
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/10/06 02:38:50
 【Weather Sept 7】
Wuhan: rainy 19~29℃
Yichang: rainy 20~25℃
Shiyan: rainy 16~19℃【BOC Exchange Rates】
100 USD = 639.46 CNY
100 GBP = 1028.76 CNY
100 EUR = 899.72 CNY
100 HKD = 82.06 CNY
100 JPY = 8.3117 CNY
Shanghai Stock
2470.52 -8.22 -0.33%
HangSeng Stock
19710.50 +94.10 +0.48%【Highlights】
>Walmart fakes green pork
>'A Simple Life' a cracker
>Dell & Baidu to team up
>793M adults are illiterate
>Mayawati sent shopping jet
>Chinese boy walks across US
>MBA wants micro blog talents
美MBA招生崇尚微博作答 【Cover Story】
>Former politicians on trial
Monday of this week seems like a judgment day. Five former politicians worldwide went on trial on the same day coincidentally, and most of them were charged with corruption or negligence, Guangzhou Daily reported.
Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was back in court Monday for the 3rd session of his trial. Mubarak is accused of ordering the killing of protesters. The court adjourned the trial until Wednesday after hearing the testimony of 3 witnesses.
Former Icelandic prime minister Geir Haarde appeared in court Monday to defend himself against charges that he acted negligently during the country's 2008 financial crisis. Haarde is the first state leader in the world who was charged with misconduct in tackling economic woes.
被指控在2008年金融危机中玩忽职守的冰岛前总理哈尔德,5日出庭受审。哈尔德是全球首位因金融危机处理不力而受审的国家政要。 第3位:法国前总统希拉克
The trial of former French president Jacques Chirac on charges of mishandling public funds during his time as mayor of Paris has opened in his absence Monday. A medical report said he had memory lapses and was too unwell to attend.
The trial opened Monday of Rwandan opposition figure Victoire Ingabire. Prosecutors said they have evidence of her alleged "terrorist" activities.
The trial has started in Slovenia of former prime minister Janez Jansa charged with taking bribes to secure a deal for a Finnish arms company to provide 135 armored personnel carriers to the country's military.
同日受审的还有斯洛文尼亚总理亚内兹·扬沙。有媒体披露他曾接受芬兰军工企业贿赂,交换条件是促成该公司向斯国军方出售135辆装甲车。 【Top News】
>Walmart fakes green pork
A number of Walmart stores in Chongqing has been accused of selling "fake green pork",chinanews.com reported the city's administration bureau for industry and commerce as saying. Three Walmart stores in Chongqing have been found labeling low-price ordinary pork as high-price certified green ones, according to an investigation. A total of nearly 1,200 kg of fake green pork have been seized, involving over RMB40,000. Statistics show that Walmart Chongqing stores are violating the law repeatedly. It has been fined 20 times since 2006 for selling expired foods, unqualified foods and false advertising.
据中新社报道,重庆市工商行政管理局通报,该部门近期查获沃尔玛在渝多家超市涉嫌销售假冒"绿色猪肉"。据调查,重庆沃尔玛超市已有3家分店被发现以低价普通鲜肉冒充高价"绿色食品"认证的猪肉,涉及猪肉近1200公斤,涉案金额4万余元。据统计,沃尔玛在重庆的相关门店屡次违法,2006年以来,因销售过期食品、不合格食品、虚假宣传等问题,先后20次遭罚。 >'A Simple Life' a cracker
Ann Hui's new film, "A Simple Life", which is based on the true story of Roger Lee, a veteran Hong Kong film producer, opened at the Venice Film Festival to rave reviews, Shanghai Morning Post reported Tuesday. Andy Lau plays Roger, who works in the movie industry and comes home one day to find out that the family servant Tao, played by Deanie Ip, has suffered a stroke and wants to move into a rest home to live out her final years. The story "instantly struck a chord because we all have a person like Tao in our lives," Hui said.
Based on actual people and events, Roger Lee's script is a bittersweet, unmistakably heartfelt look at ties between people who aren't blood relations but who have in effect a mother/son bond. The film is a pretty smooth technical package with crisp cinematography from Yu Lik Wai. --The Hollywood Reporter
该片根据真实故事改编,李恩霖撰写的剧本悲喜交织、情真意切,描写了没有血缘关系的两人却仍能情同母子的细腻情感。全片对电影技法的运用流畅自如,余力为娴熟的摄影功底功不可没。——《好莱坞报道》 >Dell & Baidu to team up
Dell is partnering China's top search engine Baidu to develop tablet computers and mobile phones, targeting the Chinese market now dominated by Apple and Lenovo devices, Reuters reported Tuesday. The Dell tie-up underscores Baidu's efforts to widen its product offerings and leverage its near 80% share of the country's search market. Baidu launched a new mobile application platform Yi last week and said it would deliver its own Maps, an ebook reader and a music player.
