穿着”的表达法,学生已学过用in或wearing,不能改用with;用了with,意思成了“携带着”。误句宜改为…got together in their own national clothes.

12、( The pandas ) will return to China ten years later.(14期)

从现在算起若干时间后,英语习惯不用later。误句里的ten years later该改作in ten years。

13、Please tell me how many letters are there in the post office?(15期)

这是个陈述句,are there 应改作there are,问号应改为句号。

14、…you don’t know how many letters are there in the Alphabet?(15)

有时可用陈述句来表示疑问,疑问号不算错。但are there应改作there are, Alphabet 应改作alphabet。

15、 Do you know where are our cats?(14期)

这虽则是个疑问句,但where are our cats 是宾语从句,相当于一个名词,不是疑问句;该改为where our cats are。教材里这类句子不少,例如: Do you know who he is / what it is / where he lives? 从句都不用疑问句词序。编练习题的人似乎没有读过初一课本,或者说没有读懂初一课本。

16、On September, the largest scale show of space flight was hold in Nanjing.在九月十七日,国内最大航天展在南京拉开帷幕。(15期)

除scale是“蛇足”, 宜删去外,hold该用过去分词held。

17、They think that children are growing not knowing about the real world.他们认为孩子们长大了会不了解真实世界。(15期)

“growing not knowing”十分费解。又,think后接that 从句变为否定时,英语通常是否定主句,不同于汉语通常否定从句。误句里的Chinglish可这样改写为English:They don’t think that children will know (about) the real world when they grow up.

18、It is easier to go down hill than to climb up hill.(13期)

hill 是可数名词,两个hill前都宜有冠词a;或改用downhill 和 uphill 这两个副词。

19、The 12-year-old boy took on the family burdens: to look after his father, bring up the adopted sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.(30期)

go on to do sth 是“(干完了某事后)接着干另一事”;go on doing sth 是“继续干某事”。例如:go on to read Lesson Ten是“(读完了第九课)接着读第十课”;go on reading Lesson Ten 是“继续读第十课”。误句的含义是“继续学习”,该把go on to study 改为go on studying。又go 前面的to宜省去。

20、Hong’s love and strong will let us know a person’s strength.(30)

汉语里的“让”,如果是指“允许”或“提出建议、帮助”,可用let;如果是指“使得”、“迫使”,不宜用let。例如:她总是让我发笑。She always makes me laugh.对不起,让你久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting.老板一天让他们干十小时活。The boss made them work ten hours a day.误句里的let宜改为make。误句是典型的Chinglish。

21、The road is very wide for five buses to go in a row.(30期)

这个句子是从“马路很宽,可容五辆公共汽车并排行驶”直译过来的Chinglish。这类句子可用“enough for”句型来表达,如“很晚了,我们可以收工了。”It is late enough for us to stop work.误句可改译为:The road is wide enough for five buses to go in a row.

22、Because British prime minister’s wife Cherie Blair comes here.因为英国首相布莱尔的夫人切丽在此客串教师。(13期)

Come是动作动词,不能用来表示“在此”这一状态。例如:He has been here for an hour.不能将been改为come。误句中的comes应改为is。此外,还应将prime minister’s改为Prime Minister Blair’s。

23、There once was a little girl.(第4期)

显然,英语习惯用There was once…又是Chinglish作怪!

24、Recently, Ba Yi Aerocade was firstly on show since it was changed into new types in April, 2005.(同上)

Firstly只用于逐项说明的“第一”,该改作first。又,new types宜改作a new type,才能和it一致;事实上,飞行队的多架飞机是同一机型。

25、People like many interesting and beautiful animals but also dislike many of them.(第16期)

这“but also”是“但也”死译出来的Chinglish, “of them”使得全句在含义上说不通。可改作:…,but dislike many other animals.

26、All these make people feels it is a different world.(27期)

这feels一词之错,不但把people误作了单数,更重要的是既把people用作make的宾语,又用作feels的主语,使得people既属于主格,又属于宾格,是大错。改正办法只要把feels改为feel。这样,people是make的宾语,又是不定式动词feel的逻辑主语,故不错。“奇文共欣赏”。请看我市东方龙国际语言训练中心曾写在老年宫校长办公室对面楼梯口的广告上的一句英译:“这里是一个让你充满自信心的乐园。Here it is a playground which makes you are full of self-confidence.”这:“makes you are”和上面“make people feels”的错误完全相同。想不到辅导初一学生和培训大中学生的教师们竟都写出这样的奇文!

27、The dog didn’t eat what they got until their master agreed.

误句显然违背了“代词一致”(pronoun concord)原则。和dog一致的代词应是it和its,而不是they 和their。

28、If you have a dog or a cat as a bet, you must know how to look after them.(14期)

them应改作it,才和a bet一致。

29、What class are you in? A. Class One; B.Class Two;C.Class Three;D.Class Four.(第1期)

这一选择题改写为一个疑问句是:What class are you in ——Class One, Class Two, Class Three or Class Four?先看《英语学习》编辑部编译的《英语用法指南简编》关于what 和 which的用法说明:当选择余地不大时,一般用which;当选择余地较大而到底有多少种可能性还不清楚时,常用what。例如:Which colour would you like — green, red, yellow or brown? What colour are your eyes?可见,选择题宜把what 改作which。

30、Bad habits come little by little when one doesn’t realize their danger. When they get bigger, the bad habits become stronger and stronger, so that they can not easily get rid of their bad habits.(13期)

由于代称和实称混乱,加上用词欠妥,句子意思很不清楚,可以说是谁也看不懂,我试将其改为:Bad habits come little by little before you realize their danger. When they get worse and worse , they can’t easily be got rid of (或:you can’t easily get rid of them).