据路透社6日报道,戴尔集团将携手中国搜索巨头百度开发平板电脑和智能手机,目标直指被苹果以及联想瓜分的中国市场。百度占据了中国近八成的搜索引擎市场,此次和戴尔强强联合,彰显了其意图拓宽产品面的决心。上周,百度刚刚发布了一款名为"百度易"的移动软件平台,并称将推出自制的地图、电子书阅读器以及音乐播放器等应用。>Mental disorder of Europeans
Europeans are plagued by mental and neurological illnesses, with almost 164m people or 38% of the population suffering each year from a brain disorder such as depression, anxiety, insomnia or dementia, according to a new study, The Guardian of London reported. The study by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology found that men are more likely than women to become alcohol-dependent, while women suffer disproportionately from depression, which has increased markedly in the last 4 decades. The study also reveals a lack of treatment for mental disorders.
据英国《卫报》报道,最新研究显示,欧洲人正遭受精神和神经疾病的困扰,每年约有1.64亿人,即38%的欧洲人口患精神疾病,如抑郁、焦虑、失眠和痴呆。欧洲神经精神药理学会的这项研究还发现,男性比女性更容易依赖酒精,而女性则不同程度地患有抑郁症,这在过去40年中有显著增长。研究还发现人们对精神疾病疏于治疗。 【In Brief】
>According to data from UNESCO, 793m adults are illiterate. A further 67m children of primary school age are not in primary school and 72m adolescents of lower secondary school age are also missing out on their right to an education.
>Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson was presented with a sports ethics award by the Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy on Monday, the UK media reported.
据英国媒体报道,曼联主帅弗格森5日在意大利罗马接受了由当地Tor Vergata大学颁发的体育道德大奖。
>Apple Inc is planning to open its first Hong Kong store on Sept 24 in the International Finance Center mall, Bloomberg reported.
据彭博社报道,苹果计划于9月24日在香港国际金融中心开设其在香港的首家苹果零售店。 【Quotable Quote】
世界银行行长佐利克(Robert Zoellick)5日在北京举行的新闻发布会上表示,在全球经济放缓的气候下,中国调整增长方式的问题更为重要,因为这是避免落入"中等收入陷阱"的必要条件。他说:
"In the next 15 to 20 years, China is well-positioned to join the ranks of the world's high income countries. That's a transition that only a handful of countries have made — and, sadly, many have failed."
"在未来15到20年,中国将跻身成为世界高收入国家之一。到高收入国家的转变,只有少数国家做到,令人遗憾的是,很多国家都没能成功。" 【Newsmaker】
>Mayawati sent shopping jet
Mayawati, the Chief Minister of India's Uttar Pradesh state, sent an empty private jet to get a pair of sandals from Mumbai, according to US diplomatic cables leaked by Wikileaks, the BBC reported. Mayawati rules over India's most populous state which is also one of the poorest in the country. "When she needed new sandals, her private jet flew empty to Mumbai to retrieve her preferred brand," the cables say. They add that the chief minister is paranoid about her security and "fears assassination" and employs "food tasters" to guard against poisoning.
据英国广播公司报道,维基解密网站日前曝光的美国外交电报显示,印度北方邦首席女部长玛雅瓦蒂曾派遣一架空载私人飞机前往孟买,只为买回一双凉鞋。玛雅瓦蒂所管辖的北方邦是印度人口最多同时也是最贫困的地区。电报中写道,"当她需要新凉鞋时,她的私人飞机会空飞至孟买,为她带回她最喜欢的品牌。" 电报还称,这位首席女部长对自己的人身安全有着偏执的担忧,总是担心被人刺杀,还雇人试吃食物,以防被人下毒。>Chinese boy walks across US
Running alone on Route 66, empty and desolate; crossing some wheat fields, into the setting sun - a scene from Forrest Gump, yet fact has turned into reality. The Qianjiang Evening News reported a Chinese "Forrest Gump" arrived at the Venice Beach pier in Los Angeles Sunday after he finished his 89-day cross-America-on-foot trip, the first ever by an Asian. Wang Xuan just graduated from the State University of New York this summer. He started his journey on June 8 in New York and crossed through 13 US states, covering a distance of about 4,800km.
空旷荒芜的66号公路、迎着夕阳穿过麦田、孤身一人奔走,这样的场景不免让人想到《阿甘正传》,但这不只是电影中的虚构。据《钱江晚报》报道,4日,一位中国"阿甘"历经89天完成了徒步横穿美国的旅程,抵达加州洛杉矶最西部的威尼斯海滩,他就是今夏刚从纽约州立大学毕业的中国留学生王玄。6月8日,王玄从纽约出发,徒步4800公里,行经美国13个州,成为首位徒步横穿美国的亚洲人。  【Kaleidoscope】
>MBA wants micro blog talents
Get to the point and make it interesting. That's what micro-blogging sites want users to post. Now, some graduate schools in the US are aiming for just such a goal, the Wall Street Journal reported. For example, the University of Iowa's Henry B. Tippie School of Management offered a full scholarship valued at $37,240 to the applicant who best answered, "What makes you an exceptional Tippie full-time MBA candidate and future MBA hire?" via a tweet. Applicants had to respond to the question with a 140-character answer. The winning tweet was: "Globally minded/Innovative and driven/Tippie can sharpen."
直接且有趣,这是微博的初衷。据《华尔街日报》报道,现在美国一些研究生院的招生工作也以此为目标。例如,爱荷华大学亨利·蒂皮管理学院要求申请人通过微博回答"为什么你能成为出类拔萃的蒂皮全日制MBA学生及未来工商管理人才",为回答最好的申请人提供37,240美元的全额奖学金。答案须在140字符以内。成功申请者的答案是:Globally minded/Innovative and driven/Tippie can sharpen(全球思维/创新有干劲/蒂皮可以磨练自己)。 【China Daily Radio】
Following the joint regulation by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, the name-adding taxes imposed by local tax authorities should be refunded.
在财政部、国家税务总局联合发布通知后,地方税务机关必须退还已征收的加名税。上文报道中的name-adding taxes就是这一阵备受争议的房产"加名税"。加名税取消了,那些想在配偶的property ownership certificates(房产证)上加名、将房产从sole ownership (一方所有)变成joint ownership(共同所有)的人也可以松一口气了。为了boost domestic demand(扩大内需),目前国家政府致力于减轻民众的tax burdens(税务负担),因此不管是房产加名税,还是mooncake tax(月饼税),都是和国家当前的政策方向背道而驰的。 【翻译擂台之音乐剧】
本期为大家推出的是百老汇经典音乐剧《吻我,凯特》(Kiss me Kate,又译名《刁蛮公主》)中的选段。《吻我,凯特》曾横扫美国戏剧最高奖托尼奖、英国奥利弗戏剧大奖,是百老汇鼎盛时期的代表作之一。这部爱情喜闹剧的故事情节为:"男主角"兼"制作人"雇佣他的前妻出演莎士比亚《驯悍记》的女主角,而演出日期碰巧是两人离婚一周年,此刻女主角旧情复燃,但因发现男主角与女配角调情,拒绝出演下半场,为了让演出顺利进行,男主角让向其讨债的歹徒挟持女主角继续表演……与莎士比亚原著中的结局一样,"悍妇"最终被驯服。阅读下面一段台词,并将其翻译成生动的中文对白。FRED:Why do you think I married you?
LILLI:That was the season we played the Barter Theatre in Virginia and they gave you a ham.
FRED:We lived off that ham all winter, you forget.
LILLI:You forget I got a job reading tea leaves in a gypsy tea room opposite Macy's.
FRED:And you forget I demonstrated shaving soap at Woolworth's.
LILLI:That's right. That's how I spent my honeymoon, at Woolworth's watching you shave.
FRED:We weren't married then, were we?
LILLI:Oh yes dear, we were. Mother was coming to stay with us. It was right after we closed on the road in a little British makeshift of an operetta that for some reason was laid in Switzerland. But the costumes were Dutch.
FRED:I could have sworn it was right after that flop revival of "The Prince of Potsdam." Yes, I was understudying the lead. I was the youngest understudy in the business.请您在9月8日24点前编辑短信:“翻译擂台+您的翻译内容”发送至106580007835,或者将您的翻译发送至mobile@chinadaily.com.cn(邮件主题:翻译擂台+您的姓名+您的手机号),获刊登用户将获得我们的10元话费! 【Word Power】
The "big three"
The establishment of a super-sovereign credit rating agency to reduce dependence on the "big three", or Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch, is taking shape.
一个全新的超主权评级机构正在成形。该机构旨在降低对美国三大评级机构,即穆迪、标普、惠誉的依赖。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Brian Salter润色。)【Word Prize】
Hang a right意思是?
A.放弃权利 B.行事保守